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Description: [M4F] Safe Haven: The Nurses Office part 4
Submitted by Snooooza on December 18, 2020

(Our Hero chases down listener at school, just as class ends...and gives her a wicked proposal...) 

*Sound of stools being dragged against the floor and students gathering their books*

"Hey there...oh! Sorry...didn't mean to scare you sweetheart...come here...yeah...kiss me..."
" was your class? mhm...good...what? Why am I smiling?...oh I don't know..."
(Hero leans forward to whisper in the listeners ear)

"You know the thing we talked about trying?...Yeah...THAT know how we couldn't really do it last time because we would be too loud and wake your parents? *chuckles* Yes sweetheart...we do get quite loud...And I do appreciate your father not giving me a pointed look and then glancing in the direction of the kitchen knifes every time Im over..."


"Oh your mother adores me at least? Thats a but really I have too much respect for your father to risk him overhearing you crying out for me like a woman possessed...especially in his own house *Chuckles* Yes...well..It all so happens that my parents are going away tonight...I know...Yes...I know you have been wanting to stay over...and now we have the whole place to ourselves...*chuckles*"

"So what do you say, love? Are you up for the thing we talked about trying?...Wanna sleep over? *Smirk* Yeah?"
(Leans forward and kisses listener) 

"Be at my place at eight."


(Hero opens the door for the listener and greets her with a low whistle...)

"Damn, sweetheart...thats a fancy coat... - here let me take your duffle bag...I have to ask...are you wearing anything underneath? Oh, I should find out, should I?"

"Come here."
(Hero pounces on listener and starts kissing her with animalistic fervor...there is sound of listeners coat being unbuttoned)

"Oh...FUCK...Fuck got all dressed up for me? I cant believe how - unbelievable...GOD, just look at you...that white lace corset and those stay-ups...those matching panties...see-through...and wet...Fuck...come here...thats it jump into my arms...wrap your legs around me, love. No I don't care..."
(Panting between kisses)

"We are doing this right now...oh that sweet little giggle of gets me so fucking hard."
(Hero carries listener upstairs to his bedroom and puts her down on the bed.)

"Now here are the rules, love...Im going to make you cum until you won't be able to form a coherent that understood? Oh you like it when I get all authoritative, little girl? Yeah? *growls*
Let's just get something clear before we start...I am going to push you to your limit..yes...exactly Im going to push you to a place where you can't take it anymore...and then...just a little bit further...But if at any time it gets too much or you don't feel have to use your safeword...Have you chosen one yet, sweetheart?"

"Pineapple? *chuckles* Now you remember that, love...because I won't stop unless I hear that clear? Yes? Good present your wrists to me...thats it Im just going to use this silk rope and tie them together like this..."

*Rustling sounds* 

"And here...Im just going to get...this...this is a satisfier...yes the very one...this little vibrator simulates the suctionfeeling of oralsex...and it's really, really intense. So don't hesitate to use your safeword to stop me at ANY time if things really go beyond what you can handle...Okey, love? Good, we're going to use this later...right now Im just going wrap this blindfold over your eyes...oh fuck, look so helpless and ready for me...lips parted...chest heaving with anticipation.." 
(Leans forward to breath against listeners neck)

"Are you ready, sweetheart?"

(Hero starts kissing listener ravenously)

"Oh fuck you are so responsive, Im going to push you back onto the bed...and *kiss* travel my way *kiss* down this gorgeous *kiss* body of yours...oh, sensitive are we? Is it because of the blindfold? Yeah...everything is just much more heightened isn't it? Now, what if I just...bite down lightly on your hip bone? Oh! Sweetheart, shhh, its okey...I'll get to it in just a minute...We have just me.."

"Now...Im going to breath...over your little pussy *blows* tickles? *chuckles* what about if I kiss it...mmmm, okey sweetheart you have one job to you know what it is? Yes? Yes, you are right..To cum..."

(Drags listeners pussy to him and starts cunnilingus 'feel free to improvise this part as you see fit')

"Oh god, sweetheart your so wet...your soaking right through these pretty white lace panties of yours...Fuck...want me to get rid of them for you?...let me just slide them down...and now...I can taste you...directly..."

(cunnilingus intensifies)

"Mmmm...thats it're getting close? Yes...grab my hair..move those hips for can feel you clenching on my tongue...this pretty little pussy..."
(lapping sound)  

"Come for me, sweetheart...cum for me...thats it...thats my good girl....yes (continues to eat listener out)

"'re panting so hard...listen to my voice sweetheart...Breath....Good Im just going to rub your pretty little clit while I pull you into my lap...your back against my chest...your wet little pussy soaking my crotch 'chuckles...It's okey. I love seeing you like this...shaking after an orgasm...moaning my lean your head to the side."
 *kisses neck*

Whispers: "I want you to cum again...yes...yes you'll rub your clit faster...its still pulsing from the last one..."

(Rubs her clit faster and faster.)

"Thats it, thats my good girl! *Kiss* see how fast that one was? And Intense...Here Im going to slide my cock inside you now. Yes,  into this dripping, pulsating, sensitive can take it for me...mhhh...fuck you're so tight...good Im just going to take this satisfier and turn it on *vibration sound* to the lowest speed and it on your clit..."

"Oh Fuck! You clenched down so hard just now...does the toy feel nice?'s strong isn't it? *moan* Fuck're gasping so hard...I need you to take some more for me...yes...Im going to start moving inside of you...oh fuck..."

*fucking and vibrator sound*  

"Yes baby, let me turn the satisfier up *vibration increases*...Oh FUCK, FUCK, Fuck, sweetheart...breath...yes...breathe through it... you can cum for me again...I know its intense...I know its hard to don't shake your head, if you want to stop, just say the word and I'll Good then cum for me again...Yes! Thats it! Thats my girl... Fuck...
(listener climaxes again)

"Oh ssshhhh...i'll turn the vibrator down...not all the way, just so you can stop good for me...twitching on my cock like you were being electrified....shhh..."


"I want you to cum one more time for me, okey? No? No more? know what you have to say to get me to stop...its to much?...mmm...I know, I know, love...remember what we talked about? Yeah? still wanna continue? 
*Laughs and kisses her* 
Thats my good here hold on to one arm around your stomach...the other holding the satisfier to your overstimulated clit....and... *turns up the vibrator and begins to fuck*

"Fuck sweetheart, take it...take it!...Fuck!..."

*Vibrator increases in sound and intensity*

"Yes, yes, yes! Scream for me love...let me hear you!...It feels weird? something is about to come out?...shh...just let it go love, breath and let it go..."

(Sets the satisfier to highest speed and the listener cums with a wail.)

"Oh you're squirting, don't be embarrassed...its so fucking hot...yes let it happen...oh Fuck Im - Im gonna cum! Fuck!"

(Hero climaxes) 

"Yes keep squirting for med...Im going to remove the satisfier now...yes...oh're still leaking...its so beautiful were so good baby...Im so proud of slow down and try to steady your against baby, breath...I'll hold you upright...shhh...thats it...take this blindfold off you...come down...good girl... shhh...theres those beautiful eyes..."

*Soft kissing*

"You feel spent? *chuckles* I cant imagine why...mmmm...its're safe with can fall asleep if you want. No, I don't mind at all...If you were ready to go again I'd be offended."


"Its okey...Im here love...Im here..."


(Next morning....Listener wakes a bleary eyed Hero by nuzzling his neck.)

"mmmm...sweetheart...what time is it? Six? *groans* It's Saturday and you are already up and ready to go? Jesus woman I would think that after last night I could at least enjoy having you a little longer in bed..."

"Fuck...I hate you morning stop! Just let me die."
*laughs sleepily*

"Going for your usual track? Yeah? The one by the railroad? Im - listening...." 

"You are going to try to beat your old record *chuckles* I see you woke up fully energized...well Im glad I could be of service...Just tell me when you'll be back..."

"Mmm...okey *yawns* I'll have breakfast ready for you when you get back...yeah...I know...I am the best.."
"Hey ! Come back here...I want a goodbye kiss (Drags listener back to him and groans in her mouth) now go get...and hurry back to me..."

(Listener walks away and skips downstairs...ten seconds pass and suddenly there is a loud thunk and Hero hears listener yelp!)

"Sweetheart?...You okey?...shit..."
(Hero hurries out of bed. He is almost at his bedroom door when he hears a strangers voice and the listener scream.)
*Panicked pulse* 
(Hero runs downstairs with his heart in his throat*


(He stops short in the hallway where he finds the front doors lock broken and a intruder holding his girl by the hair with a knife to her throat...)

Intruder: "You must be Garry's kid.."

Hero holds his hands up: "Look man, who ever you are...we can work this out, she has no part in this...let her go..."

Intruder: "Well lets see...your pice of shit father owes me a hundred grand...he skips town just as I've told him I will be around to collect...and instead of my money...Here you are...and since I came here for you kid...and this one
(Intruder yanks Listeners hair she whimpers) came down the stairs...practically throwing herself into my arms...well..seems like the safer bet... don't you think? no offense kid...but if you're anything like your old man i'd rather hold on to this sweet pice of ass, rather than you."

Hero: "Please...just - let her go...I'll do anything...I swear...please..she has nothing to do with my parents..."

Intruder: "But she's yours is she not? Hmm...and you have something to do with your parents, therefore she has too...fuck she looks ripe..."

Hero: "Don't you fucking touch her or I swear to god I'll - "

Intruder: You'll what, kid? huh? Kill me? *chuckles* Not without me slicing this lovely neck you're not...god she's sweet...You fuck her last night, kid? I bet you did...I can practically smell it on her..."

(There is a faint barking sound from the neighbor walking their dog outside)

Hero: (Glances at listener) Mouths: Stay still. 

Intruder: "Whats stopping me from taking this little slut as collateral?"

Hero: "The money...If you take her you won't see a pice of it...Do you really think my parents would care about what happened to her? Or me for that matter? They left me here knowing you where coming...they don't give a shit about what makes you think if you hurt her you'll get anything?...but if you let her go...I'll show you where my parents keep their backup..."

Intruder: "A back up, you say?...well I guess we can - ARGH! You little bitch!"
(Listener takes advantage of the moment of distraction and head-butts intruder. Hero flies forward and bodyslams intruder to the ground.)

Hero in black out rage: "You dare LAY YOUR HAND ON HER?! I'll kill you!!!! You're dead, you pice of trash!! Dead! DO YOU HEAR ME!? DEAD!"
(Hero starts to strangle intruder)
(Sound of sirens in the background and sound of the police that have to drag Hero of intruder. He fights them to get loose.)


To be continued....