# ---------=====----++---
# Splitting an item?
# ---------=====----++---
def handle_split_item(msg, client)
return unless zone = client.in_zone_obj
incoming_itemid = msg["message"]["itemid"].as_i64
amount = msg["message"]["amount"].as_i
tabid = msg["message"]["tabid"].as_i
raise "Can't split an item while trading." if client.is_trading
# pp incoming_itemid
# pp amount
if item = client.get_item(incoming_itemid, tabid)
c_item_quantity = item[3]
raise "You are splitting the item by too much quantity." if amount >= c_item_quantity
raise "Invalid split amount, must be 1 or higher." if amount <= 0
raise "The item's quantity must be greater than 1.." if c_item_quantity <= 1
raise "Only Misc item types can be split." if Items[item[1]]["type"] != "Misc"
# Remove quantity from the item
new_item_quantity = c_item_quantity - amount
client.stash[tabid].items[incoming_itemid] = modify_item_tuple(item, 3, new_item_quantity)
client.send ({a: 6, q: new_item_quantity, itemid: incoming_itemid}), "ITEMUPDATE"
db.exec "update rpg_user_items set q = ? where itemid = ? and user_id = ?", new_item_quantity, incoming_itemid, client.user_id
# Now create the new item with amount
new_c_item_quantity = amount
duped_item_original = item.to_a
new_duped_item = item.to_a
new_duped_item[3] = new_c_item_quantity
new_duped_item[4] = 2
item_query = item_to_mysql_insert_query(new_duped_item, client)
result = db.exec(item_query)
if result
client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id] = ItemTuple.from(duped_item_original)
client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id] = modify_item_tuple(client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id], 3, new_c_item_quantity)
client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id] = modify_item_tuple(client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id], 4, 2)
client.send ({a: 7, new_itemid: result.last_insert_id, item: client.stash[tabid].items[result.last_insert_id]}), "ITEMUPDATE"
raise "Error splitting item.. this is real bad.."
raise "This item is not in your inventory.. it might be in the stash awww shit"
rescue e
client.send e.message, "E"