Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Description: day12
Submitted on December 12, 2024 at 02:52 PM
Expires on December 12, 2025 at 02:52 PM (10 months from now) (Python)

import fileinput

def read_grid():
    grid = []
    for line in fileinput.input(encoding='utf-8'):
        line = line.strip()
        if line:
    return grid

def neighbours(pos, grid):
    w, h = len(grid[0]), len(grid)
    x, y = pos
    if x > 0:
        yield (x - 1, y), grid[y][x - 1]
    if (x + 1) < w:
        yield (x + 1, y), grid[y][x + 1]
    if y > 0:
        yield (x, y - 1), grid[y - 1][x]
    if (y + 1) < h:
        yield (x, y + 1), grid[y + 1][x]

def get_num_sides(region):
    # We nominate the right and belowest part of a perimeter
    # as the segment "owning" the side. There can only be one such.
    # We count the number of owners.
    up_sides = 0
    down_sides = 0
    left_sides = 0
    right_sides = 0
    for (x, y) in region:
        left = x - 1
        right = x + 1
        above = y - 1
        below = y + 1
        right_not_in_region = (right, y) not in region
        below_not_region = (x, below) not in region

        if (x, above) not in region:
            if right_not_in_region or (right, above) in region:
                up_sides += 1

        if (x, below) not in region:
            if right_not_in_region or (right, below) in region:
                down_sides += 1

        if (left, y) not in region:
            if below_not_region or (left, below) in region:
                left_sides += 1

        if (right, y) not in region:
            if below_not_region or (right, below) in region:
                right_sides += 1

    return up_sides + down_sides + left_sides + right_sides

def flood_region(start_pos, grid):
    start_x, start_y = start_pos
    letter = grid[start_y][start_x]
    region = set()
    to_check = [start_pos]
    size = 0
    perimeter = 0
    while to_check:
        x, y = to_check.pop()
        if (x, y) in region:

        region.add((x, y))
        size += 1  
        num_sides = 4
        for n_pos, n_letter in neighbours((x, y), grid):
            if n_letter == letter:
                num_sides -= 1
        perimeter += num_sides
    sides = get_num_sides(region)
    return letter, region, size, perimeter, sides

def main():
    grid = read_grid()
    w, h = len(grid[0]), len(grid)
    used = set()

    region_info = []
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            if (x, y) in used:
            letter, region, size, perimeter, sides = flood_region((x, y), grid)
            region_info.append((letter, size, perimeter, sides))
    price1 = sum(size * p for _l, size, p, _sides in region_info)
    price2 = sum(size * sides for _l, size, p, sides in region_info)
    print(f"Total price part1: {price1}")
    print(f"Total price part2: {price2}")

if __name__ == '__main__':