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Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
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Description: This is example script how to use restic for backups with backblaze account.
Submitted on March 16, 2019 at 04:45 AM

export B2_ACCOUNT_ID=
export B2_ACCOUNT_KEY=
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY=b2:myb2bucket
export RESTIC_PASSWORD=1234567890

# Do not forget to do one time (for initialize your backup space)
# restic -r b2:myb2bucket:/mybackup init
mysqldump -uroot --lock-tables=false mybackup > /home/backup/mybackup-$(date +%F).sql

# Do backup now
/usr/bin/restic -v -r b2:myb2bucket:/mybackup backup /home

# And make cleanup
rm -rf /home/backup/*