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Description: Macross F - The False Songstress - Live Notes
Submitted on February 7, 2023 at 02:25 PM

New Paste 1 (Text)

MACROSS FRONTIER - The false songstress - Notes

Space has no top of bottom, but I want to fly even if I might fall - I like that. Already richer than his entire show character
Ranka singing Diamond Crevasse? Well that's a big fucking surprise
Oh Sheryl is singing it too? Unknown duet, I love it!
Okay so not on the brink of extinction, just worried about future threats and wanting to ensure its survival
Map! Everyone set out from Eden? Galaxy is the 21st fleet, and moved close to them
Fucking Grace
Is that a rip off the Sydney harbor? 
Oh, Ranka already knows Alto here? Not sure I like that given the emphasis of their first meeting but it is interesting
Phone got a color change? How random
The use of music over Ranka going through the city is very movie, but I like the feel it grants to things
The giant hill with the trams is very SF though for sure as someone mentioned that before
Fucking Luca
Oh hahahaha the Sheryl calling him an amateur came up for rehearsal this time? Nice way to recontextualize that moment
Changes of Klan not being a joke this time?
Hahhaa, Micheal chasing Klan for stealing his ramen at practice this time, I like when they do stuff like that
HAHAHAHA BOOB DUMPLINGS. LOVE IT. So I take it we're not getting the trapped in the shelter subplot
Hahahaha, phone turned into a flight baton, I love it
"Sheryl the white rabbit"
The concert is certainly a lot more extravagant this time thanks to CGI. I hate it
Sheryl with that hair and the love heart reminds me of Tetra from Log Horizon
This song is very horny, meh. Actually the more I listen to it the more I hate it
Oh thank fuck the battle is interrupting that shit
OH she just fucking jumps off herself this time and gets Alto to catch her, Thats daring
Vajra just out here beating the shit out of the fleets defense forces while no one notices
Seeing the battle from below like this is pretty impressive
I'm back to hating Sheryl already, just a bit
Sheryl being down on the street like this reminds me of the DYRL catch. Also RIP Ranka as a result?
I don't like Sheryl's redesign I have to say
Vajra doing the kaiju walk through the city thing, I love it
Not a fan of the music carrying through this scene either rather tham emphasizing the squish. Also there's Ranka, of course this is when they came for her I guess
There's that pirates of the carribean song again
So that's how Ozma gets injured this time, in the initial attack. And kneeling in the blood is harsh
Ranka's scream created a fold response? So not even just music this time
Brera is already part of it, and brought into things before Ranka which is nice. Bodyscan? Also he knew the Vajra attack would happen huh
Ewwwwww he took her through the sewer. Dude please
Leon being ahead of the planning for the media management a hint that he knew it was coming
So they're suspicious of the timing that it happened when Sheryl was here? Already a better sign
So they're still doing the SMS and NUns split, but not hiding Grace's involvement in things this time
Oh Canaria is the doctor who was looking after Ranka. I forgot about that
Goddamit they are still doing the funeral thing, it's just so weak knowing they'll make nothing of it in the end
Meeting her at the park with Aimo is still the same
Ranka's character is more about the living than the being forgotten and left behind a few times
"We are in a warm ocean" this time, rather than a call to a place
Sheryl knows the song too? Through Brera? That certainly changes things. This is a much weaker meeting for Ranka and Sheryl's first one
Hahahaha, fish phone, I love it. Did kind of ruin the intensity of the mood though which is funny
Hahahaha weird ass animation running off the edge of the screen, that's funny
Why Kland oing a weird squat in the corner
Hahahaha initial rite to gas bomb him and they all had masks. I love it
REALLY THE LOCKER ROOM SCENE. This is what they felt was important? I get that it ties into her losing her earring, but please. Oh they skipped the bad part of it, I'm impressed
Ranka suddenly just is in the pageant and we skipped all the build up for it
Hahahaha, the sound effect when Sheryl tried to catch the butterfly was awesome
Sheryl still demanding all of his attention and then some, so hopefully that side of thing hasn't changed
The explanation about the Galaxy and implants over the city trip works better in the movie due to the styling
Hippo cows! Reminds me of the fauna in ATLA
A punch instead of a slap at the accidental nudity? I'm definitely up for that small change
Bandages that auto blend to your skin? I like that
"I hate the military, having to follow someones orders" eh? its hopeful but who knows how it will turn out
Her mother sung it too her? HA, that's actually a hilarious subversion of what you usually expect from Aimo in the show
Mao knew what it was a song from, and passed it onto her?
"rather than for people its a song sung for the forest and birds" thats a clever take on Ranka from Sheryl
And coming out right away with Sheryl seeing that Ranka loves him, that's nice
Brera is following Ranka already huh, so did Grace actually find out about her this time and come this way for her
So they think that Vajra are part of a plot from the Galaxy? Interesting we're starting with that
Ranka wants her song to reach out to people already? Interesting change up
Interesting that you never find out about her being part Zentradi in this one
The paper plane to get her to stop singing doesn't work as well without the full discussion at the park
This feels ike it all happened too quickly from Sheryls initial evaluation of her to immediately seeing her singing on the Zentradi isle
The smile after Sheryls kiss is a nice touch from Alto
Damn, we're still doi... was that live action natto with a filter? But still doing the product advertisements huh
Montage of all of Ranka's advertisements is kind of funny actually
Alto still has to do the walk of shame in the unpowered suit after losing
The Daruma outfit was actually pretty funny because of how unexpected it was
Micheal being match maker for Alto and Ranka is cute
Theres goes Ranka feeling unseen walking up this hill again
Hahaha, lead him to the mart so she could hear her song for it, that's cute
ALto talking about all the things you find fantastic about Sheryl is not a good thing while with Ranka
So Alto being sick of the path his father chose for him actually came from him this time, its so much better than it coming from his brother. Also little Alto with the paper plane feels so much more meaningful
Pretty moon visual
FUCKING FINALLY. Alto talks about the division between himself and his roles and how he found that confronting to lose himself in it, so he ran from it
Him confiding in Ranka and to be comforted by her that he is just himself feels important for those two
So they think that Sheryls is targeting Alto to get close to Ranka? 
Oh was that the shot Sky uses from Micheal in her posts?
Hahahaha Sharon Apple listed as a spy or terrorist along with Mata Hari, that's funny
So they definitely know about Ranka, Sheryl has the pictures of her with Mao on her phone. Is that why Grace picked up Sheryl as well?
Now I understand why it comes to her, it can hear her and not the others
Hahaha, being mad that she finally called someone and he didn't answer, its the small things
Sheryl running into Ranka at the park reminds me of Plus
Sheryl crossing the boundary towards Ranka, nicely done
"playing the role of the galactic fairy, times that i wish i could just be myself"
Aimo duet!
Okay this time it being both of them it makes little sense they'd both translate it the same way
HAHAHAHA SQUIRREL GLOWING from the song, that's adorable
Alto showing up just to see Sheryl chasing Ranka is not a good first impression given what he's been told
They don't recognize Squirrel as a Vajra this time? That's a nice detail. Ahhhhh there's the Galaxy shot again
Self tying hair is a pretty cool detail for Graces enhanced body
The CGI rendering in ths is definitely below standard
Alto resonates with the fold crystal when he touches it and gets her feelings. I like it
Puts the earring on and now he sees himself as her? Well thatd slightly disturbing. Oh man, what a way to see her backstory, connect with her fear of abandonment and being alone again through the crystal
There is absolutely no context given at all for who Cathy is in this
So she's not using her true name this time, thank FUCK for that
Why would anyone takes Graces word of an attack on the Galaxy?
Sheryl thought the Frontier would be more horrible because they think on the Galaxy Frontier is trying to horde the planets resources
Again, why is the Vajra home planet coming up when they have no reason to know they have one. Or do they knew where it is this time?
Sheryl is going to hire the SMS to go help the Galaxy? I love it. Galaxy Fairy become the goddess of battle
hahaha, paying for it with royalties from her albm, I love it
"Lives" she realizes that she just sent Alto out for that risk too
Hahaha, Cathy complaining about military privatization because the SMS is going out on Sheryl's orders against the governments will. At least they're making use of the split this time rather than making a mess of it like in the show
And why is Cathy going on this mission as far as the movie is concerned?
Sheryls concert while the mission for her is going on is nicely done
So we're not getting Crevasse this time so opening the movie with the ED was the needed use for it?
MM Jenius? That's a fun reference
This is actually a nice match of the songs energy and battle vibe to what's happening
"keep living life with lost of encounters and fairwells"
Sheryl dedicating their song to the people no one else knows are off fighting. Good on her, and I like that for her
Oh, here's Crevasse, it does work better as the final song im this context
Alto being in the mothership when the song starts to affect the Vajra makes more of an impact
OH FUCK they came to the Frontier instead. Well I should have expected that but I didn't think we were there yet
Got summoned by Ranka again? Oh, girls plural from Grace, so they're both affecting it this time
Ranka getting a flashback of her song summoning the Vajra? What a moment
And we see Brera already with no face shading
Sheryl has GORGEOUSLY long hair for that part of the song, oh part of it is her robe, okay then
Hahahaha, the hair ear thing when she connected to the Vajra
Ranks using herself as bait is badass, but also insane
Ranka does the fall to be caught this int.... oh the Vajra got her instead, well that's awkward
Code Q1 is Ranka, so she's awoken Sheryl's power. Grace lying and saying the need to broadcast it for hope and using that to get her song more spread
Sheryls singing reaching the bunkers instead of having it later? I like that
Well this battle through the city is back to being pretty messy in a way the show wasn't
CGI water even, and not good water
LION FUCK YES ALREADY..... awwww, but no Ranka to share it with? Somehow that's so sad
I do think this is one song too many though given how well the lyrics and mood of the last song fit
Okay so its still the duet. The crystal flashed green when she started to sing. Oh boy does Alto need to grow some brains in the second movie with all of this going on that he exclusively has been privileged to know about
Canaria gets her big moment already
FUCKING HELL THE [redatced] FLASHBACKS as he reachers into the red orb to grab her
Alto going for the mid air grab this time
Klan calling for Micheal is meaningless when we've only see her twice
The quieter instrumentals through the grab are fantastic
.......They keep singing now? This I don't like. It feels like her being rescued should be the end of this for now
The stage that Sheryl and Rakna are on with all the screens active looks like a ship
"the cost may be too great" there's that line again, though this time perhaps it means something
hes alive, lets not kid ourselves
Hahahaha he sounds like shit after what happened
Come on, get the hug while she's in big form, I beg you. Nooo, they wussed out of it
The snow seems fitting to end things on, but it's no Haruhi movie
"snow of mourning" look at Ozma being all philosophical
Keeping the earring is an interesting choice. PLEASE make use of it in the next movie hahaha
"not alone" coming back into things, and this feels like a nice ED song. Also a duet. So many duets