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Description: [M4F] BLACK
Submitted by Snooooza on December 18, 2020

[M4F] BLACK (Text)

(This is a sequel to the script RED)

It has been a couple of weeks since you and the bird made an unexpected connection, you've spent most of your time working and getting to know her..sprouting from the madness of your criminal life is this new relationship that, to your suprise, grows more important by the day. 
On the edge of letting her fully into your life and still dealing with the leak in your crew, you are as can be expected...kind of distracted....

The story begins right after an interrogation gone wrong...reeling from your failure you have a hard time calming down...because you can't fail...not when the stakes are so high... 
*car driving*

Snaps: "What?’t want any...."
*stews in anger*

"I said; Im not in the mood...Im not gonna lighten up, Joey....the meetin’ went to shit...why would I say that?!...I just tortured a guy to death and we still have nothin....FUCK!"
*Slams fist against car interior* 

(Your boys eye you wearily.)

"The bird?...What about her? No, she's workin' tonight...Im not gonna bother her with this...I said no...leave it."

"Im not gonna calm the fuck down. Do you guys realize how fucked we are? The pigs are sniffin’ down our backs we are this close to gettin' crew dares do business with us because of the heat AND we still haven’t found the rat...Fuck!"
*slams fist against car interior again*

"Let me out of this car right now...did you hear me?"

"No...I don’t fuckin’ care. Let me out!"
*car screeches to a halt* 

"Unlock this goddamn door."
*yanks at the handle* 
" have three seconds to unlock this door...I will not ask you a second time...I don’t care if we are seven blocks away, I’ve still got my legs so i'll fucking use ’em..."

(You start to count down)
(Cross-eye unlocks the door and you jump out.)

*Sound of your crew beginning to unbuckle their belts*
"Don’t you dare follow me! I need to be alone right now...No you stay...if anyone of you gets out of the car I swear to god I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in your foreheads."
( close the car door shut with a loud *pang* and start walking along the street.)


(You enter your home with a sigh and stop short...someone is inside your apartment...)
Mumbles: "Who turned on the fuckin' lights?"

(You go in further and notice the hallway carpet has been bent at the corner.)

You breath: "What the fuck...?" 
(You let the door close slowly behind you and remove the safety on your gun. You make your way to the kitchen where the sound of someone walking around gets your heartbeat going.)

Mumbles: "Got you bastard..."
(You spring forward from behind the doorway and point a gun at the listeners head. She screams in terror at the gun and drops some plates that crash to the floor spraying shards everywhere.)

You yell: ”What the hell do you think you’re doin’ bird!?"

"What the fuck are you doin’ in my apartment in the middle of the night?!"
(You secure your weapon and slam it down on the kitchen counter.)
"Do you know how fucking close I was to killin’ you, huh? Answer me!"
(You get closer to listener, grabbing her arms...shaking her)
"Do you know how close I was to blowing your goddamn brains out?!...Why the hell are you cryin'?"

*Listener slaps you*

"Did you just fuckin slap me?"
(You stop short realizing your mistake.)

"...oh...Its made pasta with tomato sauce...I gave you the key two days ago...fuck...bird...Im so goddamn sorry...oh no, no, no, no..."
*panic sets in*
"Im so goddamn sorry birdie...fuck, I didn’t mean to. Fuck, do you even understand...what would've happened if I hadn't realized it was you in time?...I know, I know, bird...Im so sorry..."
(You hug the listener.)

"Fuck...if anything where to happen to you..."
*shaky breath*
Whispers: "Im sorry, Im sorry...god, Im sorry..Im fuckin’ delirious...No its not your fault - hey!...I said; its not your fault!...Shhh its okey...Im so goddamn sorry...I should have remembered...I should have paid more attention when I got in...I would have noticed your shoes or coat or somthin'...fuck...look at me...Im So sorry, little bird. That will never happen again, I promise...please...just stop cryin’ it's breakin’ my heart..."

*slow tender kissing*

"Im sorry I yelled at you..."

"No Im not mad....I just...I got so goddamn scared I -"


"You okey?...yeah?"
*more kissing*
"Fuck...if I ever lost you..."
*Intense kiss*

"...oh baby, and you went to all that trouble to make me dinner this late...cause you knew I wouldn’t have time to eat...goddamn could I ever get so lucky? You're the lucky one?, got it the wrong way around..."
*breathes calmer*

"What is it? I look tired? *breathes*...Im don't you dare put it in the refrigerator...I'll eat it right now! I swear...Im starvin'..."

(You take a seat and scoop up food on a new plate)

"See...hungry like a wolf...No, birdie...don't clean it up...I don't care...just come here...sit down next to me...."
(Listener does as you say)

"Good was your day? I thought you were workin' was hectic...what did Sam have you do this time? you want me to - no? *chuckles* Alright, alright...Im not gonna meddle in your was my day?"

"You don't wanna know, me...its not something you need to worry your pretty little head with...But you want to?...okey...let's put it like know what I do, right? What I am?...Yes? And I keep you out of my world cause its safer that we've got a leak in our crew making things very...difficult...yeh...can't trust nobody anymore...not even my own boys...what?...oh no birdie...its delicious I just...don't think I have much of an appetite..."

"Did somethin' happen?...*chuckles humorlessly*...You could say Im not gonna talk about it with you? 'Course I do...more than know more about me than any that how I see you?...No, my line of work there is a code of silence...ómerta...if I break it...if I let you In you will be a part of this...and not in the sweet kind of and me against the would be for life and I don't want that for you...Because you are good and could I keep lookin' myself in the mirror if I let you in?
You really want to know what happend?
I should tell you Wait...say that you realize what you are doin' to me bird? you don't...cause if you did you wouldn't love me no more..."

*sets down fork*

Mumbles: "Do you really want to know what I did today?...fine. I beat a man to death with a crowbar...but not before placing a rat in a bucket over his stomach and settin' a torch to the that what you wanna' hear?...Did you know that a rat can chew trough metal in a life and death situation?, what do you think the rat will chew through if forced?...the bucket or the flesh of a man begging' for his life?..."

"What did the man do? Seriously? Thats what you got hung op on? *laughs*...fuck..."
(You bury your face in your hands)

"Tony caught this guy gettin' rid of correspondens from someone who we think has been turned informant...yeah...somethin's not adding up with the all you've heard can you honestly still say you love me?"

*chocked laugh*   
"You do?...because Im a good man that helps other people?...fuck, little sure are somethin'....say It again...I need to hear it..."
*shaky breath* 

"Come here...I need to feel I don't care...I need"


"Closer...yes...let me pull you into my lap..."

*making out*

"Show me that are amazin' you know that? You do?...*chuckles* Good.."


" feel so good in my hands...this alive...ah fuck..."


"What am I doin'?...Im liftin' you up on the table...thats what Im doin' hike this skirt up...spread your legs for me, birdie....fuck...yes...thats it...wider...let me look at you...oh...what are these?...Black lace won't be needin' those..."
(Pulls panties off)

"Theres that gorgeous pussy of already so wet for wet for daddy...did you think 'bout this while you were making' me dinner?...mmmm...let me taste you...I think I still have some grovelin' to do...and I don't mind doin' it in front of you...on my knees..."

"Ah...let me just part your lips...with my thumbs...oh birdie, so slick for let me taste you...."
*cunnilingus for about 15-30 seconds*

Panting: "What?...your turn?...but Im not done with you yet *continues to lick*...argh...careful little bird...don't tug on my hair...or I will have to punish that sweet little ass of yours...what? You want daddy's cock that badly? *chuckles* could I say no to that?..."

(Listener jumps down off the table and sinks to her knees)

"I have to say...(listener fumbles with your belt) my second favorite thing in this world, besides eatin' you out is seeing you like this...Agh! Fuck!...*chuckles* Slow down...birdie...don't need to...rush...someones gettin' boulder by the minute I see...if..ah..I didn't know any better...aah...I would think my bad behavior was rubbin' off on ya...aah..."

" takin' me so deep...I can feel the back of your throat...fuck...slow down...thats it...such a good girl...taking daddy's you were made for it...yes..swirl your tongue around my shaft...yes...thats it...mmmm"





"No, no, no...stop..*growls* I need you to stop, bird...why? Because if you continue I will blow into your mouth...and I plan on doin' that in your sweet little pussy...*chuckles* Get up...come here..."


"Be a good girl and bend over the table for daddy...mmm...thats my girl...stunnin'...Im just gonna slide my cock up and down your're dripping...oh...what was that?...Please fuck me daddy? *Growls*
Careful, little don't want me to lose control...'cause you have no idea what you do to me...that's why...fuck...don't say I didn't warn ya..."
(You slam into listener with a snarl)

"Fuck...your pussy is...argh...squeezin me fuckin' tight...yeh? You like that? You like when daddy pounds into you?"


"Here...let daddy rub that sensitive clit of yours...oh baby...yes...arch that back...that feel good? Hmmm?...good girl...let me grab your hair...with my other hand...and pull you up...turn your me..."


"'t look away from me, bird...I want to look into your eyes...yes...yes...I want you to look at me when you cum...Is that understood?...god girl..."


"Im gonna rub your clit faster...yes...just like feel the pressure building'? Yeah...gettin' closer...agh...yes squeeze me sweetheart...yes thats it...push back onto me...move those gorgeous hips...yes....yes..."


"Yes, bird...Yes...hold on..."


"Yes...fuck! Thats it...cum for daddy...yes let me se those eyes roll back...FUCK!!! Yes, Yes...aaagh!"

(You and listener climax together)

Panting: "Whoa..steady now...*chuckles* your legs almost gave out? Fuck, birdie...hold on...Im not gonna let you"

*slow and tender kissing*

"You were so god for me...yes you were..."


"Here...let me lift you up again...*laughs*...I don't want you falling on the way to not gonna let anythin' happen to"


Whispers: "...' you...I promise, little bird...if you let me...I will lay the world at your feet...*chuckles* don't want the world? Just me...*laughs*...and here I was tryin to be want to hear me say it again?...I Love you, bird..."

To be continued....