Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
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Description: Custom DirectX Handler for the Launcher (custom.nsh)
Submitted by demondevin on January 7, 2018

custom.nsh (NSIS)

; DirectX Custom Code (1/07/2018)
; Written by daemon.devin ([email protected])
; Checks for a local copy of a DirectX DLL and if not found, registers the DLLs in the portable CommonFiles folder.
; Dependancies
;	DirectX Portable Plugins
;		x86 -
;		x64 -

!ifndef REGSVR
	!define REGSVR `$SYSDIR\regsvr32.exe`


Var PortableAppsCommonFiles

	StrCpy $PortableAppsCommonFiles "$PortableAppsDirectory\CommonFiles"
	${If} $Bits = 64
		FindFirst $0 $1 "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX64\bin\*.dll"
		${DoUntil} $1 == ""
			System::Call "kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i0)"
			${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$SYSDIR\$1"
				ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${REGSVR}" /s "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX64\bin\$1"` "" ""
			System::Call "kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i1)"
			FindNext $0 $1
		FindClose $0
	FindFirst $0 $1 "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX\bin\*.dll"
	${DoUntil} $1 == ""
		${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$SYSDIR\$1"
			ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${REGSVR}" /s "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX\bin\$1"` "" ""
		FindNext $0 $1
	FindClose $0
	${If} $Bits = 64
		FindFirst $0 $1 "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX64\bin\*.dll"
		${DoUntil} $1 == ""
			System::Call "kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i0)"
			${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$SYSDIR\$1"
				ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK /DISABLEFSR `"${REGSVR}" /s /u "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX64\bin\$1"` "" ""
			System::Call "kernel32::Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(i1)"
			FindNext $0 $1
		FindClose $0
	FindFirst $0 $1 "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX\bin\*.dll"
	${DoUntil} $1 == ""
		${IfNot} ${FileExists} "$SYSDIR\$1"
			ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"${REGSVR}" /s /u "$PortableAppsCommonFiles\DirectX\bin\$1"` "" ""
		FindNext $0 $1
	FindClose $0