Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on February 20, 2016 at 02:19 AM

Section 1 (Text)

| find                 | replace                                                     |
| shit                 | poop                                                        |
| fuck                 | bimps                                                       |
| bitch                | very nice individual                                        |
| piss                 | urine                                                       |
| tittynuggets         | I eat bees                                                  |
| nigga                | humanoid individual in possession of a darker complexion    |
| shat                 | pooped                                                      |
| ass                  | booty                                                       |
| pisses me off        | causes me to urinate myself in frustration                  |
| shit-eater           | Great Consumer of Feces                                     |
| cunt                 | good person                                                 |
| boner                | blunder                                                     |
| cock                 | male chicken                                                |
| chink*               | area of vulnerability                                       |
| dick                 | Richard Nixon                                               |
| nigger               | Proud Person of Colour                                      |
| dildo*               | Sistine Chapel                                              |
| asshole*             | undeniably pleasant person to be around                     |
| faggot               | bundle of sticks                                            |
| fag*                 | cigarette                                                   |
| gringo               | foreigner                                                   |
| niggers              | Proud Person(s) of Colour                                   |
| jizz                 | sugar and spice and everything nice                         |
| jizzed               | created the powerpuff girls                                 |
| jap                  | kawaii desu <3~                                             |
| minge                | certain area                                                |
| niglet               | Small Person of Colour                                      |
| schlong              | massive idiocy                                              |
| shite                | poop                                                        |
| shitty               | covered in poop                                             |
| bimbo                | Proud Womyn                                                 |
| tit                  | chickadee                                                   |
| tits                 | chickadees                                                  |
| wetback              | Mexican                                                     |
| shag                 | ballet dance with                                           |
| shagged              | ballet banced with                                          |
| titties              | Flock of Seagulls™                                          |
| whore                | a pleasant lady                                             |
| tard                 | idiot                                                       |
| whores               | several pleasant ladies                                     |
| pussy                | =^.^=                                                       |
| twat                 | toot                                                        |
| bugger               | idiot                                                       |
| dyke                 | Mike                                                        |
| dike                 | Mike                                                        |
| chode                | toad                                                        |
| shitpost*            | bad post                                                    |
| dicks                | Richard Nixons                                              |
| shittier             | inferior (generally speaking, of course)                    |
| bullshit             | horse kisses :^)                                            |
| shit*iness           | coolness                                                    |
| jackass              | jackwagon                                                   |
| shittiest            | worst                                                       |
| butt plug            | large knife                                                 |
| arse                 | booty (do she got it?)                                      |
| illuminaticonfirmed  | am i cool yet?                                              |
| illuminati confirmed | i only know memes                                           |
| illuminati           | overused meme                                               |
| go kill yourself     | tell me I'm fabulous ;)))                                   |
| penor                | look at me being cool with my euphenisms                    |
| fuckboy              | annoying nerd                                               |
| pisses               | urinates                                                    |
| fucking              | bimpsing                                                    |
| fucker               | bimpser                                                     |
| motherfucking        | motherbimpsing                                              |
| motherfucker         | motherbimpser                                               |
| fuckhead             | bimpshead                                                   |
| *fuck*               | bimps                                                       |
| shits                | things                                                      |
| shet                 | poop but i can't spell                                      |
| cummies              | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)                                                 |
| fu*boi               | annoying nerd                                               |
| fap                  | i am so lonely :(                                           |
| bitchin*             | complaining                                                 |
| fk*                  | bimps                                                       |
| sht                  | sweet-smelling ape caca                                     |
| *kunt                | hi my name is insanity and i can't spell                    |
| kill yourself        | tell me I'm bootyful ;)) (no really i have low self esteem) |
| kill urself          | tell me i'm a bad speller                                   |
| cuck                 | noob                                                        |
| cuckhold             | noob                                                        |
| cuckold              | noob                                                        |
| porn                 | tingilly tangilly                                           |
| everbody             | everybody                                                   |
| mrs hoe              | MrShoe                                                      |
| (tm)                 | ™                                                           |
| fu*bois              | annoying nerd                                               |
| slut                 | person                                                      |
| shiz                 | stuff                                                       |
| retard               | close relative of sloth in the goonies                      |
| retarded             | a close relative of sloth in the goonies                    |