Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Description: fkn bks
Submitted on October 6, 2014 at 05:39 PM

Section 1 (Text)

We refuse to acknowledge this as a clan war due to the bending of rules and total lack of sportsmanship on their behalf. This is an unbiased account of what happened:

1st and 2nd rounds: We win two 4v4s; good games with no complaints from either side.

3rd round: We lose an understacked 4v4. GG 2-1

4th round: Nix crashes server-side; we notify our opponents and play on while awaiting evidence. One of their members dies to a randy, making it a 3v3. During the 3v3 they take me down to 2 1/2 hearts while ghosted ( and subsequently kill me, but we give them the benefit of the doubt that it was accidental and ignore the offence. They then refuse to acknowledge's Nix's crash and 'claim' the round. We agree so as not to initiate wanton arguing. We are then forced to postpone as several of our members have to leave. 2-2

5th round: Two of our players die to a hacker within the first 2 minutes, but our spectator was unable to spec either in time so we don't have evidence. For the record, we rely on our specs to record as none of our players can record at >60 fps. Again, we immediately notify their leader of this through skype, trusting that they will return our generosity after the last round. Nix is then 3v1'd by them before we are able to meet up- however they then all die to the hacker, who I successfully bowspam in DM to win the game. However, we agree to a redo out of kindness despite them not having evidence of them dying to the hacker.

5th round redo: Nix and I both die to a hacker, and we again notify their leader on skype, IGN included. Goldenwave then crashes server-side (this, like on Chernobyl, was evident by the fact that in tab serveral players were dropping to a 2-3 bar). I_love_desk loses the 1v4, but they do not accept the crash as being server-side and do not agree to a redo for the deaths to the hacker, despite them fighting him as he blatantly hacked later that game. We again acquiesce to their obstinance- 3-2 -- __ -

6th round: A team of hackers take our route, leaving us with almost nothing. One of their players dies to a randy, but soon after the server starts lagging intensely with several players dropping bars but not lagging at all on TS, and, lo and behold, Nix times out. We then are forced to 3v3 them for lack of food after running for a bit, which they win largely thanks to them purposely attacking me as I ghosted for a prolonged period of time, taking me to 1 heart, no regen (,  and forcing me to back off. This allowed them to 3v2 aryan123456 and Nicksharpx. They refuse to redo as we complain extensively- we tell them we change our mind about giving them a redo on the 5th round, but they object on the basis that they have a screenshot of me agreeing to a redo, which is frankly pathetic. We resolve to win the next 3 rounds fairly.

7th round: Unfortunately this was not to be as they get ridiculously stacked off spawn and stalk us until grace is over, attacking us 10 seconds before grace period finished while we were effectively trapped. They, of course, 'claim' the 5-2 win.

After this experience, all I can say is that I better understand why so many prominent EU players are quitting. The lack of cooperation and desperation to win by any means possible was honestly astounding. I understand that. I told their leader of my disappointment in their sportsmanship, and this was the response: