Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted by cummy on August 18, 2021

Some people consider a Discord E-Kitten to be sad and cringe... or is it? Hey Vsauce Michael here, if I were to slide this document in front of you, and you were to sign it with Consent. You would be bounded by legal  contract to be my Discord E-Kitten. Consent or better known as given permission between two individuals, makes such an activity not cringe.


Contract Conductor: Justin Kase#4320

Issued: August 13th, 2021

Form #: A-56


Discord Kitten Contract Agreement


By signing this contract, you agree to all the terms listed below or negotiated terms that will be attached to this document. You (the signer) hereby agree to flirt, serve, and sext on the social media interface known as "Discord" with the Contract Conductor listed above. As well as consenting to the Contract Conductor being able to sleep/lay on your legs whenever requested, touch you in places that does not consist of sexual organs, kiss you, hug you, pet you, degrade you, slightly harass you, and take care of you.


You will have to provide one nude photo or video to the Contract Conductor at least once a week to meet your contracted quota. At least four voice messages weekly, directed to the Contract Conductor calling him daddy. Everyday you must send one photo of yourself to the CC (Contract Conductor) when you wake up and one photo before you go to bed. Most important of all you MUST be lovable and attentive to the CC. Other items/activities can be added or taken off the agreement if both parties consent. You are also allowed to freely ask questions to the CC.


Kitten's Signature X

Date of Signature: