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Submitted on November 27, 2016 at 06:47 AM

Section 1 (Text)

Mortal Romance

On this page you will find vampires who are searching mortals to be their companions or to seatch for immortality together. To contact one in the list simply click on the name. But please let him/her know where you got his/her e-mail address from! 

To be added to a list choose Add me to a page 

Ahab Keat 	20 yr. old male, sang/psy feeder, vampire on my father's side, witch on my mother's side. I offer some guidance, as I have been awakened most of my life, and I know how to control my Beast and my Thirst. I am seeking a companion and a donor. -Companion must be anywhere from 18 up, female, attractive, dark hair preferred but not necessary. Must be willing to keep secrets from my family. -Donor must be within the ages 18-35, physically attractive, youthful, energetic, vitality a must. Virgin preferred, but will settle for non-virgin. CLEAN BLOOD A MUST!!! Must provide current blood test rcords and statement of mental health, so I know you are physically and mentally clean and healthy. NO DRUGS. Alcohol OK. Tobacco not preferred, but OK. Meds OK, if I know all about them. Absinthe OK, if I don't know. Also will be checking the donor's records. I will provide my companion and donor the love and respect they deserve, and will be a perfect gentleman (usually), though a little unorthodox. If you are interested, or just want to talk (especially if you live in Florida, and most especially in the panhandle, near Crestview), drop me a line. Please: only serious real vampires and donors. No posers, RPG'ers, or frauds. Hunters are free to drop me a line (I love a little challenge every once in a while). Much love and darkest salutations, -Ahab Keat-
Ameil 	I am a 41 year old sang vamp living in Toronto canada with eclectic tastes and diverse interests. I myself would never call myself a vampire perhaps just a blood fetishist, although i might be but i seem to be lacking some of the usual traits(aversion to sunlight for example). I HAVE experienced eternity,the divine bliss my own timeless deathless reality but I am not sure if there is any connection between THAT and my blood lust. I can not take you there as I find that is a state of being that each person must experience for themselves, I am however quite capable of explaining it with word symbols which I sometimes find to be woefully inadequate to capture the essence of the experience as in truth, they can not. You will see that I have my ad under both Human romance and Vampire romance, I realize this seems to be a contradiction in terms as one is generally considered to be one or the other but seldom both. I am in search of a donor, female preferably. I may be willing to be a donor myself just for the experience but I can't honestly say it's something i've done(yet) I am a 41 year old single male living in the Toronto area, i have diverse Ideally I am searching for a female(vamp or not, it really doesn't matter) who is in good physical condition and lives a relatively healthy lifestyle for blood sharing and companionship, possible more if the situation warrants it. I am not really just looking to feed casually but would prefer something a little more long term, if any of this appeals to you i can be reached at: until then, dark blessings
Amaranth	"-Death! O, Bleak Death or Beloved Life? -I took my part in Death, I won his Bride..." The kiss of the Daughter of Darkness is in my mouth, the Amaranth in my pocket. When the night reins, I need my lost Angel to walk in darken climes... Amaranth
Asha & Soundwave	We are a married sang couple in Southern CA. We feed on eachother but need a donor as well. We greatly respect our donors and expect the same. We feed together so, please be ready for that. The usual tests are needed and we offer the same. Those wishing to learn are also welcome. Thanks. :) Ashawave (
Jack McKinley	I am mortal but starting to realise my vampiric nature. I have been denying it for a long time now. Sunshine and shadows outside, sunshine and shadows in my mind. I need to correspond with someone similar, because at present I am not living the life which is natural to me. Please e mail me soon. ( Jack. ======
Kestrel 	Kestrel - I am wanting to join the darker side of life and hope that there is some vamire out there for me. I do not nessercarilly want to be turned but i deinatly want to meet a vampire. If there is any vampires who live in or near Doncaster, South Yorkshire in England I would really appreciate you contacting me. My email is 
Katie Matthias	Hello. I am a 15 year old female living in MD. If you would like to talk to >me or know more about me, send me an email. Gender doesn't matter.
Neff	I'm a 19-year old (soon to be 20) female psi-vamp from the NYC metro area. I'm looking for a fellow vampire to chat with and possibly do coffee with. I honestly like to get to know people before I decide to start a relationship. I need a person who doesn't take things too seriously and knows how to kick back, relax, and have a good time. Feel free to e-mail me at or to im me (Nephil9). -Neff
Nightgaunt	My pathname is Nightgaunt. I am a 28 year old male residing in the St. Louis, MO area, seeking an intriguing female. I have undergone a great deal of introspection and personal transformation over the past few years, which has left no time nor energy for a serious relationship with a Dark Other. I now long for the night when I behold the pallid face and feel the cold arms of my future life mate. I am a hopeless romantic, and I love to write poetry, have long, late-night chats, sketch portraits of a beautiful woman, and make love 'til the wee hours. Whether you're the one, or just an interesting new acquaintance, please drop a line. Kissing your hand, I remain very truly yours, --Nightgaunt .
Orcus	Allow me to introduce myself. I am Orcus, Prince of the Undead. I dwell in the Western Forests of Pennsylvania. I am seeking a Dark Queen of the Dark to share the long Nights together.
Prabhupad Das Karapurnam	Greetings Seeker, You have been approached and, having read this invitation, will know what to do if, in fact, you are serious about being found and taken to the dark side Your present life, into which you were born a mortal, is called the "World Of Light". In this world of light, all living beings are born, grow, exist for a time, reproduce, dwindle, then die. During their short time of existence, they are forced to endure three kinds of misery caused by: [1] frailties of the body & mind - hunger, thirst, exhaustion, bewilderment, fear, anger, envy, etc. [2] other living beings - physical damage, harassment, theft, etc. [3] natural disasters - storms, volcanoes, earth quakes, heat, cold, etc. Mixed into this morass of deficiency is a constant endeavor to scrape out meager and temporary happiness. This becomes a wilderness of anxiety that often turns into addiction to drugs, pain, sex, spending, and other attempts to find happiness in the release of adrenalin and dopamine. In this place, the so-called "World Of Light", your existence has become full of depression loneliness, fear, anger, resentment, abandonment, hopelessness, and, in this pool of misery, you have become empty, lifeless and almost dead. The radiance of the sun becomes intolerable and, in desperation, you seek an alternative, as powerful urges grow unfettered in you. In this condition, you have become attracted to the "World Of Darkness" and have discovered The Vampire Culture". The darkness of the Vampire realm becomes more and more appealing with the torturous passing of each day in light. At a certain point, you yearn to cease existence, to be killed and made fully dead -without further life in the "World Of Light". Everything else becomes meaningless and void. You find yourself posting ads in Vampire Personals, frequenting Vampire and Goth sites and nurturing a painful hope of being found by a "Real" Vampire. Your deepest need is to be bitten and infected with the life-blood of an Ancient Master so that, as the infection spreads throughout the shadows of your now forlorn life, you can surrender your will to him and be "taken" to his realm of darkness. Your soul now yearns to be transformed into a being with eternal existence, profound knowledge, super-human powers and ever increasing pleasure surrounded by those of your own kindred, "The Clan", who recognize, accept and love you for what you are. To die, to be taken from the World Of Light, this dead life in which you now rot, you must hate your present life so much that you are prepared to give up EVERYTHING in order to become eligible for "Conversion". One cannot cross over if burdened with attachment to the light. One cannot cross over if one is still "addicted" to the temporary insufficient pleasure of the World Of Light, which in fact, has become a World Of Misery. The currency you must pay to be infected, taken, drained of all resistance and converted to the Eternal Realm Of Darkness" shall be: Absolute Submission And Obedience To The Command Of A Master. Your will shall be cleansed of light and transformed into an extension of his superior will, to act in darkness, beyond the view of those in light. Thus enslaved to his will, he shall bring you, through rigorous training, into a lifestyle of eternal life, ever increasing happiness, super-human powers and profound mystical knowledge. In this exalted state you will be welcomed into a clan community of kindred souls who revere, protect and love you. Your Master will convert and transform you to the complete fulfillment you now crave in the deepest regions of your soul. Your desperation for conversion eats at your soul like smoldering acid and every moment is a terrifying eternity of yearning to be found, infected, taken, drained of resistance and transformed to a new kind of existence free of the limitations of The World Of Light. Your hunger is blinding and intolerable! You know what you must do now! Approach and supplicate for Knowledge Of The First Contact". Let the infection be administered! Let the conversion begin! Do not think this is yet another fetish ad! Dare to admit your deep insufficiency and take the first step - "Knowledge Of The First Contact". Master Karpurnam Email: Yahoo: house_of_karapurnam MSN:
Gwenhwyfach Mac Rae 	My name is Gwenhwyfach, and I am searching for my soulmate...we were together in a past life, during the Arthurian Times... Nowadays, my soulmate may have an intrest in marine biology, otherkin, cats, and live near railroad tracks above a family owned soulmate may be either male of female, and probably retains his/her dark and sarcastic sense of humor! Lol. I am an otherkin in this life, but I still enjoy archery, religion, fencing... ^_^ I live in the Northwest, I am a 16 yr old girl....and I am looking for others about the same age who remember their past lives in Arthurian times. PS: If you try to convince me that you are my soulmate, I WILL TEST YOU!  
Sean Reando	Hello, my name is Sean Reando. I am a sixteen year old male mortal seeking a vampiric companion. I live in the Midwestern area of Iowa. Any one interested please e-mail me at
SelfinaHikayu	Hello, I am a mortal female in search of a male vampire to hold me through the night. Can be of any age, but 16-30 (human ages) perferred. Intellegent, mature and attractive (or so I've been told), I have a burning passion to live and thrive in the night. I am available for those who are just looking for a companion or for someone to turn. Send me an email for more and a picture. No roleplayers, please.
Christine Way	I am 16 years old (in April at least) and i would like to corrisspond with someone who can answer my questions.I have a "thing" for bitting,i get tanned even on cloudy days so i mostly stay inside,but i have to go to school so cover everything by being goth then no one asks why i always look tired. (it makes life easer) and the night has a hold on me but i force myself to sleep at night so i can go to school and not scare my mom. I would like it if there is anyone who can give me advice on what i can do or just a companion will do nicely. I am miserable because i don't