Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Description: Paste-a-date!
Submitted on March 11, 2017 at 04:43 PM

New Paste 1 (JavaScript)

// ==UserScript==
// @name        MusicBrainz: Paste-A-Date!
// @description This script adds a field after the existing date fields where you can paste a date and it will try to parse it.
// @version     2015-01-13
// @author      nikki, d4rkie
// @grant none
// @include     *://*
// @include     *://*
// @include     *://*
// ==/UserScript==

var nikkis_messy_date_extractor;


document.body.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", paste_a_date_calmDOM, false);

var paste_a_date_calmDOMto;

function paste_a_date_calmDOM() { // sampled from JESUS2099 
    if (paste_a_date_calmDOMto) {
    paste_a_date_calmDOMto = setTimeout(init_paste_a_date, 500); // set to 0.5 seconds to spam less

function init_paste_a_date() {

	/* Javascript sucks! */
	Array.prototype.unique = function () {
		var r = new Array();
		o:for(var i = 0, n = this.length; i < n; i++) {
			for(var x = 0, y = r.length; x < y; x++) {
					continue o;
			r[r.length] = this[i];
		return r;
	/* End of workaround because Javascript sucks! */

	nikkis_messy_date_extractor = function (str) {
		// replace fullwidth digits
		str = str.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(a){ return String.fromCharCode(a.charCodeAt(0)-("0".charCodeAt(0)-"0".charCodeAt(0))); });

		// RoC year numbering -
		str = str.replace(/民國([0-9]{1,3})/, function(a, year){ return parseInt(year)+1911; });
		// Japanese eras -
		str = str.replace(/(明治|大正|昭和|平成)元(年)/, "$1"+"1$2");
		str = str.replace(/(明治|M)([0-9]{1,2})/, function(a, b, year){ return parseInt(year)+1867; });
		str = str.replace(/(大正|T)([0-9]{1,2})/, function(a, b, year){ return parseInt(year)+1911; });
		str = str.replace(/(昭和|S)([0-9]{1,2})/, function(a, b, year){ return parseInt(year)+1925; });
		str = str.replace(/(平成|H)([0-9]{1,2})/, function(a, b, year){ return parseInt(year)+1988; });

		// Japanese letters for years on older releases -
		var jp_years = Array();
		jp_years["N"] = "1984";
		jp_years["I"] = "1985";
		jp_years["H"] = "1986";
		jp_years["O"] = "1987";
		jp_years["R"] = "1988";
		jp_years["E"] = "1989";
		jp_years["C"] = "1990";
		jp_years["D"] = "1991";
		jp_years["K"] = "1992";
		str = str.replace(/([NIHORECDK])-([0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2})/, function(a, year, date){ return jp_years[year] + "-" + date; });

		// Ordinal numbers
		str = str.replace(/\b([0-9]{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th)\b/, "$1");
		// Spanish months
		str = str.replace(/ de ([a-z]+) del? /i, " $1 ");

		var cjk = /^\W*([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})(?:(?:\u5E74|\uB144\W?)(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])(?:(?:\u6708|\uC6D4\W?)(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])(?:\u65E5|\uC77C)?)?)?\W*$/;
		var ymd = /^\W*([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})(?:\W+(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])(?:\W+(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))?)?\W*$/;
		var dmy = /^\W*(?:(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\W+)?(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\W+([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\W*$/;
		var mdy = /^\W*(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\W+(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\W+((?:1[89]|20)?[0-9]{2})\W*$/;
		var dmy_text = /^\W*(?:(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\W+)?([\wÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ ]+)\W+([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\W*$/;
		var ymd_text = /^\W*([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\W+([\wÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ ]+)(?:\W+(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))?\W*$/;
		var mdy_text = /^\W*([\wÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]+)\W+(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\W+([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})\W*$/;

		var dates = Array();

		if (cjk.test(str)) {
			var matches = ymd.exec(str);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]);
			if (newdate) dates.push(newdate);
			return dates; // We know there's only one match and since JS's Unicode support is lacking, continuing will cause false matches

		if (ymd.test(str)) {
			var matches = ymd.exec(str);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]);
			if (newdate) dates.push(newdate);
		if (dmy.test(str)) {
			var matches = dmy.exec(str);
			if (matches[3] > 2484) matches[3] = matches[3] - 543; // Thai years
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[3], matches[2], matches[1]);
			if (newdate) dates.push(newdate);

		if (mdy.test(str)) {
			var matches = mdy.exec(str);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[3], matches[1], matches[2])
			if (newdate) dates.push(newdate);
		if (dmy_text.test(str)) {
			var matches = dmy_text.exec(str);
			var month = get_month(matches[2]);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[3], month, matches[1]);
			if (newdate && month) dates.push(newdate);

		if (ymd_text.test(str)) {
			var matches = ymd_text.exec(str);
			var month = get_month(matches[2]);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[1], month, matches[3]);
			if (newdate && month) dates.push(newdate);

		if (mdy_text.test(str)) {
			var matches = mdy_text.exec(str);
			var month = get_month(matches[1]);
			var newdate = clean_date(matches[3], month, matches[2]);
			if (newdate && month) dates.push(newdate);


		return dates;

	function clean_date(y, m, d) {
		if (y.length == 2) y = (y > 20) ? "19"+y : "20"+y;
		if (m && m.length == 1) m = "0"+m;
		if (d && d.length == 1) d = "0"+d;

		if (d == 29 && m == 2 && y%4 != 0 && y%400 != 0) return false;
		if (d == 30 && m == 2) return false;
		if (d == 31 && (m == 2 || m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11)) return false;

		var newdate = [ y ];
		if (m) newdate.push(m);
		if (d) newdate.push(d);

		return newdate.join("-");

	function get_date(input) {
		var div = input.date_display;
		var str = input.value;
		var dates = nikkis_messy_date_extractor(str).sort().unique();

		if (str.length < 1) { = 'white'; = 'white';
			div.innerHTML = ""; = 'inline';
		} else if (dates.length == 1) {
			set_date(input, dates[0].split('-')[0], dates[0].split('-')[1], dates[0].split('-')[2]); = 'green'; = '#CDFFBD';
			div.innerHTML = "✓"; = 'inline';
		} else if (dates.length > 1) { = 'yellow'; = '#FFEEBD'; = 'block';
			div.innerHTML = "multiple possibilities:";
			for (var j = 0; j < dates.length; j++) {
				div.appendChild( document.createElement("br"));
				var a = document.createElement("a");
				a.innerHTML = dates[j]; = "pointer";
				a.addEventListener("click", (function(i,j,k,l) { return function(){ set_date(i,j,k,l); }})(input, dates[j].split('-')[0], dates[j].split('-')[1], dates[j].split('-')[2]), false);
				div.appendChild(a, div);
		} else { = 'red'; = '#FFBDCD';
			div.innerHTML = "✗"; = 'inline';

	function trigger_event(name, element) {
	    var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
	    event.initEvent(name, false, true);

	function set_date(input, year, month, day) {
	    var e = input.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("input");
	    e[0].value = year ? year : "";
	    trigger_event('change', e[0]);
	    e[1].value = month ? month : "";
	    trigger_event('change', e[1]);
	    e[2].value = day ? day : "";
	    trigger_event('change', e[2]);

	function get_month (str) {
		var months = Array();

		months["january"] = "1";
		months["jan"] = "1";
		months["janv"] = "1";
		months["januari"] = "1";
		months["janeiro"] = "1";
		months["januar"] = "1";
		months["janvier"] = "1";
		months["enero"] = "1";

		months["february"] = "2";
		months["feb"] = "2";
		months["févr"] = "2";
		months["februari"] = "2";
		months["fevereiro"] = "2";
		months["februar"] = "2";
		months["février"] = "2";
		months["febrero"] = "2";

		months["march"] = "3";
		months["mar"] = "3";
		months["mars"] = "3";
		months["março"] = "3";
		months["märz"] = "3";
		months["marzo"] = "3";
		months["marts"] = "3";

		months["april"] = "4";
		months["apr"] = "4";
		months["avr"] = "4";
		months["abril"] = "4";
		months["avril"] = "4";

		months["may"] = "5";
		months["mai"] = "5";
		months["maj"] = "5";
		months["maio"] = "5";
		months["mayo"] = "5";

		months["june"] = "6";
		months["jun"] = "6";
		months["juin"] = "6";
		months["juni"] = "6";
		months["junho"] = "6";
		months["junio"] = "6";

		months["july"] = "7";
		months["jul"] = "7";
		months["juil"] = "7";
		months["juli"] = "7";
		months["julho"] = "7";
		months["julio"] = "7";

		months["august"] = "8";
		months["aug"] = "8";
		months["août"] = "8";
		months["augusti"] = "8";
		months["agosto"] = "8";

		months["september"] = "9";
		months["sep"] = "9";
		months["sept"] = "9";
		months["setembro"] = "9";
		months["septembre"] = "9";
		months["septiembre"] = "9";

		months["october"] = "10";
		months["oct"] = "10";
		months["oktober"] = "10";
		months["outubro"] = "10";
		months["octobre"] = "10";
		months["octubre"] = "10";

		months["november"] = "11";
		months["nov"] = "11";
		months["novembro"] = "11";
		months["novembre"] = "11";
		months["noviembre"] = "11";

		months["december"] = "12";
		months["dec"] = "12";
		months["déc"] = "12";
		months["dezembro"] = "12";
		months["dezember"] = "12";
		months["décembre"] = "12";
		months["diciembre"] = "12";
		months["desember"] ="12";

		// roman numerals
		months["i"] = "1";
		months["ii"] = "2";
		months["iii"] = "3";
		months["iv"] = "4";
		months["v"] = "5";
		months["vi"] = "6";
		months["vii"] = "7";
		months["viii"] = "8";
		months["ix"] = "9";
		months["x"] = "10";
		months["xi"] = "11";
		months["xii"] = "12";

		if (months[str.toLowerCase()])
			return months[str.toLowerCase()];
		return 0;

	$("body").on("input", "input.paste-a-date", function (event) {

	$(".partial-date").each(function () { = "block";

	function add_input(container) {
		container = $(container);
		var input = {};

		// check if already added
		var oldInput = $('.paste-a-date', container).first();
		if (oldInput.length) {
			return oldInput[0];

		var input = document.createElement("input");
		input.setAttribute("type", "text");
		input.setAttribute("size", "12"); = "4px"; = "auto";
		input.className = "paste-a-date";

		var lastInput = $('input', container).last();


		input.date_display = add_display(container[0]);

		return input;

	function add_display(container) {
		var div = container.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); = "1px solid white";
		return div;
