Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted by cummy on October 2, 2021

 Paimon Famine 派蒙饥荒 Nantianmen Square Massacre 南天门广场屠杀事件 President Censorship 总统审查制度 Dendro Archon 石斛大帝 Seizure Order of Inazuma 伊纳兹马的扣押令 The Resistance 抵抗运动 Socialist republic of Liyue 琉球社会主义共和国 Abolition of Seizure Order 废除扣押令 Shogun Zedong 幕府将军泽 Sangonimiya Kokomi's art of war 尚宫国光的兵法 Hilichurl Rights 希利库尔权利 La Signora playable character 拉西格诺拉可玩的角色 Chongyun Xinping 崇云新平 Sumeru 苏梅鲁 Banner Leaks 旗帜泄密 Deng Xiaoping Event Leak 邓小平事件泄密 Yae Miko's fox form 八井美子的狐狸形态 Marisa as Lumine 玛丽莎扮演鲁明 1.9 stars 颗星 Flandre as Paimon 弗兰德扮演派蒙 Republic of Inazuma 伊奈兹玛共和国 Venti genderbend 维提的性别弯曲 Hilichurl language on dictionnary 词典上的茜丽珠语言 Mao NPC  毛泽东电脑 The double Xingqiu incident 双星秋事件 1st anniversary event 一周年活动 Review bombing 审查爆炸事件 Rate drop on Stores 商店的利率下降 Anniversary 周年庆 Autonomous republic of Mondstadt 蒙斯塔特自治共和国 Ningguang Imperialism 宁光帝国主义   

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