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Description: [MM4F] THE PIG
Submitted by Snooooza on December 18, 2020

Part 3 of the Tony spin-off.

It has been a couple of weeks since the last part and things are looking up. Tony and Angel have gotten closer and they are even talking about a life together, but there are still some secrets that Tony won't let his girl be a part of...not until they get a surprise visit from Tonys past. A visitor that reminds us that Tonys past actions are beginning to catch up to him, and that no matter how far you run, you can never outrun the the dead...especially if the dead refuse to stay buried...


*sound of cars and pedestrians*
*you whistle a content tune*

You walk across the street and steer your steps toward the diner. 
*Sound of diner-bell*

"Hey are you this evenin'?...The kids are still a handful?...*chuckle*...Good,, Im great...just here to pick up my girl...she's not done yet?...workin' section three?...well is it okey if I take a seat and wait for her to get off? thanks...I'll manage...*chuckle*...well if its on the house...a black coffee, please...thanks Marge, you're a gem..."

(You walk over to an empty booth and take a seat, Marge comes over and pours you a coffee.)

"Thanks, doll..."
*sips coffee*

(Listener notices you and saunters over with a bright blushing smile)

"Hey beautiful...I see you've got your hands full...*chuckle*...*kiss*...hello to you too...lot's of customers today, huh? darlin, no rush...I'll wait here for you while you finish up...*huskily* ...You know...I never tire of seeing' that pretty little ass of yours swayin' from all means take your time...I do...I do enjoy the view..."

*Sound of diner-bell*  

(Listener walks over to another table to take orders. You watch her with a shit-eating grin, not noticing who just walked through the door.)
*sound of footsteps approaching*

You mumble: "Aren't I a lucky bastard?"

(Someone slaps a newspaper on the table and slides into your booth, making you startle.)

You: "Sorry but tabels taken - You!...*alarmed and hushed*...what the fuck are YOU doin' here?" 

Collins: "Oh, I was in the neighborhood...visiting a old friend you might say.."

You: "Don't play games with me, pig...didn't you tell me it was the last time we would see each other when you dropped me off in Kansas City?..." 

Collins ignoring your question: "How is it that every time you see me, you get this look on your you'd rather not...see me?...Oh you mind?...The ride down has been very hectic..."
(Collins reaches over and steals your coffee)

You: "WHAT are you doin' here detective?"

Collins sighs: "Never time for pleasantries anymore...for shame...I must admit, Tony...Your whole generation does remind me of my grandfather sometimes...such terrible tempers..."

You: "I'll walk out right now if -"

Collins unbotherd: "Are the checks still coming in?"

You, hushed: "Listen here you pice of shit...I don't give a damn about the money...I didn't do it for that and you know it...You don't. Own. never that understood?"

Collins: "Down boy...Im well aware of that...just a friendly reminder that starting a new life on a lower budget is far more difficult than it has to be..."

You: "You still haven't awnsered my question, pig...wha-"

Collins sighs: "Yes, yes...I am getting to that...I know what I promised you -"

You: "And you are..."

Collins: "Well...I figured you'd rather hear this in's not like I've got your phone-number..."

(Collins leans over the table and taps his finger on the newspaper)

Collins: "I've brought something for you."

You chuckle: "Awww...Collins, you shouldn't have...did you drive all the way here to give me the New York Times?"

Collins: "Quit being a smart-ass, kid...we've got a problem..."

You frown and read the newspaper in a low voice: "Fine...*clears throat*...This Saturday mornin' police-officers got a tip from an anonymous source that lead to...the arrest of Johnny 'Pop's''ve got Pop's in the slammer?!"

Collins: "Keep reading'..."

You: "...*mumble* *mumble*...the department of New York, raided a warehouse with up to two hundred pounds of methamphetamine...unravelin' the Castillo family web has even lead to the discovery of multiple illegal housing facilities where members of the family have been hiding weapons, product, contacts and in some instances...used the locations as one of these location there was even the discovery of four people in their mid to late mortem....what..the - what do they mean...there where only FOUR bodies?! I distinctly recall there bein' five..."

Collins: "It seems...your reputation as Castillo Jr's favored grim reaper has been quite exaggerated...because the last thing you said to me was...and I quote: 'There are no survivors, pig...none'..."

You: "The paper's must be wrong then..." 

Collins: "The paper isn't wrong...I was there myself...only four bodybags..."

You starting to sweat: "No you’re wrong!...I made fuckin' sure. What the fuck are you talking about...they weren't all there!!!?... Thats impossible...*whisper*...I killed all of them."

Collins shrugs and says in lower voice: "Kid, I wouldn't blame you if you'd gotten a weak stomach...murder is a dirty Im sure you're very much aware...but I would have appreciated if you'd let me know, had you not been able to finish the job." 

You through gritted teeth: "Listen here, you piece of shit...I killed my friends...guys I've known all my life, so don't you DARE talk to me about havin' a weak stomach...Fuck! WHOs missin!?..."

Collins: "Your guess is as good as mine...I only saw the bodybags and the Castillo family-lawyers are refusing my department to get a hold of the autopsy reports..."

You rattled: "Fuck...You told me If i did would all be over...I'd get a clean slate...this doesn't look clean to me, pig."

Collins still calm: "Watch it, Tony."

You: "No you watch it! Im not the one who can’t find a dead man walkin’...It's not my fault you can’t do your goddamn job right."

Collins: "Thats why Im here. To do my job...Im taking you into witness protection."

You snarl: "Im not goin' anywhere with you."

Collins leans closer: "Listen, kid...If I could find out where you are...don't you think you're being a little arrogant in presumeing that one of the guys you tried to kill won't either?...Pops' Castillo is a dangerous man to cross...your little stunt at the banquet and at the safe-house rattled him, made him panic and end up behind bars...and not only that but you ... managed to help us take down his entire empire in a few months with the information you gave us...don't mistake this visit for a kindness...the department wants to protect its most valuable asset for the trial...Im here to take you into hiding..."

You: "No, you are here to save your own ass...'cause what would people think if they found out that the New York city police department pressured a - as you so politely put it; kid, into doin' you'r dirty work?"

Collins: "You little -"

(Listener walks up to you with worried frown on your face.)

Collins: "Oh, and who have we got here?...what a pretty thing you are...(rakes listener with a look)...indeed..."

You get up, levering a death glare at Collins: "Don't."

Collins ignoring your warning: "Who am I?...*chuckle*...well pretty lady...I am...shall we old 'acquaintance' of your sad to see he hasn't mentioned me at all..."

You: "Darlin, we should get goin'."

Collins: "Leaving so soon...Tony?"

You freeze in the middle of a step and meet the listeners confused eyes: "Ignore him, angel...the prick has a sick sense of humor."
You put your arm around her shoulders and start steering her towards the door...

Collins grabs your arm as you pass him, stopping you in your tracks: "Hey...If your not going to consider your own least consider hers..."

You shrug off his hand and murmur: "I hope you burn in hell."
(You and listener walk out of the diner together.)

Collins smirking: "I guess I'll see you there, kid."


*Sound of keys rattling*
(You and listener walk into her apartment in silence)
*sound of your pounding heartbeat*
(Silence stretches)

"I should get home...what? don't think its a good idea, angel...cause...I don't think THIS is a good idea anymore..."

"Stop...darlin, get out of my way...Im leavin...*breathe* and me...Its not workin' anymore...Why?!...does there have to be a reason?...fuck, just let me go..."

(Listener stands in your way again)

"You'll let me leave if I stop bullshittin' you?...*exasperated laugh*...Im not doin' this with not..."

"Why am I avoiding you?...Im not!...You're just - FUCK, ANGEL...Just let me leave! I promise this is the last time you'll have to see me..."

(Listener shoves you)

Dangerously calm: "Did you just shove me?..."

(Listener shoves you again)

You try to contain your anger: "If you don't stop I'll -"

(Listener says something in the line of: What are you going to do Tony?)

You snap: "Fuck! Don't you get that Im trying to protect you!?...what?!...yes that is my real name...see angel, Im a liar through and through and do you want to know the best part? That asshole back at the diner?...yeah, that guy...he's my very own handler...yeah...New Yorks finest...*bitter chuckle* you see, I've been lying to you since the day we first will you please let me leave?!"

*Heavy breathing*

"Only if I answer one I care about you?...Don't you get it already?! Thats why Im tryin' to leave...To keep you out of this!"

"Coward?...did you just -? Im not a fucking coward...Im doin' this to keep you safe, you have no idea what I've done...and if I have any shred of soul left in me I'll leave you before it's to late...stop...I said; STOP IT!"

(listener eggs you on)

  *Labored breathing*


"You kind of figured?...wha - How?....just a hunch?...Jesus Christ can you be fuckin' calm?...cause?...tell you?...well...(throws hands up in the air)...might as well...huh?...Do I want some tea?"
(Listener walks into the kitchen and you follow stunned.)¨

*sound of kettle getting turned on*

"Where do you want me to begin?...well do you want the short version or the long one?...Fuck...Can't believe Im doin' this...fuck, what exactly do you want to know?..."

" the family - no the*chuckle*...fuck...okey, I grew up in this circle, right? Into this family of wealth and power...I didn't figure I't was nothin' wrong with it before I was neck deep into the life, you father was a part of friends...yeah...there was no other choice than to fall in line...yeah....the same friend that blew my eardrum...his name was Nick...well... he was my capo...I was to fear and respect him, and most of as he said...'tis the thing 'bout the runs generations deep...twisted with family ties and Nick stood to inherit it all. This empire built on extortion and blood...and...I was his...his right hand man..."

"Oh and I was good at it too, you know...*sickened laughter*...the killin'...yeah...he could call me in the middle of the night and ask for my help...make someone disappear, he'd say...and... I would be done by the time the sun rose over the Hudson...fuck...I was so lost, angel...I was nothin'...It's like I was sleepwalkin'...just goin' through the motions...what woke me up?..."

*kettle beginning to boil*

"What woke me up day...I was walking' down Times Square in a daze and this elderly couple stopped me and asked if I was alright...I had still blood on my hands from the night before, you see...and somethin' just broke in all my life no one, not my father, or mother, or anyone, had ever asked me if I was alright...I wish...I wish I'd met them sooner...maybe many people wouldn't have lost there lives to Nick...To all of us..."

*strained laughter*

"So I thought...enough is enough...started to think about what I really wanted in life...and realized I couldn't stay in the family...had to get out somehow or I would end up with a barrel of a gun between my teeth...but have to don't just walk away from a life like mine... there are only two ways out of casket or closed...And in the middle of all of this chaos in my head...this man...Detective Collins  finds me in a bar, drinking' myself unconscious, and offers me a golden ticket...I had to do what I did...angel....I did what I had to do to survive...but you don't know the price i had to pay."

" don't blame me?...*amazed*"

"-You...Fuck the past?...mhh-"

(Listener walks over to you and kisses you)

Whisper: "Tell me you don't want this...*kiss*...cause...*kiss*...if you tell me to go....*kiss*...I'll leave...*kiss*...otherwise...fuck...No...(your reasoning snaps)...*hungry kiss*...Im to selfish to let you go... your mine..."


"Fuck I need to be inside you angel...mhm...right now...fuck...get on the angel...fuckin' hell...I won't be able to be all soft and tender with it? want me to fuck you rough and good?...*groan*...Fuck yes..."

*Sound of clothes tearing*
*deep loud thrust*

"Fuck you're so wet...*moans* pretty little angel...mine...*thrust*...*kiss*...all mine..."

*improvise rough fucking as you please*

Growl: "'re you hear me?...who does this pussy belong to?...*Hard punishing thrust*...thats sweet fucking pussy...this beautiful body belongs to that understood?...good girl..."

*fucking primaly/grunting/panting/growling*

"You wanna' cum?...then cum for me it!...cum around my cock! it now!!!!...Argh...!"
*Panting and heavy breathing* 

"You okey, angel?...*kiss*...yeah?...wasn't to rough with you was I?...*Pant* sure?...*kiss*.."

 "Shut up?...*chuckle*...angel...before I get my hopes up, I have to ask...Is this what you really want?!"

"...My life comes with a price tag...and I don't know if I trust you?...*mumble* could I not?...*kiss*...*Mumble against listeners lips*... There is a noose around my neck...and i just gave the other end to you..."


*kettle boiling over*


"Oh...and there is one more thing I have to tell you..."

To be continued...