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Description: [M4F] Meeting you: The Nurses Office Prequel
Submitted by Snooooza on December 18, 2020

I got a question in my DMs if I could do a prequel to The Nurses Office, and my first thought was: How didn't I think about it sooner?
Thank you guys for your amazing response to the series. It means more than you know!


(Hero is at a friends party, enjoying himself, having a few beers and catching up with the guys. Lo and behold someone catches his attention)

"Yeah man, the new John Wick movie was great...yeah it was! Sucks that you couldn't come...your boyfriend was having a per usual....What, no I mean nothing by I'm not trying to insinuate anything..."


"No, Im just saying that if you weren't cock-whipped I would see you more often *Laughing* Ouch! That hurt!...yeah, yeah, whatever...what?...I'll find out when when it's my if...I don't see the appeal in being in a relationship."

"That's because I've never been in one? You're right and there is a reason for that."

"Oh stop it, I have you guys for the emotional shit and I get laid when ever I want...oh don't you dare call me a man-whore, asshole *chuckles* look who's talking!"

"What? Im missing out? fucks with your head! Why would I want that? Why would I want my world to begin and end with the same person?...that just doesn't make any sense.Just take you, Mark and Nicole for example. You'r always with them. Going on trips, hanging out, sleeping over, oh and don't get me started on the plan canceling."

"No you all have...cute (admits awkwardly) relationships...but they fucking consume you man, that's all Im's all: Bradly and Hannah that, Stephanie's like you guys have been body swapped by mindless zombies *laughs* Yeah I know, they are! See...He agrees with me."

"What? My turn next? *snorts* What are you talking about?(comes up short) she's looking at me again? The girl from English class? *Smacks friend* Don't make this fucking awkward man. Stop it!...she's still looking?"
(glances over shoulder at listener and feels his heart skips a beat)

Mumbles: "She's something alright..."      

"What? Whaaaat? What do you mean it's happening? You never know? It will sneak up on me before I realize? Like a brick from high heaven? Whatever, man. Im going out for a smoke." 


(Hero leans against the porch and lights up a cigarette)
*Breaths in smoke, exhales*

"My friends are fucking hopeless..."

*Sound of door opening and footsteps. Listener walks out*

Surprised: "Hey...yeah...hi...yeah...I know who you are...and you know who I am...sure you can bum one...*chuckles* You just didn't strike me as a smoker that's all...oh you are, well excuse me."
(Gives Listener cigarette)
[Inner monologue: Fuck she's beautiful...those eyes...]

"What did I strike you as? really want to know? Okey...well I've seen you around school...and *gasp* oh that's right we do have English together *laughs*"

"You seem like the good girl type...yeah...the one that always does her homework in time, hangs out with her friends at a café on Saturday's and always helps her parents with the I wrong?"

"I am? Its Saturday...and you are indeed at a party...*chuckles* but you were at a Café earlier today *laughs" 

"What am I? (Lowers voice seductively) Im not a good girl if that's what you're asking."

(Listener starts to cough violently)

"Shit, you okey?" (Strokes listeners back)  
[Inner monologue: Fuck...those eyes big and innocent]
"You good? Yeah? Here, Im gonna take this from you...oh no don't you argue with are a terrible liar...Yes you are. What kind of a hardcore smoker coughs after two drags? Hmm? See! I knew it!"

"No you are not getting it back...nope...and you sure as hell are not taking mine. Because..It's a terrible habit to keep and Im not going to facilitate it for you."
"Why am I doing it? Oh long gone to the addiction, girl....Im a lost cause."

"'re cold. Yeah you're could I not notice? my jacket."

"You're welcome." 
(Hero and Listener look at each other in comfortable silence.)

"Hey, can I ask you something?...what is a girl like you doing out here smoking with a guy like me?...what do I mean a guy like me?... I know you know what people say behind my back...fuck those people? *start laughing* No no its nothing...I just didn't think you were the cussing, no, its...cute."

"But seriously...Im the wrong company to've...heard who my father is? Yeah because of him...and my mom..yeah...people tend to steer clear of fiends? Thats different...I've known most of them since we where running around the neighborhood in diapers...but other people...from school and in town...they are scared of me...I can tell."


"You're not scared? Not even a little? *Smiles* And why is that?...Because Im not that scary...just...misunderstood...deep down I have a heart of pure gold...and you can see it."

*Sharp inhale*
(Heartbeat optional)

"Jesus christ sweetheart *laughs uncomfortably* that got deep really fucking fast...mhm...yeah...thanks..."

"I need to stay tuned to my emotions more often? See how the other half lives? Oh and will you help me with that? Oh you will, if I let you." 
(They both laugh)
(Heartbeat increases in beat)

"I might take you up on your offer..."

"Oh, you have to go? It's getting late? Yeah? You need to head promised to be home before two? Yeah?..."
[Inner monologue: I want to stay with her...just...a little bit longer...] 

"Do you mind - fuck - can I...I mean...Would you let me walk you home?"

"You would?!, Okey."

(Voice fade)
"Lead the way Sancho...what?! cant be serious? You've never read Don Quijote?"


(Hero walks listener home, talking and laughing)

"My laugh Is ridicules? You should hear yourself, sweetheart, you sound like you're a dolphin with a I think its've got a great smile too,'s fucking...out of this world." 

"This your house? wow, nice...oh and the light just went on...your dad? *chuckles* he's waiting for you...I should walk you all the way to your front door like a gentleman? You never know what might be lurking behind the bushes...Well milady, I cant say no to that."

"There we go...I guess we should say goodnight...thanks...for what? All of it. Your company - know."

"You do..."

*Awkward silence*

"Huh? You have something to confess? What is it? Your not really a smoker...Well that I already know...You did it so you would have an excuse to talk to me?"

Whispers: "Fuck..." (In a good way ^^)

"Well I have something to confess as well...Im not really a gentleman..."

(Hero steps forward and kisses Listener with a passion)
*Breathes heavy*

"Sorry...I. know your dad -"

(Listener attacks Hero with more kisses...until they finally break apart."  

"Fuck...Can I get your number...Check my jacket pocket? It's already in there..."

"Goodnight Sweetheart."
*Last kiss*

"I'll see you soon."
