April 7 2016
(6:56:37 PM) querns: yeah tiberizzle that worries me too
(6:56:47 PM) querns: like fade is potentially salvagable if SMA puts butts in fleets and hacks
(6:56:59 PM) querns: but if they aren't going to, then we are going to have to start thinking about how to take and hold fade ourselves
(6:57:30 PM) meltmind2: have lawn/bastn in fade?
(6:58:45 PM) kcolor: querns: we've actually been talking about that for months, mittani sees SMA as dead and needs replacing
(6:59:25 PM) kcolor: iirc we're getting tcus/ihubs/towers ready for it
(6:59:56 PM) querns: k, good
(7:01:14 PM) atrum@laptop: i'm assuming we just let fade systems flip to the enemy then we or lawn/bastn take them back
(7:01:28 PM) atrum@laptop:we don't ihub and tcu until there's someone assigned to own that system
(7:01:37 PM) atrum@laptop:kind of like our adm system at a coalition level
(7:47:33 PM) nymblar: querns: kcolor: yeah GSOL has hhad hardware and staging plan for taking SMA and TNT sov in pb/fade ready to go for a couple monhts
(7:47:43 PM) querns: :toot:
(7:48:17 PM) nymblar: but i think we need to put some more ihubs in the cooker for that
(7:07:19 PM) nymblar: querns: we need to get ADMS raised
(7:07:33 PM) querns: DO6 was attempted last night
(7:07:36 PM) querns: but there were no natural anoms
(7:07:47 PM) querns: so theta was relegated to belt rats, which have a very slow respawn rate
(7:07:48 PM) mirana_phone left the room.
(7:07:57 PM) querns: plus the hostile traffic meant they weren't even able to get mildex 1 up
(7:08:21 PM) nymblar: yeah i know
(7:09:04 PM) querns: my playbook is pretty thin on this shit right now
(7:09:10 PM) querns: afk cloaking is a huge terror weapon
(7:09:52 PM) querns: like we might unironically have more luck with procurers in DO6
(7:10:01 PM) nymblar: on one hand it's good that we have adm 6 systems in pb
(7:10:07 PM) nymblar: otoh there's adm 1 and 2 that needs raising
(7:10:17 PM) querns: we have adm 6 systems because adm 6 systems were raised to adm 6 in peacetime
(7:10:27 PM) querns: and maintaining a 4.5 is way the fuck easier than creating it
(7:10:30 PM) nymblar: yeah
(7:10:43 PM) tiberizzle:mm
(7:10:49 PM) tiberizzle:some of these are new actually
(7:10:49 PM) querns: one bit of CSM feedback going forward: we need a better way to create a mildex 1 system
(7:10:53 PM) querns: yeah some
(7:10:54 PM) tiberizzle:ui-, y2-, d2-
(7:10:57 PM) tiberizzle:rzc
(7:10:58 PM) querns: like the am0kdot constellation
(7:11:22 PM) querns: but am i right to say that making a new 4.5 is harder than keeping one you already have
(7:11:34 PM) tiberizzle:ya
(7:12:32 PM) nymblar: !lookup liam_campbell
(7:14:33 PM) sion_kumitomo: querns: I actually told them that already
(7:14:49 PM) sion_kumitomo: it got as listened to as most of my suggested did
(7:15:00 PM) querns: :rip:
(7:15:07 PM) sion_kumitomo: maybe aryth/innom will have better luck
(7:15:18 PM) querns: well right now we have a lot more "credibility" in fozziesov i think
(7:15:28 PM) querns: being on the forefront of the first real defensive war in the new sov system's history
(7:15:33 PM) tiberizzle:can we just reset all our allies
(7:15:37 PM) tiberizzle:except lawn/bast
(7:15:42 PM) querns: so if we are careful to not make it sound like we are asking for hilarious easymode stuff
(7:15:52 PM) querns: i think we might be able to nudge shit forward
(7:16:27 PM) querns: like, right now our biggest defensive headache is that getting a system out of the 1/2 ADM gutter is fucking hard without praying for anomaly luck
(7:16:33 PM) querns: like
(7:16:42 PM) tiberizzle:sma and fcon are honestly worse than useless
(7:16:52 PM) tiberizzle:chillin in their space until it was too late against skyteam's request now all their shit is trapped lol
7:17:05 PM) nymblar: tiberizzle: yeah
(7:17:29 PM) tiberizzle:one of the largest single issues so far in this war has been our coalition not behaving as a coalition
(7:17:30 PM) nymblar: well SMA was fucked anyway
(7:28:57 PM) the_mittani: my everything hurts
(7:28:58 PM) the_mittani: ow
(7:29:18 PM) querns: is this what happens when you wake up before noon
(7:29:34 PM) the_mittani: do6h hub reffed but dek otherwise untouched
(7:29:44 PM) the_mittani: how'd the witching hour of spaceghosts go?
(7:30:53 PM) querns: looks like a bunch of timers in low-ADM systems got made
(7:30:57 PM) querns: overnight
(7:31:58 PM) weaselior: the_mittani, we should consider relocating the capital to ya0
(7:32:00 PM) weaselior: from ec-
(7:32:03 PM) weaselior: will take 7 days
(7:32:09 PM) weaselior: +2 adm boost
(7:32:25 PM) weaselior: or somewhere more important these days than ec-
(7:32:40 PM) weaselior: which is pretty useless right now
(7:34:10 PM) merkelchen: Alliance update mail going out when Im done with work for the day including CEO update, arsehole squad recruitment, ADM push, grindr fleet, swordfleet additional hulls, anything Im missing?
(10:40:34 PM) lazarus_telraven: So how many Titans in CSAA have we lost so far?
(10:40:36 PM) arrendis: yeah, but puke is breakfast making an early run for it.
(10:40:46 PM) kmanlaptop: anyone in here going to be in las vegas next week?
(10:40:51 PM) tiberizzle:lazarus_telraven: 58
(10:41:00 PM) the_mittani: allied ones only thus far, I think 3
(10:41:02 PM) lazarus_telraven: Holy fuck
(10:41:03 PM) tiberizzle:(according to reddit lol)
(10:41:08 PM) querns: NO LESS THAN 12 UNBORN TITANS
(10:41:15 PM) the_mittani: i think sma and tnt are finally on the verge of widotting
(10:41:25 PM) the_mittani: the pressure is working
(10:41:27 PM) querns: tnt at least has been a long time coming
(10:41:54 PM) the_mittani: i'm going to spend the next week hammering the "anyone can attack, only defender can defend" line relentlessly
(10:42:05 PM) the_mittani: speaking of attacking querns did you get the fuckery guide up
(10:42:17 PM) nymblar: it's up
(10:42:25 PM) the_mittani: + have we had any diplo 'discussions' with SMA about their ihubbing or lack thereof, or are we just taking their shit
(10:42:42 PM) nymblar: i would like to know re: SMA because i'm gonna start ihubbing shit
(10:42:51 PM) querns: yeah it's up
(10:42:55 PM) querns: and i already got a complaint about the OP image
(10:42:58 PM) querns: so i think it's working well
(10:44:19 PM) sion_kumitomo: I don't think we have, I'll have them hit up sma today. in the meantime, ihub away
(10:45:25 PM) the_mittani: there's a nonzero possibility that fcon completely implodes over losing branch
(10:46:12 PM) lazarus_telraven: That's sad with their 500 man fleet they had for iq9
(10:46:15 PM) lazarus_telraven: Uq9
(10:46:15 PM) the_mittani: exe, init, lawn are secure, tnt is secure culturally but likely to widot, fuck sma, razor is ??? vOv, fcon is ??? vOv
(10:46:17 PM) querns: my main concern with exploding allies is our supercap situation
(10:46:29 PM) querns: not that it is immediately important
(10:46:32 PM) querns: but going forward it is
(10:46:40 PM) tiberizzle:what about allies and supercaps
(10:46:41 PM) the_mittani: someone who is join4branch isn't going to follow us through a crucible anyway
(10:46:56 PM) lazarus_telraven: I'm still a firm widot every ally make a super alliance supporter
(10:46:58 PM) querns: do we have accurate allied supercap participation in the recent past
(10:47:02 PM) querns: like
(11:49:45 PM) the_mittani:Alex, you made an excellent point about the avatar backgrounds. Their inclusion in the game was ninja’d into development (a surprise to me until they went up on the Updates page) and collectively we didn’t give the proper scrutiny on the Alliance vs Coalition angle. I talked to Seagull and a few others (including the art team) following the GSF, and I believe they are working on a new one inspired by the Imperium logo at some point in the near future.
(11:49:51 PM) the_mittani: you fucking cunt ned
(11:49:53 PM) the_mittani: you fucking cunt
(11:49:59 PM) querns: ahahahaha
(11:50:22 PM) querns: now get them to ninjareplace the bee one with the imperium one
(11:50:48 PM) sion_kumitomo: he mailed that to you?
(11:51:37 PM) querns: was it even echo coke/r
(11:52:10 PM) jay_amazingness: lol
(11:53:22 PM) rdevz: CCP displaying a lack of joined-up thinking in game development? Never.
(11:54:02 PM) querns: now here's where you go "we need to tell our allies this was a mistake so they aren't misled by ccp's incompetent PR department" so we can break it early
(11:58:46 PM) lazarus_telraven: Lol
(12:00:37 AM) dod_kalm: beautiful
(12:05:55 AM) the_mittani: Greetings.
Wondering if you are each ok with me passing along your email contact information to a reporter at the International Business Times. They are interested in writing an article about the war and was hoping I could help provide some interviewees. I am not sure if it will be a written or spoken interview or how expansive the article will be.
I am passing along contact info for Laz, Killah Bee, Elise Randolph, and Vince Draken as well. Possibly Vily, but he has not gotten back to me.
If you guys can send me contact info for anyone else in the Imperium you think would be great, like DBRB or Asher, I would appreciate it and I will approach them.
As with the Vile Rat requests I would leave that decision up to you though, as always.
Just let me know.
Alex, you made an excellent point about the avatar backgrounds. Their inclusion in the game was ninja’d into development (a surprise to me until they went up on the Updates page) and collectively we didn’t give the proper scrutiny on the Alliance vs Coalition angle. I talked to Seagull and a few others (including the art team) following the GSF, and I believe they are working on a new one inspired by the Imperium logo at some point in the near future.
(12:07:11 AM) sion_kumitomo: man, I don't even get a mention in there
(12:07:14 AM) sion_kumitomo: thanks ned :(
(12:07:57 AM) the_mittani: well it was emailed to you and me only
(12:08:01 AM) the_mittani: turns out
(12:08:01 AM) the_mittani: lawl
(12:23:35 AM) dabigredboat: sion_kumitomo: the_mittani this chance could be big, real outside media to talk about a few things
(12:55:43 AM) the_mittani: i'm going to force ccp to make a public statement
(12:55:48 AM) the_mittani: so don't release that c&p anywhere
(12:56:33 AM) the_mittani: ned claimed he'd talked to andie and others re: the fuckup, and i bet the guy is lying so i helpfully cc'd andie and his boss and replied and noted that a public acknowledgment of both the avatar 'bee' background fuckup as well as a climbdown on 'world war bee' was needed
(12:56:45 AM) the_mittani: flak cannons motherfuckers
(12:56:49 AM) namamai: nymblar: would-be terrorists love the idea of explosives based on organic peroxides. most sensors in airports/etc. for explosives are tailored to detecting nitrogen compounds.
(12:56:52 AM) the_mittani: this is how you wage propaganda war
(12:57:10 AM) namamai: but nearly all peroxide explosives are either A) not very powerful, or B) stupidly, furiously unstable
(12:57:16 AM) rdevz: That's both evil and quite effective.
(12:57:22 AM) nymblar: the_mittani: my loins grow turgid by this
(12:57:35 AM) the_mittani: war is fun because it reminds everyone who the fuck we are
(12:57:43 AM) rdevz: And part of the reason I only ever write "I've talked to $boss" when I have, in fact, talked to $boss.
(12:57:52 AM) the_mittani: i've been getting sick of people questioning the basics of psychological warfare or propaganda war
(12:57:54 AM) querns: we probably buy ourselves another month of shitlers for this but hey worth it
(12:58:03 AM) querns: maybe not, we'll see
(1:12:46 AM) querns:http://pastebin.com/scKpkm6j lol whoops
(1:12:57 AM) dabigredboat: jesus fuck
(1:12:59 AM) dabigredboat: I have to leave
(1:13:04 AM) dabigredboat: and this fuck wants to wait because we form
(1:13:07 AM) jay_amazingness: querns pls
(1:13:19 AM) jay_amazingness: our leaks
(1:13:20 AM) querns: that isn't DDc :milk:
(1:13:21 AM) querns: oh
(1:13:27 AM) the_mittani: yeah i saw that earlier, before it hit reddit, due to our pastebin scrapers
(1:13:32 AM) jay_amazingness [jay_amazingness@goonfleet.com/d46f65ce] entered the room.
(1:13:38 AM) the_mittani: that's why i took tib aside and told him about the megaalliance strategy on mumble earlier
(1:13:54 AM) the_mittani: because it's true none of our shit makes sense unless you realize we literally dgaf about fcon