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Description: PKGBUILD - swift-language-git
Submitted by xiota on October 30, 2023
Expires on October 29, 2024 at 09:53 AM (5 months from now)

pkgdesc="The Swift programming language, taken directly from the Apple repository"
depends=('icu' 'libedit' 'libxml2' 'python' 'libbsd' 'ncurses' )
makedepends=('clang' 'cmake' 'git' 'lld' 'llvm' 'ninja' 'patch' 'python-six' 'rsync' 'swig')




# By default makepkg runs strip on binaries. This causes issues with the Swift REPL.
# from
# termux had no trouble up to now, strip all executables and shared objects:
# would be cool to not strip only the ones which really are necessary, but how?

prepare () {
  ln -sfP 'apple-llvm-project' 'llvm-project'
  ln -sfP 'swift-argument-parser' 'argument-parser'
  ln -sfP 'swift-asn1' 'asn1'
  ln -sfP 'swift-atomics' 'atomics'
  ln -sfP 'swift-certificates' 'certificates'
  ln -sfP 'swift-cmark' 'cmark'
  ln -sfP 'swift-cmark' 'cmark'
  ln -sfP 'swift-collections' 'collections'
  ln -sfP 'swift-corelibs-foundation' 'corelibs-foundation'
  ln -sfP 'swift-corelibs-libdispatch' 'corelibs-libdispatch'
  ln -sfP 'swift-corelibs-xctest' 'corelibs-xctest'
  ln -sfP 'swift-crypto' 'crypto'
  ln -sfP 'swift-docc' 'docc'
  ln -sfP 'swift-docc-render-artifact' 'docc-render-artifact'
  ln -sfP 'swift-docc-symbolkit' 'docc-symbolkit'
  ln -sfP 'swift-driver' 'driver'
  ln -sfP 'swift-experimental-string-processing' 'experimental-string-processing'
  ln -sfP 'swift-format' 'format'
  ln -sfP 'swift-installer-scripts' 'installer-scripts'
  ln -sfP 'swift-integration-tests' 'integration-tests'
  ln -sfP 'swift-llbuild' 'llbuild'
  ln -sfP 'swift-llvm-bindings' 'llvm-bindings'
  ln -sfP 'swift-lmdb' 'lmdb'
  ln -sfP 'swift-markdown' 'markdown'
  ln -sfP 'swift-nio' 'nio'
  ln -sfP 'swift-nio-ssl' 'nio-ssl'
  ln -sfP 'swift-numerics' 'numerics'
  ln -sfP 'swift-package-manager' 'package-manager'
  ln -sfP 'swift-stress-tester' 'stress-tester'
  ln -sfP 'swift-syntax' 'syntax'
  ln -sfP 'swift-system' 'system'
  ln -sfP 'swift-tools-support-core' 'tools-support-core'
  ln -sfP 'swift-xcode-playground-support' 'xcode-playground-support'

  ( cd swift && patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/0001-arch-aur-patches.patch" )
  ( cd llvm-project && patch -p1 -F100 -i "$srcdir/0002-stdint.patch" )

pkgver() {
  cd "swift"
  git describe --long | sed -E 's/^[^0-9]+//;s/-([^0-9]+)/\1/;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'

build() {
  # Fix /usr/include error
  find "$srcdir/swift/stdlib/public/SwiftShims" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's|/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu|/usr/include|g'
  find "$srcdir/llvm-project/clang" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's|/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu|/usr/include|g'
  find "$srcdir/llvm-project/clang-tools-extra" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's|/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu|/usr/include|g'

  # By default in /etc/makepkg.conf this is "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
  # Which will break `compiler-rt`
  unset CPPFLAGS
  export DISTCC_HOSTS='--randomize localhost red,cpp,lzo green,cpp,lzo blue,cpp,lzo'

  python swift/utils/build-script --preset=buildbot_linux,no_test install_destdir="$srcdir/destdir"

package() {
  ls -la "${srcdir:?}/destdir"
  mv "$srcdir/destdir"/* "${pkgdir:?}"

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: