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Description: pulledpork.conf
Submitted on February 11, 2015 at 03:26 PM

Section 1 (Text)

# Config file for pulledpork
# Be sure to read through the entire configuration file
# If you specify any of these items on the command line, it WILL take 
# precedence over any value that you specify in this file!

#######  The below section defines what your oinkcode is (required for 
#######  VRT rules), defines a temp path (must be writable) and also 
#######  defines what version of rules that you are getting (for your 
#######  snort version and subscription etc...)

# You can specify one or as many rule_urls as you like, they 
# must appear as|rulesfile.tar.gz|1234567.  You can specify
# each on an individual line, or you can specify them in a , separated list
# i.e. rule_url=http://x.y.z/|a.tar.gz|123,http://z.y.z/|b.tar.gz|456
# note that the url, rule file, and oinkcode itself are separated by a pipe |
# i.e. url|tarball|123456789, 
rule_url=|snortrules-snapshot.tar.gz|<my oinkcode>
# NEW Community ruleset:
# NEW For IP Blacklisting! Note the format is urltofile|IPBLACKLIST|<oinkcode>
# This format MUST be followed to let pulledpork know that this is a blacklist
# URL for rule documentation! (slow to process)
rule_url=|opensource.gz|<my oinkcode>
# THE FOLLOWING URL is for etpro downloads, note the tarball name change!
# and the et oinkcode requirement!
#rule_url=|etpro.rules.tar.gz|<et oinkcode>
# NOTE above that the VRT snortrules-snapshot does not contain the version
# portion of the tarball name, this is because PP now automatically populates
# this value for you, if, however you put the version information in, PP will
# NOT populate this value but will use your value!

# Specify rule categories to ignore from the tarball in a comma separated list
# with no spaces.  There are four ways to do this:
# 1) Specify the category name with no suffix at all to ignore the category
#    regardless of what rule-type it is, ie: netbios
# 2) Specify the category name with a '.rules' suffix to ignore only gid 1
#    rulefiles located in the /rules directory of the tarball, ie: policy.rules
# 3) Specify the category name with a '.preproc' suffix to ignore only
#    preprocessor rules located in the /preproc_rules directory of the tarball,
#    ie: sensitive-data.preproc
# 4) Specify the category name with a '.so' suffix to ignore only shared-object
#    rules located in the /so_rules directory of the tarball, ie:
# The example below ignores dos rules wherever they may appear, sensitive-
# data preprocessor rules, p2p so-rules (while including gid 1 p2p rules),
# and netbios gid-1 rules (while including netbios so-rules):
# ignore = dos,sensitive-data.preproc,,netbios.rules
# These defaults are reasonable for the VRT ruleset with Snort 2.9.0.x.
# IMPORTANT, if you are NOT yet using 2.8.6 then you MUST comment out the
# previous ignore line and uncomment the following!
# ignore=deleted,experimental,local,decoder,preprocessor,sensitive-data

# What is our temp path, be sure this path has a bit of space for rule 
# extraction and manipulation, no trailing slash

#######  The below section is for rule processing.  This section is 
#######  required if you are not specifying the configuration using
#######  runtime switches.  Note that runtime switches do SUPERSEED 
#######  any values that you have specified here!

# What path you want the .rules file containing all of the processed 
# rules? (this value has changed as of 0.4.0, previously we copied 
# all of the rules, now we are creating a single large rules file
# but still keeping a separate file for your so_rules!

# What path you want the .rules files to be written to, this is UNIQUE
# from the rule_path and cannot be used in conjunction, this is to be used with the
# -k runtime flag, this can be set at runtime using the -K flag or specified
# here.  If specified here, the -k option must also be passed at runtime, however
# specifying -K <path> at runtime forces the -k option to also be set
# out_path=/usr/local/etc/snort/rules/

# If you are running any rules in your local.rules file, we need to
# know about them to properly build a that will contain your
# local.rules metadata (msg) information.  You can specify other rules
# files that are local to your system here by adding a comma and more paths...
# remember that the FULL path must be specified for EACH value.
# local_rules=/path/to/these.rules,/path/to/those.rules

# Where should I put the file?

# New for by2 and more advanced msg mapping.  Valid options are 1 or 2
# specify version 2 if you are running barnyard2.2+.  Otherwise use 1

# Where do you want me to put the sid changelog?  This is a changelog 
# that pulledpork maintains of all new sids that are imported
# this value is optional

#######  The below section is for so_rule processing only.  If you don't
#######  need to use them.. then comment this section out!
#######  Alternately, if you are not using pulledpork to process 
#######  so_rules, you can specify -T at runtime to bypass this altogether

# What path you want the .so files to actually go to *i.e. where is it
# defined in your snort.conf, needs a trailing slash

# Path to the snort binary, we need this to generate the stub files

# We need to know where your snort.conf file lives so that we can
# generate the stub files

##### Deprecated - The stubs are now  categorically written to the  single rule file!
# sostub_path=/usr/local/etc/snort/rules/so_rules.rules

# Define your distro, this is for the precompiled shared object libs!
# Valid Distro Types:
# Debian-5-0, Debian-6-0,
# Ubuntu-8.04, Ubuntu-10-4
# Centos-4-8, Centos-5-4
# FC-12, FC-14, RHEL-5-5, RHEL-6-0
# FreeBSD-7-3, FreeBSD-8-1
# OpenBSD-4-8
# Slackware-13-1

#######  This next section is optional, but probably pretty useful to you.
#######  Please read thoroughly!

# If you are using IP Reputation and getting some public lists, you will probably
# want to tell pulledpork where your blacklist file lives, PP automagically will
# de-dupe any duplicate IPs from different sources.

# IP Reputation does NOT require a full snort HUP, it introduces a concept whereby
# the IP list can be reloaded while snort is running through the use of a control
# socket.  Please be sure that you built snort with the following optins:
# -enable-shared-rep and --enable-control-socket.  Be sure to read about how to
# configure these!  The following option tells pulledpork where to place the version
# file for use with control socket ip list reloads!
# This should be the same path where your black_list lives!

# The following option tells snort where the snort_control tool is located.

# What do you want to backup and archive?  This is a comma separated list
# of file or directory values.  If a directory is specified, PP will recurse
# through said directory and all subdirectories to archive all files.
# The following example backs up all snort config files, rules, pulledpork
# config files, and snort shared object binary rules.
# backup=/usr/local/etc/snort,/usr/local/etc/pulledpork,/usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/

# what path and filename should we use for the backup tarball?
# note that an epoch time value and the .tgz extension is automatically added
# to the backup_file name on completeion i.e. the written file is:
# pp_backup.1295886020.tgz
# backup_file=/tmp/pp_backup

# Where do you want the signature docs to be copied, if this is commented 
# out then they will not be copied / extracted.  Note that extracting them 
# will add considerable runtime to pulledpork.
# docs=/path/to/base/www

# The following option, state_order, allows you to more finely control the order
# that pulledpork performs the modify operations, specifically the enablesid
# disablesid and dropsid functions.  An example use case here would be to
# disable an entire category and later enable only a rule or two out of it.
# the valid values are disable, drop, and enable.
# state_order=disable,drop,enable

# Define the path to the pid files of any running process that you want to
# HUP after PP has completed its run.
# pid_path=/var/run/,/var/run/,/var/run/
# and so on...
# pid_path=/var/run/

# This defines the version of snort that you are using, for use ONLY if the 
# proper snort binary is not on the system that you are fetching the rules with
# This value MUST contain all 4 minor version
# numbers. ET rules are now also dependant on this, verify supported ET versions
# prior to simply throwing rubbish in this variable kthx!
# snort_version=

# Here you can specify what rule modification files to run automatically.
# simply uncomment and specify the apt path.

# What is the base ruleset that you want to use, please uncomment to use
# and see the README.RULESETS for a description of the options.  
# Note that setting this value will disable all ET rulesets if you are 
# Running such rulesets
# ips_policy=security

####### Remember, a number of these values are optional.. if you don't 
####### need to process so_rules, simply comment out the so_rule section
####### you can also specify -T at runtime to process only GID 1 rules.
