Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Description: FactionsBar - Config.yml
Submitted on August 28, 2015 at 12:15 AM

Section 1 (YAML)

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction is created!
faction-create: '&6&l%player%&b&l has created the faction: &6&l%faction%'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction's description is changed!
faction-description-change: '&6&l%player%&b&l has changed your faction decription!'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction is disbanded!
faction-disband: '&4&l%player%&c&l has disbanded the faction: &4&l%faction%'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction home is set/created!
faction-home-change: '&6&l%player%&b&l has set a new faction home! &6&lX: &b&l%loc_x% &6&lY: &b&l%loc_y% &6&lZ: &b&l%loc_z%'

# The ActionBar message sent when a player is teleported to the faction home!
faction-home-teleport: '&7&lYou have been teleported to the faction home!'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction MOTD is changed!
faction-motd-change: '&6&l%player%&b&l has changed the faction MOTD!'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction name is changed!
faction-name-change: '&6&l%player%&b&l has changed the faction name: &6&l%new-name%'

# The ActionBar message sent when a faction relation is changed!
faction-relation-change: '&b&lYou are now &6&l%relation%&b&l to &6&l%faction%'

# The message sent when the player has insufficient permissions to perform a certain action!
no-permission: '&4&lYou do not have permission to do this!'

# The message sent when the config has been reloaded!
reload-message: '&b&lThe FactionBar config file has been reloaded!'