Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on February 12, 2016 at 02:18 PM

Section 1 (Text)

StartupProcName=explorer.exe, no
StartupProcName=discoverylaunchpad.exe, no
StartupProcName=DSLauncher.exe, no
StartupProcName=dslauncher.exe, no
StartupProcName=steam.exe, no
StartupProcName=content-0c458f.dll, no
StartupProcName=zone.dll, no
StartupProcName=flcompanion.exe, no
StartupProcName=salamand.exe, no
StartupProcName=atitray.exe, no
StartupProcName=totalcmd.exe, no
StartupProcName=fam.exe, no
StartupProcName=wincmd32.exe, no
StartupProcName=gbtray.exe, no
StartupProcName=sidebar.exe, no
StartupProcName=rocketdock.exe, no
StartupProcName=freelancerlauncher.exe, no
StartupProcName=xfire.exe, no
StartupProcName=directplay8.dll, no
;StartupProcName=autohotkey.exe, yes
StartupProcName=shipclass.dll, no
StartupProcName=ammolimit.dll, no
StartupProcName=healing.dll, no
StartupProcName=fixedmounts.dll, no
StartupProcName=shiprange.dll, no
StartupProcName=engclass.dll, no
StartupProcName=multiuniverse.dll, no
StartupProcName=DWAX2.dll, yes
StartupProcName=DWAX3.dll, yes
ProhibitedProcess=Cheat Engine.exe
ProhibitedMemorySignature=6068228, 1067450368 ; 0x005C9804
ProhibitedMemorySignature=6064400, 1193033728 ; 0x005C8910
ProhibitedMemorySignature=6100408, 1287568416 ; 0x005D15B8
ProhibitedMemorySignature=5058944, 230 ; 0x004D3180
ProhibitedMemorySignature=6125924, 1065353216 ; 0x005D7964
ProhibitedMemorySignature=104032056, 2210793332 ; 0x06336738
ProhibitedMemorySignature=5069178, 999 ; 0x004D597A - DWAX
ProhibitedMemorySignature=103381166, 8222 ; 0x062978AE - Aimbot
ProhibitedMemorySignature=104452556, 103380704 ; 0x0639D1CC - Aimbot
;ProhibitedMemorySignature= ; Freelancer.ini path
;ProhibitedMemorySignature= ; Data Paths

base = iw09_03_base, dsy_license_admin


; Set to no to disable killing the ship if cheating is detected.

; Adjust turret zoom depending on shipclass. Zero to disable tz.
TZMaxZoom = 0, 0
TZMaxZoom = 1, 0
TZMaxZoom = 2, 833
TZMaxZoom = 3, 0
TZMaxZoom = 4, 0
TZMaxZoom = 5, 0
TZMaxZoom = 6, 1250
TZMaxZoom = 7, 1666
TZMaxZoom = 8, 2083
TZMaxZoom = 9, 2083
TZMaxZoom = 10, 2500
TZMaxZoom = 11, 1250
TZMaxZoom = 12, 1666
TZMaxZoom = 13, 2500
TZMaxZoom = 14, 2500
TZMaxZoom = 15, 2500
TZMaxZoom = 16, 2917
TZMaxZoom = 17, 2917
TZMaxZoom = 18, 2917
TZMaxZoom = 19, 833


; Kick players that are logged in from 2 different accounts from the same
; computer.

; Forces player ships to discharge their power plants when they are in
; cruise.

; Kick the player if they are not using the DSAce.dll

; Kick the player if they have a bad installation (very often ini file cheating)

; Sets the path to calculate the ini checksums. Normally this defaults to the
; Freelancer\DATA of the Freelancer copy that is running. This can be overriden here.
; Make sure to end in a \

; If yes then check all cmp files on the players machine. This stops a number
; of cheats related to model sizes *but* may prevent players with slow machines
; from connecting to the server.

; If yes then check that the system and zone inis have the correct checksums.

; Message to show to player if their installation is valid. If this is
; a empty string then no message will be shown.
;GoodInstallMsg=Installation verified

; Message to show to player if their installation is not valid. If this is
; a empty string then no message will be shown.
BadInstallMsg=Bad installation

; Message to show to player if they are not running DSAce.dll. If this is
; a empty string then no message will be shown.
NoClientDllMsg=Bad installation

; Prohibit players from docking with a jumphole or gate if they used the
; gate within this time.

; Message to show to player if they try to use a jumpgate or jumphole within
; the BlockRepeatedJumpTimer
JumpTimerMsg=Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in %d seconds.

; Instruct the client to lock the Freelancer.exe to a single cpu core. This
; should be left on and stops Freelancer running slightly faster than it
; should and thus stops the player from being kicked for timer cheating.

; Enable debugging. Valid ranges 0 to 3 where 0 disables debugging.
Debug = 0

; Set this parameter to a non zero number to artifically increase the
; server load to emulate a very busy server for testing.

; Change this to adjust the detection tolerance. A value of 1.10 means
; speeds 1.10 times the expected ship speed are allowed.

; Maximum ammo per ship

; If power drain on cruise is enabled then use the following cooldown
; timers. If no timer is specified then the cruise charge time is used.
; cooldown = powerplant_capacity, cooldown_time
cooldown = 8000000, 18
cooldown = 7000000, 15
cooldown = 2250000, 15
cooldown = 400000, 12

; Items in the following section allow infocards to be changed on the client.
; This has a few limitations; the infocard changes persist until Freelancer
; is restarted or they connect to another server that is also running this
; plugin.
; Use FLDev (available from to find IDS numbers.
; The format is <IDS number>=<Infocard Text>
; Wild IFF reads as "Unknown"

; Admin Cannon reads as "BANHAMMER"

; Pirate ID change -- Can only freely engage traders
500935=Pirate ID
500936=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Pirate ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Independent Pirates are people who want to make money by extorting it from others or through other unlawful means. An independent pirate acts only for his own benefit, and has no allegiance to anyone. Pilots carrying this unlawful ID is a Pirate, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend itself and ships of the same affiliation</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Credits or Cargo from Freighters, Transports and Liners in House space and attack them if they do not comply</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can pirate any ships outside of House Space (Bold and Italic) and attack them if they do not comply</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pirate Train.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_fc_n_grp
500638=Nomad ID
500639=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Nomads</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Nomads are sentient biological machines left over from a highly advanced alien race known as the &quot;Daam K'vosh&quot;. The Daam K'vosh had intended to let the Nomads develop and colonise Sirius, but the human arrival disrupted this. The humans have taken many secrets which were left behind for the Nomads: Trade lanes, Jump gates, Cruise engines, Cardamine longevity. The Nomads can subvert humans by infesting their bodies.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Entity carrying this ID is a Nomad, which:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage any ship in the systems listed in the ZoI except for Nomad and Wilde ships.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat transports as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot leave it's ZoI - listed below on this ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with anyone except Nomads and Wild.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot demand credits.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot land anywhere except Nomad or Wild bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Is required to follow the roleplay engagement rules </TEXT><TRA underline="true"/><TEXT>while uncloaked</TEXT><TRA underline="default"/><TEXT>, prior to combat</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>ZoI: Omicrons, Tau-37, All Omegas systems except for Omega-3, Omega-7 and Omega-11,</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Nomad Light Fighter, Nomad Fighter, Nomad Assassin, Nomad Bomber, Nomad Gunboat</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_aw
501403=Hellfire Legion ID
501404=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Hellfire Legion</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Hellfire Legion is a paramilitary faction seeking to overthrow Liberty's government or attain independence from Liberty. The Hellfire Legion was formed by disheartened Liberty Navy pilots who believe a change in power is necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of Liberty and it's people.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Vessels carrying this ID belong to the Hellfire Legion, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can trade and escort traders.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Hellfire ship, in defense of Hellfire bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship within their Zone of Influence. Transports cannot be attacked except for the two exceptions below.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat Liberty Navy, Liberty Police, Liberty Security Force transports within the Hellfire Zone of Influence as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Cardamine, Slaves, Nox, Artifacts, Liquid Cardamine from any ship (including transports) and destroy them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with Liberty lawfuls and unlawfuls except Corporations &amp; Xenos.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use transports with more than 4.300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty systems, systems directly bordering Liberty, Vespucci, Humboldt, Kansas, Coronado, Inverness. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_01_grp
505500=[HF] Hellfire Legion ID
505501=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Hellfire Legion</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Hellfire Legion is a paramilitary faction seeking to overthrow Liberty's government or attain independence from Liberty. The Hellfire Legion was formed by disheartened Liberty Navy pilots who believe a change in power is necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of Liberty and it's people.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to HF official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Vessels carrying this ID belong to the Hellfire Legion, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can trade and escort traders.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Hellfire ship, in defense of Hellfire bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship within their Zone of Influence. Transports cannot be attacked except for the two exceptions below.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat Liberty Navy, Liberty Police, Liberty Security Force transports within the Hellfire Zone of Influence as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Cardamine, Slaves, Nox, Artifacts, Liquid Cardamine from any ship (including transports) and destroy them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with Liberty lawfuls and unlawfuls except Corporations &amp; Xenos.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use transports with more than 4.300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty systems, systems directly bordering Liberty, Vespucci, Humboldt, Kansas, Coronado, Inverness. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_02_grp
505502=PRIME| Primary Artificial Intelligence
505503=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Primary Artificial Intelligence ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Primary Artificial Intelligence is located in Omicron Kappa. Even though Sirius has gained awareness of its existence, the AI Prime is in a state similar to a child, exploring Sirius for the first time, fulfilling their tasks and following their logic instincts. The major tasks are defined in gathering, collecting and aggressively converting any available knowledge. The true nature, full motives and origins of the group still remains hidden, but some people purposely started to give them nicknames such as the Encyclopaedists, after their lust for knowledge.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this ID is an AI of the Primary Artificial Intelligence, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can attack any ship in self-defense or in defense of another AI ship.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can attack any ship in systems that do not contain a jumpgate.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Sentinel class, Harvester class</TEXT><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_03_grp
505504=JM| Junker Marauders ID
505505=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Junker Marauders</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to JM| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Junker Marauders are a group of nomadic Junkers who roam Sirius in search of loot and plunder.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Junker Marauders, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_04_grp
505506=[TAZ] Temporary Autonomous Zoners ID
505507=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Temporary Autonomous Zoners</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [TAZ] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Temporary Autonomous Zoners are a group of esoteric Zoners who believe that the ancient Greek Goddess Eris is alive and well in the Sirius Sector. The "TAZ" have embraced the religion of Discordianism as outlined in their Sacred Holy Tome, the "Principia Discordia". The TAZ are also followers of the ancient Terran prophet Hakim Bey, who coined the term "Temporary Autonomous Zone", and they devoutly follow Bey's philosophy of Ontological Anarchy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasilawful ID is a Discordian Zoner, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Zoner ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband, levy fines and destroy ships if they refuse to cooperate, or violate the Pentabarf, within Baffin only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within House Sovereign Space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo on any base within House Sovereign Space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_05_grp
505508=OSI- Omicron Supply Industries ID
505509=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Omicron Supply Industries</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to OSI- official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Omicron Supply Industries is a collection of Zoner subsidiary companies that specialise in Trade, Research, and engineering for the Outer reaches and the Edges Worlds. Working to Supply remote Zoner Installations and Freeports whilst in turn, bringing the fruits of Zoner labour to the Houses. OSI Do not trade exclusively with other Zoners, often being hired by other factions and companies to manufacture technology, transport base supplies and ferry Passengers.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasilawful ID is a Zoner, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Zoner ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can dock the Zoner Whale within House Space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_06_grp
505510=SCRA| Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army ID
505511=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to SCRA| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Coalition consists of descendants of the Coalition forces that stowed away on the Hispania and sabotaged the ship before it arrived in the Sirius sector, and people who sympathise with their cause and have joined them. They are considered enemies by all five house, but cooperate with the Mollys and Red Hessians.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the SCRA, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Slaves, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine, Artifacts, Nox, Hypnotainment Bands, Nomad Organics, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply with demands.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can destroy ships that are affiliated with enemies of the Coalition.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- May retrieve data.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_07_grp
505512=Special Operative ID
505513=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Special Operative:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The owner of this ID must follow the written restrictions of the Special Roleplay Request made in order to obtain this ID, and may not act outside the boundaries specified in their request. Pilot carrying this ID is associated with the faction they display as their IFF.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>This ID can only be given by an Admin and may not be transferred or replaced without Admin permission.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_08_grp
505514=Order| Order Primary Fleet ID
505515=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Order Primary Fleet</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Order| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Order is an organisation which has its roots in Liberty. Founded to counter the threat posed by subversion of human bodies by the aliens known as "Nomads", the Order operates Siriuswide to counteract Nomad activity. They are considered a terrorist faction by all major Houses however, and are in conflict with the BHG Core. Their allies include the Bundschuh and the Blood Dragons.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is part of the Order primary fleet who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls and quasilawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of bases of the same affiliation.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls, quasilawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by the Order, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Alien Artifacts, Nomad equipment and Nomad remains from any ship, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Wild, Nomad, Outcasts, BHG, BHG Core, LSF, MND, Kempeitai and BIS ships, and any ships equipped with Nomad equipment.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

505516={343} - Dai 343 Kaigun Kokutai ID
505517=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>343rd Kokutai </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Kusari Exiles were part of the Kusari Naval Forces, but got cut off from their home when the Gallic Navy attacked Tau-31. Unlike Kusari, they chose to continue the fight against Gallia, by allying themselves with Bretonia.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Kusari Exiles, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls, quasi-lawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by the Kusari Exiles within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawful and quasi-lawful ships in proximity to a trade lane.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Taus, Leeds, Kyushu, Nagano, Tottori, Hokkaido</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Kusari Destroyer</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_10_grp
505518=(\^/) The Phoenix ID
505519=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Phoenix</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to (\^/) official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Phoenix are a group of nomadic Zoners who have picked the freedom that comes with living in the harsh environment of the edge worlds over the limits and restrictions of the colonized space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Phoenix, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an ally, or in defense of allied bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within any house, except on Zoner bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo within any House, except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_11_grp		
505520=BPA) Bretonia Police Authority ID
505521=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Bretonia Police Authority</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to BPA) official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Bretonia Police Authority are the police force of Bretonia. They settle disputes, protect civilians and hunt criminals. Police officers generally do not leave Bretonian space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Bretonia Police Authority who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Bretonia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_12_grp		
505522=BAF| Bretonia Armed Forces ID
505523=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to the BAF| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Bretonian Armed Forces, a military weakened by two wars, is the primary military force of Bretonia. Having defended their people and Queen from the might of Kusari, a new threat has appeared. The House Gallia has broken through the Armed Forces defensive lines, forcing them to retreat. The Armed Forces maintains a high standard of discipline and training, making them one of the most efficient militaries in Sirius. The fight for Bretonia’s survival is at it’s most crucial level, they cannot afford to lose any more ground.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Bretonia Armed Forces who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Bretonia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>* Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia, Taus</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_13_grp		
505524=BMM- Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing ID
505525=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to BMM- official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, commonly referred to as BMM, is the largest mining firm in Bretonia, specializing in mineral extraction, refining, production and shipmaking. While they focus to promote the Bretonian economy, they have fallen on harder times due to the loss of Leeds. BMM's closest ally is Borderworlds Exports, their primary exporter, but are also allied with the local authorities. BMM holds a tense relationship with most other mining companies, including the IMG. BMM aims to promote the Bretonian economy through labor and strength.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Mollys anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against GMS, IMG, Daumann and Kruger within the Taus and the Omegas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Bretonia anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Omega-3, Omega-49</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_14_grp		
505526=Bowex) Borderworld Exports ID
505527=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Bowex Shipping Company is a pioneer in the exploration of the Border Worlds and the exclusive supplier to the Bretonian military and police</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Official faction Bowex) who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can engage in piracy against Gateway outside of House systems.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Bretonia anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Omega-3, Omega-49</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_15_grp		
505528=Gateway| Gateway Shipping ID
505529=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Gateway Shipping</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Gateway| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Gateway is known as a classic underdog, a small but energetic firm holding its own in a market of large conglomerates, both private and government-subsidized. While relations remain tense with its primary rival, Bowex, Gateway is recognized as a firm operating squarely within Bretonian identity and interests. The core business group of Gateway Shipping comprises only the most dedicated employees; usually willing to risk life and limb for greater profits and advancement. They are also dedicated to a more ruthless business approach when dealing with rivals and enemies, even going so far as direct confrontation in lawless regions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Gateway Shipping who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Bowex outside of House systems.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Bretonia anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_16_grp		
505530=[M] The Mollys ID
505531=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Mollys</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [M] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Mollys are a Bretonian unlawful faction that formed out of revolting BMM miners. They focus on Piracy and smuggling Gold. They prefer to attack BMM and are most numerous in the Dublin system. They are enemies of the Corsairs.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Mollys who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack BMM anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except against Bretonia lawfuls or Corsairs.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_17_grp		
505532=GRN| Gallic Royal Navy ID
505533=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Gallic Royal Navy</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to GRN| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Gallic Royal Navy comprises the bulk of Gallia's spaceborne armed forces. In conjunction with the Gallic Royal Police, the Royal Navy works to secure the Crown's borders from all threats, both domestic and external. Furthermore, they are currently involved in an immense offensive against a large coalition of forces as they seek to push further and further into the Sirius sector. With a vast house to patrol, bloody battlegrounds on the Libertonian and Bretonian fronts, and ongoing instability in the crucial corridor system of Tau-23, the might of the King's Royal Navy has never been more tested.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Following extensive restructuring in 737 A.G.S., the Office of Naval Intelligence was at last fully integrated by the Royal Navy. The agency's chequered past had alarmed many within Gallia's armed forces, but it was deemed too valuable to be entirely shut down. Now tightly bound to Naval High Command's will, and kept under constant close scrutiny, the Office operates wholly in conjunction with the Royal Navy itself - in stark contrast to the other four Houses' intelligence agencies, which operate autonomously of their House militaries.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Gallic Royal Navy who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Gallia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallia Borderworlds, Taus, Bretonia, Magellan</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_18_grp		
505534=IDF| IDF Shipping ID
505535=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Ile-de-France Shipping</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to IDF| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Ile-de-France Shipping S.A. is one of the leading shipping company in Gallic space. The Crown has a significant stake in IDF operations, owning over 40 percent of the company's stock. With EFL Oil & Machinery IDF extensively participated in building the system of Gallic jump gates and trade lanes. IDF participated in the construction works and provided transport for huge lane and gate parts that EFL developed and built in its shipyards. Today, the company's ships are frequently seen providing supplies for the front line outposts of the Sirius invasion fleet. Ile-de-France Shipping's loyalty is unquestionable. IDF is working on systematic development and increasing the company's market value to ensure the financial security of its shareholders and employees, instead of blindly hunting for the best profit. "Loyalty over Profit".</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is an employee of IDF Shipping, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_19_grp		
505536=EFL| EFL Oil and Machinery ID 
505537=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>EFL Oil and Machinery</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to EFL| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>EFL Oil and Machinery is a Gallic industrial corporation which focuses on fuel production, heavy industry and shipbuilding. It is partnered with IDF Shipping.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the EFL Oil and Machinery who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Gallia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_20_grp		
505538=[C] The Council ID
505539=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Council</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [C] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Council is currently the largest revolutionary movement in Gallia, aiming to overthrow the Gallic monarchy and install a republic in it's place. Unlike their allies, they do not attack civilian targets. The Council is allied with the Maquis for their common past, friendly with the Brigands due to common business, and hostile to the Outcasts because of Cardamine. The Council also aids the houses of Bretonia and Liberty in their war against Gallia, but councilmen avoid the house of Kusari if they can.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Council who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls, quasi-lawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by the Council within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus, Bretonia</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_21_grp		
531387=[UC] Unione Corse ID
531388=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Unione Corse</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [UC] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Unione Corse is an old quasilawful organization that focuses on trade, financing, and mercenary work. Smuggling goes alongside as they, with the Brigands, jointly control most of the Gallic black market. While covertly aiding enemies of the Gallic Crown, the Corse remain neutral by occasionally supporting the authorities in hunting down mutual annoyances. Internally, a senate comprised of many "shareholder" families ties them together and oversees operations in space. The Unione Corse are closest to the Maquis and Brigands. Ties to the Council, Hogosha, and IMG also exist. Detested are the Outcasts and their associates.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasilawful ID is a member of the Unione Corse who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from ships within their Zone of Influence but outside of Gallic house space, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines, destroying ships that refuse to comply and as specified within house space as specified by house law.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can fulfill any bounty and escort contracts.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat transports as combat targets when executing a bounty or escort contract against them.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Taus</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_22_grp		
531389=[KNF] Kusari Naval Forces ID
531390=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kusari Naval Forces</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [KNF] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Once the Kusari Naval Forces were the upholders of the will of the Emperor of Kusari as his loyal retainers. After the emperor lost his power during the war with Bretonia and the Gallic invasion, the Naval Forces began serving the Republic of Kusari. They assure the protection of the borders of Kusari and guarantee the safety of its citizens. For centuries they have been caught in a bloody conflict against the Blood Dragons, a rebel group that tries to overthrow the government. Currently the Naval Forces also fight against the remnants of the old Imperial Naval Forces, called the Kusari Exiles, who are still loyal to the emperor and oppose the new republic.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Kusari Naval Forces who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Kusari laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Sigma-17</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_23_grp		
531391=Samura| Heavy Industries ID
531392=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Samura Heavy Industries</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Samura| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Samura Heavy Industries is one of Kusari's 'Keiretsu'. The history of Samura is deeply intertwined with the Kusari Shogunate, its ruling body. Samura holds key contracts for the construction of Kusari Naval vessels, development of Kusari industrial capabilities and producing goods for industrial usage, mineral extractions on the borders of Kusari, and previously held the exclusive rights for the distribution of valuable resources produced by the Gas Miners Guild. However, because the agreement with the GMG has recently expired, Samura faces fierce competition with the GMG's business partner, archrival Kishiro Technologies, as it ventures into the fuel market.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Presently, Samura is forming strong ties with Rheinland and Gallic corporations to fortify its position outside of Kusari. Although the Kishiro backed government has ousted the Emperor and taken away some of Samura’s influence within Kusari, parts of Samura are secretly working on returning the rightful Emperor to the throne along with regaining its influence. Samura is also engaged in a protracted dispute with Synth Foods over the race to feed the expanding populations of Kusari and the other Houses.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of Samura Heavy Industries who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Kishiro, GMG or Synthfoods outside of House systems.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Kusari anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except for Farmers Alliance.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, Rishiri, Tau-29, Sigma-17</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_24_grp		
531393=Kishiro| Kishiro Technologies ID
531394=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kishiro Technologies</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Kishiro| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Kishiro Technologies is one of the two great keiretsu of Kusari and one of largest manufacturers of technology in Sirus ranging from simple electronic devices and Optical chips to Ships and Weapons. Kishiro's biggest competitor to date is Samura Industries, both who are always trying to oust each other. Though it is not just about corporate rivalry, it is also largely due to their political views. Kishiro embraces change and innovation over the conservative views of Samura who are uncomfortable with change. One of Kishiros Biggest allies are the Gas Miners Guild and more recently Gateway Shipping. Since the formation of the Republic of Kusari, Kishiro has had a great pull in Kusari politics. One of the most recent achievements was having the treaty of Kusari and Bretonia signed, which has once again enabled commerce between both nations.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Kishiro Technologies who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Farmers Alliance, Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Samura outside of House systems.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Kusari anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, Okinawa, Sigma-19, Tau-29</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_25_grp		
531395=[|] Black Dragon Society ID
531396=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Black Dragon Society</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [|] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Hogosha are a quasi-lawful crime syndicate with a strong influence in Kusari society who wish to repel influences from foreign houses. They oppose the Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums and Junkers. Considered civilians in Kusari society, they abide by Kusari law within Kusari systems, but can engage in piracy outside of Kusari borders. The Hogosha are allied with the Corsairs and frequently smuggle Alien Artifacts.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is member of the Black Dragon Society who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Kusari house space, and attack them if they do not comply. Ships belonging to Samura are exempted from this.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines, destroying ships that refuse to comply and as specified within house space as specified by house law.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Junkers anywhere, including transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for KNF, KSP, and Samura against unlawfuls only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lyonnais, Taus, Sigmas</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_26_grp		
531397=LPI- Liberty Police, Inc. ID
531398=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Police, Inc.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to LPI- official donut munchers.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Liberty Police Incorporated (LPI) is a private company that handles the policing of Liberty space to interdict the transportation of contraband and to prevent attacks on civilian and commercial traffic. While there are rumors of corruption and bribery being rampant within the ranks of the LPI, they are normally silenced quickly. The LPI is renown for it's ability to strike with deadly force at any threat from within Liberty's borders.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Liberty Police who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_27_grp		
531399=[LN] Liberty Navy ID
531400=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Navy</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [LN] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Liberty Navy Primary Fleet is the primary military arm of the Libertonian Armed Forces. Possessing some of the finest in military technology and a wealth of capital vessels, the Liberty Navy helps to protect Libertonian sovereignty, as well as assisting its ally, the Bretonians, in defense and in war. The current Liberty Navy admiralty headquarters is centralized at Planet Columbia, Virginia. Primary training and recruitment takes place at West Point Military Academy, New York, with secondary advanced training taking place at Richmond Military Academy, Virginia.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Liberty Navy who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, Ellesmere or the Zone-21 Minefield that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Hamburg, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, New London, Dundee</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_28_grp		
531401= =LSF= Liberty Security Force ID
531402=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Security Force</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to =LSF= official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Liberty Security Force (LSF, or the Agency) is the intelligence branch of the Liberty Armed Forces, gathering information all over Sirius and operating in secrecy to ensure the free flow of goods and services in Liberty as well as the maintenance of national security. The Agency also maintains presence on every inhabited planet in Liberty space. Although space operations do form a significant part of the Agency's operations, the role of LSF agents serving planetside should not be underestimated. Those agents conduct local investigations, perform arrests and resolve critical situations, often coming to the rescue to the local authorities, when LSF intervention is deemed necessary.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Liberty Security Force who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, the Zone-21 Minefield, or the Ellesmere system that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>-Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_29_grp		
531403=DSE) Deep Space Engineering ID
531404=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Deep Space Engineering</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to DSE) official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Today's Deep Space Engineering is the backbone of the Libertonian heavy industry, large scale manufacturing, mining and refinery powerhouse. As the corporation has evolved over the years, so has its interpretation of allies and friends. While it is still fundamentally a proud Libertonian company, opinions and diplomacy have altered its stances with other core Libertonian corporations. As such, Deep Space Engineering has sought alliances and friendships elsewhere, vesting trust in those who share the same goals and moral compass as themselves, while providing Deep Space Engineering with services others are unable to provide. Deep Space Engineering is in a tight knit relationship with Interspace Commerce while also sharing a shadowy, clandestine alliance with the Junker Congress and dealings with other less than legal organizations.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Deep Space Engineering who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Lane Hackers anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Liberty anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Slaves from any ship carrying them and destroy those who refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Jump Gate Parts and Trade Lane Parts from traders not belonging to Ageira, Universal Shipping or DSE, and destroy those who refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_30_grp		
531405=[*USI*] Universal Shipping ID
531406=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Universal Shipping</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [*USI*] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>USI is one of the "Big Three" corporations of Liberty. They are known to be skilled at shipping commodities through high-risk areas, and also the bulk transport of goods in convoys. Universal is often contracted by Ageira or DSE to handle large-scale shipments that they cannot handle on their own. USI operations are supported from our bases Pennsylvania.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Universal Shipping who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Liberty anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_31_grp		
531407=Ageira~ Ageira Technologies ID
531408=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Ageira Technologies</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Ageira~ official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Ageira Technologies is a Liberty industrial corporation which specialises in Jump Gate and Trade Lane technologies, and other high tech industries. They partner with Universal Shipping and Deep Space Engineering.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Ageira Technologies who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Counterfeit Software, Jump Gate Parts and Trade Lane Parts from traders not belonging to Ageira, Universal Shipping or DSE, and attack if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Lane Hackers anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Liberty anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_32_grp		
531409=LR- Liberty Rogues ID
531410=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Rogues</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to LR- official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Rogues are notoriously the least organized and developed crime society all over Sirius - the reality is, that the Rogues have more hidden outposts and have more advanced ships than anyone would expect. The group officially fights for the freedom of Liberty, but LSF officials disseminate that most of them fight and rob trade convoys because this is the only way for them to survive - however, no one, including the Liberty Rogues themselves know their true goal.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Liberty Rogues who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Shikoku, Humboldt, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_33_grp		
531411=PLR: Padua Liberty Rogues ID
531412=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA color="red" bold="true"/><TEXT>This ID has been discontinued due to a strip of official status. Please buy the ID corresponding to your NPC faction.</TEXT><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_34_grp		
531413=XA- Xeno Alliance ID
531414=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Xeno Alliance</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to XA- official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Xenos are an ultranationalist terrorist group in Liberty who focus on the expulsion of foreigners. They prefer to hit foreign shippers instead of Liberty shippers, and prefer to destroy rather then steal.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Xeno Alliance who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships not belonging to Liberty corporations within their Zone of Influence. Can treat transports as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo from any ship within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Humboldt, Vespucci, Shikoku</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_35_grp		
531415=LH~ The Lane Hackers ID
531416=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Lane Hackers</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to LH~ official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The inner circle of the Lane Hackers is a very small but greatly influential group specializing in high-profile extortions, industrial sabotage and intelligence gathering. They oversee large portion of Cardamine market in Liberty and are well known for their deeply rooted animosity towards Liberty corporations and government.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Lane Hackers who::</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Ageira, Interspace and IND anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can pirate vessels carrying Jump Gate Parts, Trade Lane Parts and Gate/Lane Parts anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Manchester, Leeds, Shikoku, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_36_grp		
531417=RFP| Rheinland Federal Police ID
531418=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Rheinland Federal Polizei</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to RFP| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Rheinland Federal Police space forces serve as the main law enforcement authority within Rheinland borders, with focus on fight with criminal activities such as contraband smuggling, cardamine trafficking, slavery or use of illegal equipment. Second and equally important task is to secure safety of civilian and commercial traffic against pirates as well as all criminal or terrorist groups. RFP| is the elite primary department, which includes also high command of all police forces, and officers which serve in it are equipped with top quality gear. Its goal is to attract into ranks the best police officers from whole house to achieve excellent results and be true pride of Rheinland.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Rheinland Federal Polizei who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_37_grp		
531419=[RM] Rheinland Military ID
531420=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Rheinwehr</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [RM] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Rheinland Military are the military of Rheinland. They maintain Rheinland rule in systems claimed by Rheinland and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Rheinland. Rheinland is at war with Liberty.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Rheinwehr who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland, Texas</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_38_grp		
531421=BDM| Buro der Marineintelligenz ID
531422=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Buro der Marineintelligenz</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to BDM| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Marine Nachrichten Dienst is the Rheinland covert operations service, who specialise in spying and sabotage outside of Rheinland space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Buro der Marineintelligenz who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influene.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland outside their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_39_grp		
531423=DHC- Daumann Heavy Construction ID
531424=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Daumann Heavy Construction</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to DHC- official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest mining and manufacturing corporation in Rheinland. It has a partnership with Republican Shipping and competes with BMM, and the Independent Miners Guild. Daumann often uses mercenaries to attack competition and protect its interests. The Red Hessians often attack Daumann ships.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Daumann Heavy Construction who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Red Hessians anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Blood Diamonds from any ship carrying them and destroy those who refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against the IMG and BMM in the Omegas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Rheinland anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Saar, Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-9, Omega-11</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_40_grp		
531425=Kruger| Kruger Mineralien ID
531426=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kruger Mineralien</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Kruger| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Kruger Mineralien made a financial deal with ALG which eventually lead to the rise of Kruger, even though ALG was working with the IMG in the background. Kruger Mineralien cooperates with Gallia in order to stand on multiple feets resource wise, helping the economy of Rheinland. Fuel production was increased on Mannheim Station, with the help of Samura Heavy Industries. Kruger Mineralien decided to work with Daumann Heavy Construction, instead of ALG, against their common enemies, in particular the Red Hessian Army.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Kruger Mineralien who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Red Hessians anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Blood Diamonds from any ship carrying them and destroy those who refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against the GMG and IMG in the Omegas and Sigmas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Rheinland anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Saar, Omega-7, Omega-9, Omega-11, Sigma-13</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_41_grp		
531427=[ALG] ALG Waste Disposal ID
531428=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>ALG Waste Disposal</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to ALG| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>ALG Waste Disposal is a Rheinland-based industrial concern focusing on trade, manufacture and processing of metallurgic and chemical products. Typical ALG business involves moving refined and unrefined metals, waste products, and various bulk industrial/chemical goods to and from Rheinland. Their operations are based upon two stations, Wuppertal Refinery, a chemical plant, and Dortmund Station, a smelter. ALG are active all across Sirius, though their operations in Liberty are officially highly restricted and mostly clandestine, in cooperation with Junkers. They have recently been expanding their business into Gallia, in partnership with EFL. Together with their closest partners, the Independent Miners Guild and Gateway Shipping, they form an "alternative" business triangle of mining, shipping, and industry, with fewer ties to the government than companies such as BMM, Daumann, or Samura.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the ALG Waste Disposal who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence, with the exception of Liberty lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_42_grp		
531429=RS| Republican Shipping ID
531430=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Republican Shipping</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to RS| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Republican Shipping is a Rheinland Сommercial Shipping Company. It partners with Daumann Heavy Construction and one of the largest commercial shipyards in the Sirius sector.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Republican Shipping who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Unioners anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Rheinland anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_43_grp		
531431=[RHA] Red Hessian Army ID
531432=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Red Hessian Army</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [RHA] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Red Hessians are a loosely grouped organization of Rheinland workers and miners who have fallen on hard times and taken to a life of rebellion and piracy. They constantly struggle to carve out their own realm against the gluttonous Rheinland corporations. As it stands, the current Rheinland government is weak to the point of being under the near-total control of three massive and shady corporations in the homeland: Daumann Heavy Construction, Kruger Mining, and Republican Shipping. While the typical Red Hessian has the reputation of a pirate or brigand with nothing but personal gain in mind, the leaders of the Red Hessian Army (RHA) have not lost sight of their goals: resisting the corporate oppression of Daumann and Kruger, creating a recognizable presence in the Omega sector, and finally freeing Dresden from the choking grip of the Rheinland Military for the establishment of a precedent to a nationwide revolution.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Red Hessian Army who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat ships carrying Artifacts as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with Interspace, or Rheinland lawfuls against Liberty lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Omegas, Cambridge, Omicron Theta, Omicron Gamma</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_44_grp		
531433=VWA| Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee ID
531434=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to VWA| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Widerstand is the dominant political faction within the Bundschuh movement. Equal parts university ideologues, disillusioned military personnel, and survivors of the fallen Volksfront movement, the activists of the Widerstand fight for the establishment of a social democratic Rheinland. Known for their comparative restraint in dealings with civilian vessels, the Widerstand is nonetheless capable of ruthless violence when faced with limited options. Despite their open contempt for the aggression of the Red Hessians and Unioners, the movement has increasingly resorted to piracy and smuggling to ensure their survival in the face of a hostile universe.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with or against Rheinland Military or Rheinland Police.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_45_grp		
531435=[TBH] The Brotherhood ID
531436=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Brotherhood</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to [TBH] official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Corsairs are a large criminal faction founded from the descendents of the Hispania. They focus on piracy and Alien Artifact smuggling. They are allied with the Hogosha, cooperate with the Gaians and the Unioners. Their enemies include the Red Hessians and Outcasts.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Brotherhood who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat ships carrying Blood Diamonds and Cardamine as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with Kusari lawfuls against other unlawfuls only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Omegas, Sigmas, Omicrons, Honshu, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Dresden</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_46_grp		
531437=|+| Crimson Cross ID
531438=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Crimson Cross</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to |+| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Crimson Cross is the religious branch of the Maltese, or Outcast, society. Having experienced much turmoil throughout their years, the Cross as seen today is wholly devout in their beliefs. Worshiping the nomads, which they refer to as 'Spirits' or 'Lightbringers', they seek to ensure their faith is spread to all corners of Sirius, by any means necessary. The Cross currently maintains chapels and garrisons on most Outcast bases through Sirius, as well as an Enclave on Malta referred to as the Vale of Skorba.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is member of the Crimson Cross who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat ships carrying Artifacts or Stabiline as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with Bretonian lawfuls against other unlawfuls or Gallic Royal Navy only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Liberty, Kusari, Taus, Sigmas, Omicrons, Gallic Borderworlds, Magellan, Cortez, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_47_grp		
531439=IC| Interspace Commerce ID
531440=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Interspace Commerce</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to IC| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Interspace Commerce is an independent corporation that originated in Liberty. It focuses mainly on insurance of cargo shipments, and is very wealthy. It also often provides loans to house governments for large projects such as the construction of a Jump Gate or Trade Lane. They are rumored to have dealings with the Red Hessians and Golden Chrysanthemums.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Interspace Commerce who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Lane Hackers anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except Red Hessians and Golden Chrysanthemums against other unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_48_grp
531441=GMG| Gas Miners Guild ID
531442=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Gas Miners Guild</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to GMG| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The GMG was originally formed by former Honshu agriculturists and fishermen forced to expand into the unclaimed Sigma systems by dire circumstances on their home planet. The lucrative gases in the nearby Crow Nebula allowed them to amass riches quickly, while their business sense drove them to create a guild that would assure their prevalence in the newly discovered star systems designated as the Sigma systems. But as the Guild expanded and grew, they encountered new threats. Pirates and terrorists throughout the border worlds saw GMG convoys and stations as opportune targets for many organized attacks and raids. With the appliance of resources into its paramilitary division, the GMG would open a new chapter in their history by leading the way in nebula warfare for centuries to come, and creating some of the best trained pilots in all of Sirius. These foundations allowed the Gas Miners Guild to become one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the sector today.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Gas Miners Guild who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by the GMG within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Samura and Kruger in the Sigmas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except for Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Sigmas, systems directly bordering the Sigmas</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_49_grp		
531443=IMG| Independent Miners Guild ID
531444=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Independent Miners Guild</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to IMG| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Independent Miners Guild is a confederation of miners that operate outside of House Space. The IMG| is the main body of the Guild, which consists mainly of moderate, law-abiding workers who want to keep their neutrality with the Houses by avoiding confrontation with those. Therefore, their shady links to unlawful groups like Mollys and Hessians are kept secret. The Guild holds significant influence in the Borderworlds, while at the same time pushing into uncharted territory in the quest for undiscovered resources. The Guild is locked in an existential struggle against the Outcasts in the Taus.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Independent Miners Guild who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by the IMG within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband (defined in the Tau Laws) and destroy ships that refuse to comply</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Kruger, Daumann, GMS and BMM within the Taus and Omegas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock cruisers on any base within any House, except on IMG bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except with Red Hessians or Mollys, against unlawfuls only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Taus, Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-9, Dublin, Cambridge, Newcastle, Magellan, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
500641=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Independent Miners Guild</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Independent Miners Guild is a mining corporation that is not affiliated with any house. It focuses on mining and shipbuilding outside of the House systems, and will sometimes trade with unlawful factions such as the Mollys and Hessians. The IMG is allied with the Colonial Republic and partnered with ALG and Gateway. Its enemies include the Outcasts and Corsairs.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is an Independent Miners Guild member, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by the IMG within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Slaves and Cardamine from any ship within their Zone of Influence and destroy those who refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage in piracy against Kruger, Daumann, GMS and BMM within the Taus and Omegas only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock capital ships on any base within any House, except on IMG bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except with Red Hessians or Mollys, against unlawfuls only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Taus, Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-9 Dublin, Cambridge, Newcastle, Magellan, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_50_grp		
531445=CR| Colonial Republic ID
531446=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Colonial Republic</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to CR| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Colonial Republic originated from a deep space mission prior to the Alliance/Coalition war. Forced from the system they were settling, they came to Sirius and found it already settled by humans. They have since tried to establish themselves several times, and are now trying to build up in Coronado. The Colonials are allied with the IMG. They are enemies of Gallia and the Outcasts.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Colonial Republic who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by the Colonial Republic within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except for Council and Maquis</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, Taus, Drake, Inverness, Coronado, Cortez, Magellan</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_51_grp		
531447=.:j:. Junker Congress ID
531448=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Junker Congress</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to .:j:. official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Junkers are a group of smugglers and black market traders who maintain a legal front through scrap peddling. They are rumored to deal with a lot of unlawful factions, but are enemies of the Xenos and the Hogosha.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is member of the Congress who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships in self-defense, to protect another Junker ship, or in defense of a Junker base.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Rheinland, Liberty and Bretonian house space, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Xenos and Hogosha anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_52_grp		
531449=Cryer| Cryer Pharmaceuticals ID
531450=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Cryer Pharmaceuticals</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to Cryer| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Cryer Pharmaceuticals is a biotechnology corporation headquartered in Liberty. They focus on drug research and other medical sciences. Their research into a Cardamine alternative, dubbed "Stabiline", have made them a target for the Outcasts, Golden Chrysanthemums, Liberty Rogues and Lane Hackers.
</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Cryer Pharmaceuticals who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Cardamine or Human Organs from any ships that are not affiliated with house police or military forces and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can lawfully transport Human Organs, Stabiline and Synthetic Marijuana</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Outcasts, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Golden Chrysanthemums anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, Cambridge, Sigma-17</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_53_grp		
531451=The Core ID
531452=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Core ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>*This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to the Core| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Core are a Paramilitary Organization operating mainly within the Edge Worlds and some Border Worlds. They're relentless and willing to do whatever it takes in order to crush their enemies, obtain alien technology and establish their own Empire within the Edge Worlds. Any who oppose The Core, namely The Order and the Corsairs, are exterminated without mercy. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the The Core who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defence, to protect an allied or neutral ship, or in defence of allied or neutral bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls, quasi-lawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by the The Core within their zone of influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can enforce the Laws of The Core within systems containing a Core base.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Wild, Nomad, Order ships and any ships equipped with Nomad equipment or carrying Nomad remains anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Alien Artifacts, Nomad equipment, Nomad remains, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine and Slaves within their Zone of Influence, and attack ships if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Omegas, Omicrons, Sigma-17, Sigma-19</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_54_grp
531453 =Archangels Fighter Club ID
531454=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Archangels Fighter Club</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Archangels Fighter Club are a group of adrenaline-crazed, shady racers that occasionally do mercenary, escort or transport jobs. Unlawful actions are kept secret, but their lifestyle does not often go well with the local authorities.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Club sees the Outcasts as one of the main threats to their Nox and Sythetic Marijuana trafficking and will try to halt the distribution of Cardimine.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Archangels Fighter Club, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> - Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an friendly or allied ship.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> - Can fulfill any bounty and escort contracts, and may treat transports as combat targets when executing a bounty or escort contract against them.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> - Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pirate Train.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> - Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_55_grp
531455=5th| Liberty Navy Fleet ID
531456=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Navy</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT></TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to the 5th| official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet is part of the primary military arm of the Libertonian Armed Forces. Possessing some of the finest in military technology and a wealth of capital vessels, the Liberty Navy helps to protect Libertonian sovereignty, as well as assisting its ally, the Bretonians, in defense and in war. The current headquarters of the fifth fleet is Juneau Shipyard, REDACTED. Primary training and recruitment takes place at West Point Military Academy, New York, with secondary advanced training taking place at Richmond Military Academy, Virginia.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Liberty Navy who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, Ellesmere or the Zone-21 Minefield that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Hamburg, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, New London, Dundee</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_pf_56_grp
531457=~*~ Sisterhood of Dreams ID
531458=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Sisterhood of Dreams</TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to the Sisterhood of Dreams official faction.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Sisterhood of Dreams is a radical branch of the Golden Chrysanthemum movement. Casting aside their honour through the Ritual of the Forsworn, they've committed themselves to using the brutal, questionable methods that their compatriots would hesitate to employ. Through these, a revolution in Bloom will occur through which a Matriarchy will be established in Kusari; lead by the Empress in training. They currently are the dominant force in the GC movement.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for the GMG and Interspace.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lyonnais</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; dsy_license_fc_g_grp
500620=Gaian ID
500621=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Gaians</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Gaians are an eco-terrorist faction. They oppose terraforming and the exploitation of Planet Gaia in the Edinburgh system. They prefer to attack Planetform.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Gaians, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Planetform and Orbital Spa anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat transports carrying Terraforming Gases or Gaian Wildlife as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot attack Gallic Royal Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo, except for the Corsair Train.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia, California, Omegas, Taus</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500612=Hogosha ID
500613=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Hogosha</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Hogosha are a quasi-lawful crime syndicate with a strong influence in Kusari society who wish to repel influences from foreign houses. They oppose the Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, and Junkers. Considered civilians in Kusari society, they abide by Kusari law within Kusari systems, but can engage in piracy outside of Kusari borders. The Hogosha are allied with the Corsairs and frequently smuggle Alien Artifacts.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Hogosha, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Kusari house space, and attack them if they do not comply. Ships belonging to Samura are exempted from this.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines, destroying ships that refuse to comply and as specified within house space as specified by house law.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack unlawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Junkers anywhere, including transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for KNF, KSP, and Samura against unlawfuls only.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lyonnais, Taus, Sigmas</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; IND ID - Discontinued
504386=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA color="red" bold="true"/><TEXT>This ID has been discontinued due to a strip of official status. Please buy the ID corresponding to your NPC faction. (Interspace Commerce ID)</TEXT><POP/></RDL>

; Gallic Junker ID - Discontinued
505272=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA color="red"/><TEXT>DISCONTINUED ID</TEXT><TRA color="default"/><TEXT> - Please do not use this ID. It will be removed from the Discovery Mod at a later point.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; commodity_event_01
531290=Sunbucks Coffee
531291=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Coffee</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Coffee is one of the oldest brewed beverages which has been preserved well on the trip from the Sol system. Remaining a very popular beverage, demand has been high for the grounds by lawfuls and unlawfuls alike.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>This preticular brand comes from a popular chain found mainly within Liberty Space, Sunbucks. While normally permissions are not given to civilian or coorperation haulers to move their coffee blend, for a limited time only the Administration of the Cafe chain has decided to let the Galaxy "Taste the goodness".</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; commodity_event_02
531292=Azurite A6
531293=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Azurite A6</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>This solid compound originates from specific Nomad crafted installations. Dubbed Azurite A6, this variant is rare and highly dangerous. Pilots seen transporting Azurite A6 were often lost to various physical and mental illnesses. Extreme caution is advised.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; commodity_event_03
531295=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Christmas Card</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Card: "Seem's you were nice this year and so Santa gave you a present! You can only wonder what's inside of this paper wrapped box...judging by its weight and it's size...Oh wait, it's hard to tell what it even is, let's just say its elf magic...Errrr...Just be a good person!"</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

; commodity_event_04
531297=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>The Apfelstrudel is one of Rheinlands most famous Teig products and is considered as their number one dessert. on business meetings, parties or merely after a meal. Be it the underclass, middle class or VIPs, every Rheinlander knows to appreciate a good Apfelstrudel. It is mostly eaten in combination with coffee, milk, or in rare cases with tea, serving as a perfect snack for politicians and bureaucrats.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Good Strudel bakeries are rare these days and many recipes have been falsified to different versions. But none of them can replace the original. High quality Apfelstrudel are handmade from Stuttgarts golden apples. Only the best, freshest and juiciest apples find their way into the production and are indispensable for the perfect Apfelstrudel.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

531298=Encrypted Documents
531299=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>An encrypted file which appears to use the Symmetric key method. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Packed together, the contents of this document is rumored to be that of technological advancement regarding the now-current theoretical equipment.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

531301=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Fromage from Gallia is produced from the raw milk of cows grazing in the valleys of Planet Marne. It is a semi-soft cheese aged in a cellar for at least 4-5 weeks, carrying an aroma that can be described as slightly musty with straw-like smells floating the air. The texture is semi-soft and the rind slightly dry. As the cheese matures, the rind turns darker and crumbly. In addition, the pate is drier and darker and the flavor stronger to taste. The usual flavors are strongly lactic and slightly salty finished by soft, barnyard, sour notes. It pairs well with Gallic wines from Burgundy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Planet Marne produces this coveted fromage and ships it to Reims Station in order to prepare it for smuggling into the Sirius systems, past Gallic Lawful forces who often capture whole shipments to the delight of their families at home.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

531303=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Synthcargot represents the latest in Synth Foods, Inc. advancements in synthesized food products.  Unlike Synth Paste, which is consumed throughout most locations in Sirius, Synthcargot is rare, expensive to produce and usually enjoyed only among the rich and famous.  Of course, this does not stop the efforts of opposition movements, such as the LWB and Farmers Alliance, from trying to stamp out the transportation and production of this commodity.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL> 

531305=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Recipes for Rheinland sausages vary by system and even planets; with hundreds of different varieties of bratwurst.  Sausage makers from across the Vatherland compete annually for the chance to have their bratwurst served before the vacationers at Planet Baden Baden.  The Kanzler himself is said to have a special place in his heart for the bratwurst served there.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>  

531307=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Video Games are a multi-billion credit industry for Orbital Spa and Cruise.  Their video game division, located on Planet Curacao, produces dozens of titles to the delight of teens and young adults across Sirius.  Transportation of this highly sought after commodity is fraught with danger, as unlawful organizations will often strive to intercept entire shipments for their own markets at home.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL> 

531309=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Bretonia cafes, such as the famous BPA shop, Christys, have long been the home of some of the most delicious crumpets in all of Sirius.  These small round cakes have been the part of many a Bretonians breakfast, along with a hot cup of Earl Grey, Darjeeling or even the common Builders tea.  Some of the best crumpets are found on the Luxury Liner Shetland, served to distinguished guests and dignitaries from many of the House Governments.  They are often eaten with a tab of butter or a spread of jam or honey.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

520000=Equip 1
520001=Volume 900
520002=Equip 2
520003=Volume 900
520004=Equip 3
520005=Volume 900
520006=Equip 4
520007=Volume 25
520008=Equip 5
520009=Volume 25

; Lawful ID Changes
500555=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Police, Inc.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Liberty Police Inc. are the police force of Liberty. They settle disputes, protect civilians and hunt criminals. Police officers generally do not leave Liberty space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Liberty Police, Inc. who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500553=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Navy</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Liberty Navy are the military of Liberty. They maintain Liberty rule in systems claimed by Liberty and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Liberty. Liberty is at war with Rheinland, and is assisting Bretonia against Gallia.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Liberty Navy, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, Ellesmere or the Zone-21 Minefield that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within theri Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Hamburg, Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester, New London, Dundee</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500557=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Bretonia Armed Forces</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Bretonian Armed Forces are the military of Bretonia. They maintain Bretonian rule in systems claimed by Bretonia and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Bretonia. Bretonia is at war with Gallia. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is member of the Bretonia Armed Forces, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Bretonia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia, Taus</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500559=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Bretonia Police Authority</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Bretonia Police Authority are the police force of Bretonia. They settle disputes, protect civilians and hunt criminals. Police officers generally do not leave Bretonian space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Bretonia Police Authority, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Bretonia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500561=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kusari Naval Forces</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Kusari Naval Forces are the military of Kusari. They maintain Kusari rule in systems claimed by Kusari and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Kusari. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is enlisted in the Kusari Naval Forces, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Kusari laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Sigma-17</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500563=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kusari State Police</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Kusari State Police are the police force of Kusari. They settle disputes, protect civilians and hunt criminals. Police officers generally do not leave Kusari space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Kusari State Police, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Kusari laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500565=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Rheinland Military</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Rheinland Military are the military of Rheinland. They maintain Rheinland rule in systems claimed by Rheinland and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Rheinland. Rheinland is at war with Liberty.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is enlisted in the Rheinland Military, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland, Texas</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500567=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Rheinland Federal Police</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Rheinland Federal Police are the police force of Rheinland. They settle disputes, protect civilians and hunt criminals. Police officers generally do not leave Rheinland space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the Rheinland Federal Police, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can escort traders within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls or participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

500854=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Liberty Security Force ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Liberty Security Force is the Liberty covert operations service, who specialise in spying and sabotage outside of Liberty space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is in the Liberty Security Force, who :</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can engage and destroy any ships within Alaska, the Zone-21 Minefield, or the Ellesmere system that do not belong to either the LSF or Liberty Navy.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Liberty laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Liberty to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

504384=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Bretonian Intelligence Service ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Bretonia Intelligence Service is the Bretonian covert operations service, who specialise in spying and sabotage outside of Bretonian space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Bretonian Intelligence Service (BIS), who :</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Bretonia laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia outside their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Bretonia to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

504022=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Kempeitai ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Kempeitai is the Kusari covert operations service, who specialise in spying and sabotage outside of Kusari space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Kempeitai, The Kusari Police intelligence agency, who :</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Kusari laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within Kusari house space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari outside their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

504023=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Marinenachrichtendienst ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Marine Nachrichten Dienst is the Rheinland covert operations service, who specialise in spying and sabotage outside of Rheinland space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the Marinenachrichtendienst (MND), the Rheinland Military intelligence agency, who :</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand contraband and levy fines within their Zone of Influence, and attack if ships refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which are in violation of Rheinland laws or belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can defend allied or neutral lawful ships and bases within their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland outside their Zone of Influence. Can demand transports which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Rheinland to drop all cargo and attack if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can ally with unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- While using cruisers, can only attack in self-defense when outside their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;Example to set up a player faction iff
;Please note that PF01 and PF06 do not exist due to a game bug, you can use PF02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10

;Rep List name
531530 = TAZ

;IFF in space
531540 = TAZ

531550 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ALLIES: </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>Zoners</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ENEMIES: </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>The Order</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The Temporary Autonomous Zoners are a group of esoteric Zoners who believe that the ancient Greek Goddess Eris is alive and well in the Sirius Sector. The "TAZ" have embraced the religion of Discordianism as outlined in their Sacred Holy Tome, the "Principia Discordia". The TAZ are also followers of the ancient Terran prophet Hakim Bey, who coined the term "Temporary Autonomous Zone", and they devoutly follow Bey's philosophy of Ontological Anarchy.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;pf_10_grp IFF (text shown on reputation list)
531538 = Reclaimers
;PF10 (shown in target list and in space)
531548 = Reclaimers
;Infocard related to the faction
531558 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ALLIES:  </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>Unknown</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><TEXT>ENEMIES:  </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><TEXT>Unknown</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Nothing is known about this group.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;Zoner ID update
500643 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Zoner</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>Zoners are civilians who have rejected house rule. They are usually isolationists, and prefer to live outside of house borders, unburdened by house laws. They generally welcome both lawful and unlawful factions, trading freely between them. Zoners avoid conflict when possible, however this does not exempt Zoners from piracy by many unlawful factions.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a Zoner, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Zoner ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within House Sovereign Space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo on any base within House Sovereign Space.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;Lane Hacker ID update to match the official faction
500623 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA data="1" mask="1" def="-2"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>Lane Hackers</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA data="0" mask="1" def="-1"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Lane Hackers are a criminal group in Liberty who focus on piracy of high-value targets. They prefer to attack Ageira, Universal, Interspace and DSE ships, or shipments of high-tech equipment, especially Trade Lane and Jump Gate components.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Lane Hackers, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Ageira, Interspace and IND anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat transports carrying Jump Gate Parts, Trade Lane Parts and Gate/Lane parts as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Manchester, Leeds, Shikoku, Coronado</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;Core indie ID update
504081 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>The Core ID</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Core are a Paramilitary Organization operating mainly within the Edge Worlds and some Border Worlds. They're relentless and willing to do whatever it takes in order to crush their enemies, obtain alien technology and establish their own Empire within the Edge Worlds. Any who oppose The Core, namely The Order and the Corsairs, are exterminated without mercy. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>The pilot carrying this lawful ID is a member of the The Core who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls and quasi-lawfuls in self-defence, to protect an allied or neutral ship, or in defence of allied or neutral bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls, quasi-lawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by the The Core within their zone of influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can enforce the Laws of The Core within systems containing a Core base.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can attack Wild, Nomad, Order ships and any ships equipped with Nomad equipment or carrying Nomad remains anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can demand Alien Artifacts, Nomad equipment, Nomad remains, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine and Slaves within their Zone of Influence, and attack ships if they refuse to comply.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot bring Capital Ships outside of their Zone of Influence.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot use transports with more than 4,300 cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Zone of Influence: Omegas, Omicrons, Sigma-17, Sigma-19</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

;K'Hara ID temporary fix
501584 = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TRA bold="true"/><JUST loc="center"/><TEXT>K'Hara</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TRA bold="default"/><JUST loc="left"/><TEXT>The Nomads are sentient biological machines left over from a highly advanced alien race known as the &quot;Daam K'vosh&quot;. The Daam K'vosh had intended to let the Nomads develop and colonize Sirius, but the human arrival disrupted this. The humans have taken many secrets which were left behind for the Nomads: Trade lanes, Jump gates, Cruise engines, Cardamine longevity. The Nomads can subvert humans by infesting their bodies.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the K'Hara player faction, who:</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can freely engage any ship anywhere.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Can treat transports as combat targets.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot demand credits or cargo.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Cannot dock anywhere except on Nomad and Wild bases.</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>- Is required to follow the roleplay engagement rules </TEXT><TRA underline="true"/><TEXT>while uncloaked</TEXT><TRA underline="default"/><TEXT>, prior to combat</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>Allowed ships: Nomad Fighters, Nomad Gunboat, Nomad Cruiser, Nomad Battleship</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT>This ID may only be used if you are a member of the official player faction.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>