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Description: [M4F] Feeling Poetic: The Nurses Office part 3
Submitted by Snooooza on December 18, 2020

We are creating a whole novel folks :') Here is part 3 of The Nurses office.

*Sound of bottles and cans clinking, a pulse of grunge music fills the air with drunk people laughing*

(Hero shuts his bedroom door and puts on headphones, trying to drown out the noise so that he can study. He throws himself on the bed)

(Hero reads out loud from Edgar Allen Poes "The raven")

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Leno - .... Shit."

(Sound of bottles breaking on the first floor)


"Cant they keep it down? I'll never finish this fucking thing in time if I have to listen to the crackheads downstairs."
(Hero turns a couple of pages)

*phone rings*

"Hey, sweetheart. No. Not at all. Just trying to do the reading for English class tomorrow. Yeah. I can't believe our teacher actually picked something interesting for once."


"Yeah...I like him. It's dark and intriguing. Right up my alley, huh? Know what? I think you might be right."
*Listens to listener speaking* 

"Yeah I agree with you...By the come you're up this late? Its past twelve, love, and I know for a fact you always finish your homework before dinner..."

"Couldn't you decided to go for a walk?...You being safe? Not skipping through some sketchy neighborhood are you?"
"You got your pepper spray...atta girl. Well you never know. I rather you have it than not. Because even though our town is pretty tame. You never know what kind of creeps pass through."

"Exactly! Remember that guy that wanted to flash us that one time?"
"He came up to us all serious and asked if we wanted to see something purple and we were like: 'yeah sure' And then he started to unbutton his pants...I've never seen you run so fast in my life. No, not even in a track meet. Haha, I think you broke your personal record that day."


"Hey, where are you? Hmm? Why don't I look out the window and find out?...Wait!"

(Hero scrambles to his feet and peaks through the blinds)

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here? No! Don't! Stay right there, I'll come down and (Listener hangs up the phone)- Fuck!"
*muffled knocking on front door barley audible through the party noise*

"Shit! Shit! Fuck!!"

*Hero runs down stairs in a panic. Pushing through drunk and high grownups that snarl at him in annoyance.* 

"Sorry, sorry, excuse me. Coming through. Sorry. My bad."

*Scrambles to the door.* 

"Heeey, love. Yeah. Oh no its nothing. Lets you don't want to go inside...its...yeah the usual..."

"No, no, no."
(Shuts front door behind him in a hurry)

"Trust me you don't want to go in there...besides I'd rather be be out here with you. *Kiss* Im not fooling you? What are you talking about? Do I have to have a reason? I cant kiss my girl hello?"


"I know we saw each other at school but I always miss you. Yeah..."


"Huh? What have you got there? Provisions? For what? You want to go to the lake. Yeah? Okey, so let's go."

"No, I don't need to tell them. They don't care. Let's go." 


*sound of crickets and/or frogs. Quiet splashing of the lake* 

"Let me just lay down the blanket here...and sit now you sit down between my legs and lean back agains my chest. Is this okey? Yeah? Now give me the book and my sandwich. Thank you, sweetheart."

*Chew* *Groan*

"Oh, this sandwich is amazing, yeah. The best I ever had. Mmmmm."

"Huh? Want me to read out loud for you? Sure, where should I -"

"Want me to finish eating first? Your wish is my command, fair maiden."

*wolves down sandwich*"

"There...done. Now where should I start? Ah I know..."

"It was many and many a year ago, 
   In a kingdom by the sea, 
That a maiden there lived whom you may know 
   By the name of Annabel Lee; 
And this maiden she lived with no other thought 
   Than to love and be loved by me. 

I was a child and she was a child, 
   In this kingdom by the sea, 
But we loved with a love that was more than love— 
   I and my Annabel Lee— 
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven 
   Coveted her and me. 

And this was the reason that, long ago, 
   In this kingdom by the sea, 
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling 
   My beautiful Annabel Lee; 
So that her highborn kinsmen came 
   And bore her away from me, 
To shut her up in a sepulchre 
   In this kingdom by the sea. 

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, 
   Went envying her and me— 
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know, 
   In this kingdom by the sea) 
That the wind came out of the cloud by night, 
   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. 

But our love it was stronger by far than the love 
   Of those who were older than we— 
   Of many far wiser than we— 
And neither the angels in Heaven above 
   Nor the demons down under the sea 
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul 
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; 

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams 
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; 
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes 
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; 
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side 
   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride, 
   In her sepulchre there by the sea— 
   In her tomb by the sounding sea."

"You wanna read one? Yeah? Here you go. Im just gonna...ah...make myself comfortable. Go on. Im listening."


*starts stroking listeners stomach*

"No. Nothing...keep going."


"Keep going, sweetheart. I like hearing your read. Yeah."

(Starts to nuzzle listeners neck and blowing at her ear.)


Whispers: "Keep going, sweetheart..."

"Don't mind me. Im just going to reach down...down with my fingers inside your jeans...and...ah...stroke your little clit."

"No, don't stop reading."

*Kissing neck* 

"It's  hard to concentrate? No, love, come on. You are such a good girl. And good girls can multitask. Yes they can. Keep reading."


Whispers against listeners neck: "You are so wet for me, baby."


"Clutching my thigh? You like it? Mmmm...what if I rub your clit a little faster? Hmm? Oh fuck. Yes read the next one. Good girl."

*Neck kissing* 

"Oh how pretty. You moaning between the sentences. This *rubs listeners pussy faster* is pure poetry."

"Yes, you close? You want to cum? Fuck. You can cum, but only if you keep reading. You can do it. I know you can. Shhh. Yes. You. Can. Good girl. Now cum for me."

"Yes, that's it. Yes. Baby. Yes. Cum for me. Cum for me!"

"Oh, sweetheart. That was beautiful."

"Fuck. Let me taste you."

(Hero takes hand away and sucks his fingers clean."

" fucking sweet for me. You taste like peaches..."


"Yes you do. Wanna bet? Here kiss me."

*Make out session*

Winded: "You want more? Yeah? Okey, lay on your back." 

"Well I'm bossy because I need to be in control. I know you like it. Oh, I'll show you. Now lay on your back."


"God, sweetheart. Just...look at you. Fuck."

(Hero takes of his shirt and unbuckles his belt)

"You ready for me? Yeah. Here let's drag your jeans of. And not ripping them this time. *chuckles* No my wallet cant take another lingerie-spree for a while."

"Now hold yourself open for me. Yes let me grab your pretty hips, love. Im just gonna...drag my cock against your pussy. wet for me....feel my head? Yeah. What if I just...slap your clit with it..."

"Oh, baby. Did it feel that good? You flinched so violently. That good huh? But how good does it feel if I..."
(Hero slips his cock in listeners pussy)


"Fuck, you feel so good. Taking me so deep inside."

"I feel good? Mmmm. when I'm stretching you out. Stretching out that sweet little pussy."

*Fucking sounds*

"Who does this pussy belong to?..." *Moans*

*stops abruptly*

"What did you just say to me?"

"Oh no, baby. Wrong answer. You know why? Because this pussy -"

*thrust to accentuate his words*

"This sweet, innocent....tight fucking pussy...has been...mine...from day one."


"So stubborn." 

"What if I take your wrists and hold you down while I pound into you? Yes. Moan for me. Baby. Yes. Your moans sound like fucking music."

*Fucking sounds*

"Who's pussy is this?. Who does it belong to? That's right. Me. My pussy. Good girl. And when good girls behave they get rewarded. Cum for me love. Cum hard for me."

*Fucking faster* 

"Fuck you're squeezing me so tight sweetheart. It's like you don't want to let me go. Holding on to my cock for dear life. Yes sweetheart, yes."

"Im here. Shhh."


"Sweetheart why are you crying?...did..I hurt Then what's the matter? It's not that. It felt good but its something else? What is it? You're scared? What scared you?"

"Not what, but who? *chuckles softly* Darling tell me. Okey...not for"

(Listener touches heroes ribs where he has a fading bruise. Hero winces)

"Oh, sweetheart this is nothing. Just a bruise. No, I - I bumped into something...Im not...shhh...hey...It's okey. I'll get out of there soon. You don't have to worry. Look at me, love. Stop crying. You're breaking my heart."

"In a couple of months the applications for colleges are going out. You are going to get accepted at Yale or Brown or Princeton or whatever Ivy League College you apply to and they'll be so lucky to have someone as bright and talented as you, baby. And I'll come with you. Of course. I'll get a job in the city, so we can afford to buy an apartment.
Does that sound nice? Yeah?"


"Ill wake you up with with coffee and pancakes every morning, yes, with chocolate and strawberries, of coarse. Afterward I'll go down on you and then when you've cum enough times for me I'll fuck you on the kitchen counter."

"Busy schedule I know, you should see the rest of the itinerary."


"Why what? Why can't I go to school with you? Baby I know you mean well, but I am not cut out for college. Im not smart enough. My grades are shit. What school would even consider accepting trash like me? Not trash, huh? What about my writing? Writing scholarship? No way. Im not good enough."

"Im talking shit?"


"If you say so, sweetheart. I'll stop."       

