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Description: Can't toast on a thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
Submitted on May 25, 2024 at 03:20 PM

SpMp issue (Text)

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't toast on a thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
 at android.widget.Toast$TN.<init>(
 at android.widget.Toast.<init>(
 at android.widget.Toast.makeText(
 at android.widget.Toast.makeText(
 at dev.toastbits.composekit.platform.PlatformContext.sendToast(SourceFile:15)
 at dev.toastbits.composekit.platform.PlatformContext.sendToast$default(Unknown Source:7)
 at$downloadCallback(Unknown Source:44)
 at$LPMActions$downloadCallback(Unknown Source:0)
 at$LPMActions$8$1.invokeSuspend$lambda$0(Unknown Source:0)
 at$performDownload$1$1$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:47)
 at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:8)
 at Source:94)
 at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
 Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@a38e46, Dispatchers.Default]

---LOGCAT (last 117 lines)---
05-25 18:15:00.675 23703 23836 I SpMp    : savePersistentQueue: Saved 1 songs with data PersistentQueueMetadata(song_index=0, position_ms=0)
05-25 18:15:00.676 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff6750a4, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:00.676 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff54402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:00.677 23703 23811 I SpMp    : savePersistentQueue: Saved 1 songs with data PersistentQueueMetadata(song_index=0, position_ms=0)
05-25 18:15:00.724 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:00.733 23703 23703 I ViewRootImpl: jank_removeInvalidNode jank list is null
05-25 18:15:00.764 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff54402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:00.764 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff53402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:00.859 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/0 for video/mpeg2
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/2 for video/mpeg2
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 5 for video/mpeg2
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 I chatty  : uid=10277(com.toasterofbread.spmp) ExoPlayer:Playb identical 2 lines
05-25 18:15:00.860 23703 24014 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 5 for video/mpeg2
05-25 18:15:00.862 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
05-25 18:15:00.862 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
05-25 18:15:00.862 23703 24014 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
05-25 18:15:00.891 23703 24014 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
05-25 18:15:00.895 23703 23713 E         : [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
05-25 18:15:00.913 23703 24041 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
05-25 18:15:00.966 23703 24041 I ACodec  : In onAllocateComponent create compenent, codec name:
05-25 18:15:00.967 23703 24041 W HwExtendedUtils: hw configLocalPlayBack err = -2147483648
05-25 18:15:00.968 23703 24041 I ACodec  : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648)
05-25 18:15:00.969 23703 24041 I ACodec  : onStart
05-25 18:15:01.021 23703 24014 V AudioManager:  onAudioDevicesAdded , callback is null: false
05-25 18:15:01.041 23703 24014 E AudioTrack: StreamType not music do not upload bigdata
05-25 18:15:01.052 23703 24014 I PlayerBase: isRestricted: falseLeftvolume: 1.0 Rightvolume: 1.0mPanMultiplierL: 1.0mPanMultiplierR: 1.0
05-25 18:15:01.056 23703 23713 I terofbread.spm: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 430776(17MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(336KB) LOS objects, 34% free, 45MB/69MB, paused 881us total 160.302ms
05-25 18:15:01.058 23703 24014 I AudioTrack: audioTrack send start state to pg
05-25 18:15:01.810 23703 24014 V PlayerBase: baseStart() piid=2647
05-25 18:15:01.827 23703 24014 D [HSM] AudioTrace play() uid: 10277, pid: 23703
05-25 18:15:01.951 23703 24014 W AudioTrack: retrograde timestamp position corrected, -882 = 882 - 1764
05-25 18:15:02.021 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=fffffbfe, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:03.124 23703 23713 E         : [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
05-25 18:15:03.152 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:03.158 23703 23703 I ViewRootImpl: jank_removeInvalidNode jank list is null
05-25 18:15:03.165 23703 23743 I SpMp    : savePersistentQueue: Saved 51 songs with data PersistentQueueMetadata(song_index=0, position_ms=1251)
05-25 18:15:03.293 23703 23713 I terofbread.spm: Background concurrent copying GC freed 424061(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 124(6MB) LOS objects, 31% free, 51MB/75MB, paused 885us total 169.278ms
05-25 18:15:03.438 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=false, navigationBarColor=fffcfcfc, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=true
05-25 18:15:03.475 23703 23728 D OpenGLRenderer:   HWUI Binary is  enabled
05-25 18:15:03.499 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:03.525 23703 24063 I HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: enabledInPad = false,isPcCastMode = false
05-25 18:15:03.526 23703 24063 D HiTouch_PressGestureDetector: onAttached, package=com.toasterofbread.spmp, windowType=2, mHiTouchRestricted=false
05-25 18:15:03.568 23703 23703 W terofbread.spm: Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/RenderNode;->getScaleX()F (dark greylist, linking)
05-25 18:15:03.571 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{f43b249 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:03.589 23703 23728 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
05-25 18:15:03.690 23703 23728 D OpenGLRenderer:   HWUI Binary is  enabled
05-25 18:15:03.691 23703 23703 W InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 1
05-25 18:15:03.798 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff53402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:06.757 23703 23703 W Settings: Setting device_provisioned has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
05-25 18:15:06.757 23703 23703 V HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: User setup is finished.
05-25 18:15:06.874 23703 23728 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x794392a010 disconnect failed
05-25 18:15:06.874 23703 23728 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x793c7cee00 (UnprojectedRipple) with handle 0x793385f4a0
05-25 18:15:06.915 23703 23703 I System.out: Database is already up to date (version 6)
05-25 18:15:06.950 23703 23703 W InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 1
05-25 18:15:07.904 23703 24014 V PlayerBase: basePause() piid=2647
05-25 18:15:07.905 23703 24014 D [HSM] AudioTrace pause() uid: 10277, pid: 23703
05-25 18:15:08.392 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff53402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:09.214 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor false mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff53402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:09.365 23703 23708 I terofbread.spm: Compiler allocated 4MB to compile java.lang.Object$rememberLazyGridMeasurePolicy$1$1.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
05-25 18:15:09.503 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor false mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=true, navigationBarColor=ff53402a, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:09.889 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:09.933 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:10.613 23703 23713 E         : [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
05-25 18:15:10.830 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:10.845 23703 23713 I terofbread.spm: Background concurrent copying GC freed 607873(20MB) AllocSpace objects, 111(3MB) LOS objects, 31% free, 52MB/76MB, paused 321us total 231.446ms
05-25 18:15:11.382 23703 23703 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(true)
05-25 18:15:11.406 23703 23703 W InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 4
05-25 18:15:11.408 23703 23703 W InputMethodManager: startInputReason = 3
05-25 18:15:11.440 23703 23703 I InputMethodManager: showSoftInput
05-25 18:15:11.440 23703 23703 I InputMethodManager: mServedView =com.toasterofbread.spmp;view =com.toasterofbread.spmp;flags =0
05-25 18:15:11.441 23703 23703 I HwSecImmHelper: mSecurityInputMethodService is null
05-25 18:15:11.495 23703 23703 W HiTouch_PressGestureDetector: Touch pointer move a lot. The moving distance of X is:74.7959, limit is:60The moving distance of Y is:3.0323486, limit is:60
05-25 18:15:14.723 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:14.777 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:15.808 23703 23713 E         : [ZeroHung]zrhung_get_config: Get config failed for wp[0x0008]
05-25 18:15:15.897 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:15.990 23703 23713 I terofbread.spm: Background concurrent copying GC freed 468041(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 51(8MB) LOS objects, 31% free, 52MB/76MB, paused 540us total 181.416ms
05-25 18:15:16.696 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:16.755 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:17.235 23703 23703 W View    : requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewLayerContainer{8fd4088 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-0,0} during layout: running second layout pass
05-25 18:15:19.940 23703 23703 I HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: HiTouch Setting Switch, ON
05-25 18:15:20.121 23703 23703 I HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: Checking pkgName: com.toasterofbread.spmp Checking result: true
05-25 18:15:20.121 23703 23703 I HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: HiTouch Setting Switch, ON
05-25 18:15:20.186 23703 23756 W System.err: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't toast on a thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at android.widget.Toast$TN.<init>(
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at android.widget.Toast.<init>(
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at android.widget.Toast.makeText(
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at android.widget.Toast.makeText(
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at dev.toastbits.composekit.platform.PlatformContext.sendToast(SourceFile:15)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at dev.toastbits.composekit.platform.PlatformContext.sendToast$default(Unknown Source:7)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$downloadCallback(Unknown Source:44)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$LPMActions$downloadCallback(Unknown Source:0)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$LPMActions$8$1.invokeSuspend$lambda$0(Unknown Source:0)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$LPMActions$8$1.$r8$lambda$52jD4NSrh7-DSaHHfhc5Fm-deG0(SourceFile:1)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$LPMActions$8$1$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.invoke(SourceFile:1)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at$performDownload$1$1$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:47)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:8)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at Source:94)
05-25 18:15:20.187 23703 23756 W System.err:  at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
05-25 18:15:20.188 23703 23756 W System.err:  Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@a38e46, Dispatchers.Default]
05-25 18:15:20.237 23703 23703 D ZrHung.AppEyeUiProbe: stop checker.
05-25 18:15:20.252 23703 23703 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@7cfa1cd
05-25 18:15:20.252 23703 23703 D ZrHung.AppEyeUiProbe: notify runnable to start.
05-25 18:15:20.252 23703 23703 V ActivityThread: Skipping new config:{1.0 255mcc1mnc [uk_GB,ru_GB,en_GB,pl_GB,de_GB] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h696dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2090) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 102 - 1080, 2192) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined} nonFullScreen=0 suim:1 s.91}, config:{1.0 255mcc1mnc [uk_GB,ru_GB,en_GB,pl_GB,de_GB] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h696dp 480dpi nrml long hdr port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2090) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 102 - 1080, 2192) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined} nonFullScreen=0 suim:1 s.91} for app:com.toasterofbread.spmp
05-25 18:15:20.255 23703 23703 V ActivityThread: callActivityOnCreate
05-25 18:15:20.259 23703 23703 I System.out: Database is already up to date (version 6)
05-25 18:15:20.259 23703 24087 I System.out: Retrieving logcat output...
05-25 18:15:20.260 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor false mSpecialSet=false, mForcedNavigationBarColor=false, navigationBarColor=0, mNavBarShow=false, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:20.260 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=false, navigationBarColor=fffcfcfc, mNavBarShow=false, mIsFloating=false
05-25 18:15:20.263 23703 23703 D ActivityThread: add activity client record, r= ActivityRecord{2cc7b39 token=android.os.BinderProxy@7cfa1cd {com.toasterofbread.spmp/com.toasterofbread.spmp.ErrorReportActivity}} token= android.os.BinderProxy@7cfa1cd
05-25 18:15:20.265 23703 23703 D ZrHung.AppEyeUiProbe: notify runnable to start.
05-25 18:15:20.267 23703 23728 D OpenGLRenderer:   HWUI Binary is  enabled
05-25 18:15:20.276 23703 24147 I HiTouch_HiTouchSensor: enabledInPad = false,isPcCastMode = false
05-25 18:15:20.277 23703 24147 D HiTouch_PressGestureDetector: onAttached, package=com.toasterofbread.spmp, windowType=1, mHiTouchRestricted=false
05-25 18:15:20.284 23703 23703 I HwPhoneWindow: updateLayoutParamsColor true mSpecialSet=true, mForcedNavigationBarColor=false, navigationBarColor=fffcfcfc, mNavBarShow=true, mIsFloating=false