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Description: Blood calls to blood part 1
Submitted by Snooooza on June 29, 2021

*footsteps in the forest* 
*music playing through headphones*

Spooky distorted voice: “Theereee you areee…little thing….”

*sound of wind*
*listener pauses the music* 

Sigh further away: “Finally…”

*listeners footsteps grow hurried*
*chuckle from further away*
*wind howling*

Your voice appears closely behind the listener: “Found you.”
*slight struggle*

“Oh come now, no need to scream…hah…after all this time….is this really how you’re going to greet me?...”

“You want to know who I am?...This again…I cant say Im disappointed….our first encounter always makes me feel…ah…exhilarated….”

“Have we met before?...aaaah…smart girl…you always are so perceptive…no matter how many times we dance this dance….”

“Stop fucking around?...*voice dangerously calm*….what… did you just.. say?”
*listener starts to back away from you*

*crack your neck and chuckle*

“Little thing…tsk…tsk…tsk…what are you franticly looking for in that pocket of yours?...*amused*…haha….is it a magic poultice like in the good old days?....or a *sound of spraying*– ARGH!”
*listener pepper sprays you*
*sound of footsteps as she tries to run away from you*

Hiss between your fangs: “You think you can incapacitate me with some spice and pepper?...*roar*…think again…”
*wind whistles*

Ominously: “I’ve always loved the hunt…”

“Look at me…LOOK AT ME!”
*ringing sound as you manipulate the listeners mind*

 Mumble: “Stay…still….”

*fighting stops*
*ringing sound stops*
“…*chuckle*…there, now that wasn’t that hard….was it?...hmm?...why cant you move all of a sudden?...well that is a very long story…one Im certain we can go over another time…but now…”

*breath in listeners scent*
“Ahhh…my sweet little mortal…How I’ve longed for this moment…waiting has been….torture…but as always…it is worth the reward…aaah…”

“Let me just drag these pretty locks of your hair over your shoulder and…*deep breath*…look at that beautiful neck…pulsing…throbbing with warmth….calling…for me to…*trail off*.”

“Hush now…*ominous chuckle*…Im not going to hurt you……yet…*snicker*…Im going to savor you, my sweet…shh…don’t cry…You know how I despise it when you plead for me to let you go…*lower voice*…I know…I know that its scary to be paralyzed …*growl*…I said; Stop. Crying…”
*slap listener across the face*


“There. That’s better…oh don’t look so shocked…I didn’t snap your neck this time, did I?...I admit…sometimes I forget my own strength….but, its your fault….you always make me loose my composure ….”

“Mmmm…I’ve missed this…This…You pulsing in my arms…It makes me feel…ALIVE again….hah…Finally….having you…frozen into utter stillness….eyes glazed over with tears…cheek turning red from my hand….Oh…little thing….I’ve been waiting so long….Watching you grow up into a ripe age…the time has come…”

“huh?...what am I?...*chuckle*…Im sure you’ll figure it out in no time…over all the millennia’s that I’ve known you….you’ve always been such a clever girl…but…alright…this time…I’ll give you a hint…”

“A riddle if you will…What is cold…but never so bold….as to touch the sun?...No?
... about: who never dies…never grieves a loss….and cant….meet they eye of the lord on the cross?... *sigh*…still nothing?...alright, pet…last one:….What creature…cant take a bite of bread…but shows his teeth as soon as he sees a drop of red?…”


Whisper: “That’s right…clever thing…you might be a worthless human…but…somehow you always manage to figure it out…” 

“…now enough with the pleasantries…I’ve waited a 125 years for this…mmm….Im going to enjoy devouring your fragile mortal body… why?...*chuckle*…Why cant I just let you go?...chose anyone else, huh?…”

“No, no no…that simply wont do….Because…you are…*tremble as you hold back a snarl*…what is owed to me…”

”hah…I remember how we waltzed along the riverbanks in Venice...1920 was when you looked the most enchanting...but I cant deny the appeal of the modern age….What are those called again?....Ah yoga pants…lets get rid of those…”

*ripping sound*

“Oh I almost forgot…*softly*…you may move again…*whisper*…I want you to fight me…”

*forceful kissing*

“Go ahead and scream…my sweet little thing…nobody is going to hear you….”


“Hah! Yes let me see you desperate with fear…the sight of you almost makes me feel like I have a pulse…hah…what?...are my hands too cold?...Am I holding you too hard?…hmm…no matter how hard you fight me…how much you scream and thrash or hit…you wont be able to escape my arms…because you are weak…and human…and you will always be a mouse….trapped…. in between the jaws of a lion. ..”


“Let me force you to the ground and…ah…the sight of you like this…on your stomach…hands clawing at the earth…lift your ass up…do as I say…”



“Look at that…the mere sight of you…you truly are a slut…well why else would your cunt be glistening with want for me?…admit it…you want this…you want me to force myself inside of you…you want to be utterly helpless beneath my body…pressing you into the ground…”


“Stop crying you whore…admit it…admit that you want it...No?...*lo growl*…You are more stubborn than usual…”

*belt buckle*

“Is this how you’re going to treat your master?....fine pet…as you wish…I wont be gentle with you this time…”

*wet sound*

“Fuck, you are tighter than I remember…shhh…shh…you like it when I hurt you like this…no don’t shake your head…see how your cunt is opening up for my cock?...Your mouth may like to tell lies…but…”

*hard thrust*

“…Your body always speaks the truth….fuck…Your insides are welcoming me….just a little further…argh…”

“No…You have to take all of it, little thing…all of my cock has to go…hmm…all the way inside of you…I don’t care if it hurts…I will force my way inside of you and split you in two with my shaft if it pleases me…”

*heavy breathing*

“Now there’s a good slut…yes…let me drag your hips up to meet mine…yes…look at that…my cock forcing its way into your greedy little pussy… Feeling your wet skin give way beneath me…your heart racing… by the devil…let me take what’s mine again…”

*wet sounds*

“There now Im… all the way…ah…inside of you…see that wasn’t so bad…oh I know…I know…my cock is so hard…and….*grunt*… and cold …you’ll get used to it…I promise…”

*fucking begins*

“Mmm…fuck…I can barley hold back…*hiss*…the warmth of your body…ah…it makes my fangs grow out…no don’t worry…I won’t bite down yet…later…later…when…you’re at your most delicious…ah fuck….hearing you cry and beg makes my mouth water…”

“Fucking speeds up*
*hard breathing*

“Ahh…yes…that’s it…let me move that human pussy up and down my cock…no you don’t need to do anything, little thing…don’t you worry…”

*wet sounds*
*hard thrusting*

“What was that?...No more?....No more you say?...*chuckle*…oh, pet…but we’ve only just begun…see how wet you are? much you throb around me?...I can feel your pulse on my shaft…*groan*…”

“Just listen…listen to the sound we make together…”
*wet thrusting*


“You… pathetic little human…you belong to me now…and I will NEVER let you go…*panting *…”

*speeding up the fucking*

“I will pierce your slutty little cunt….with my cock over and over…and over….and make you….*growl*…BEG for me…and I will pinch your clit so hard, you’ll feel like you’re about to black out…that’s when I’ll bite down on your soft neck and….drink the blood from your veins…”

“Ahh…I can hear it calling to me…your blood is singing for me to sink my teeth into you…ah…no…no crying…you’ll love it…oh yes you will…You will cum….yes you will…you will cum because I demand it…”

*harder thrusting*

“Here let me rub your trembling cunt…oh…oh…pet…your clit is so swollen…yes…its so swollen for me…”

*rubbing sound*

“mmmh…that feels good…I can tell…you just clenched down so hard….fuck…let me rub you faster while I fuck you into a gasping pile of flesh and bone…”

*hard relentless fucking*

“Was that a moan I heard?....Oh you are such a bad little slut…here you are crying and begging for me to stop…but in reality…you cant help yourself…can you?”

*wet sounds*

“You want this…admit it…You want me to slam down your fragile little body onto me…you want to feel my cold hard cock THROB inside of you….you want to be a good little whore for your master…you want it to hurt…because you want to please me…isn’t that right?”

“Yes …that’s it…nod your head and I’ll rub you faster…no don’t be embarrassed…just give in to me…give into the feeling of my fingers on your clit and my cock in your cunt…..fucking you…yes…It feels good…don’t let your mind tell you otherwise…”

“Ahhh….yes…I’ll make you melt in my lap…yes…oh fuck…I can feel you dripping down my balls…so wet and warm…mmm…fuck….fuck…so pretty…no…don’t resist it…just let it happen, little thing…just let it happen…”

*deep breath*

“You humans are made for this…for taking…for fucking…for breaking and devouring….fuck…”

“The smell of you makes me salivate…yes…yes…that’s it pet…I’ll force your body to feel good…yes I will…I’ll make you feel so good you’ll scream…”

*wet sound*
*faster rubbing*

“Now… I can tell you’re getting close….mmm…your mortal body is always so eager for release…so greedy to shatter…to tremble…whether I force you or not…you always want this….”

“Say that you are my pathetic little thing…my human fuck-toy…and I’ll let you cum…do it…”

*slapping of bodies against each other*

“Say it!”
*frenzied fucking*

“Say you are my thing…Say it again….Again……Again!....AGAIN!”

“Cum…Cum…CUM FOR ME!”

*bite down on listeners neck*
*gulping sound as you drink*

*thud of heartbeat slowing down*


“Ahhhh…you are….the sweetest thing I’ve tasted in all of my years upon this earth…*suck*…especially when…hah…you are in the middle of your release….but you taste especially…mmm…intoxicating….when you are tremble with fright…and when you mix desire and fear together…you become…otherworldly…”


*slow lick and suck*
“I don’t know if you’re shivering from the orgasm, pet…or if you’re trembling because you’re getting weaker…was I to eager with you?...*chuckle*… I doubt it…I remember what a…pounding you can take…”

*slow hard thrust*


“What?...did you think we were done?...Didn’t you notice that your master didn’t cum yet?...”

*fucking begins again*

“Such an ungrateful little creature …*groan*…here let me grab you by the waist and pull you back up….towards me……*laugh* …unable to move an inch, I see…hah….all you can do is lean back and clench down on my cock…”

*wet sounds*

“Don’t cry…there is still a couple of hours left until sunrise…argh…*low groan*…And I intend to make good use of your body…”

*panting laugh*

“Oh, little thing….I will fuck you until you pass out…and who knows?…I might even continue after that…because…you are mine again…your flesh…your skin and your…blood…is argh…and has always…belonged….to me…”

*fucking speeds up*
*evil chuckle*

*fade to black*

To be continued….