Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted by cummy on November 9, 2021

IT'S 🤔 😮 ABOUT 💓💓 DICKS, 🍆 🍆💦 IT'S 💯 😒💡 ABOUT 💦 PLOWIN’, WE 👶🏃 ❌ STAY 😤 HORNY, 💕 💕 CUM 🥛👌 👌 WE 🙋 👦 SWALLOW 🤢🤢 🤢🤢 STUFF 🔝😯 😱👀 IN 🏠 👏 THE COCK, 😩🍆 SHOVE 💦💦 IN 🙈 👌🍑 THE 👏 NUTSACK AND SHRED MY 🌹👈 👇➕ FORESKIN 🍌😩NUTS 🥜 🥜🍒 AND 👏👏 A DICK 💦😄 🍆👴 IN 👏🚗 MY ✡👈 MOUTH, 🤤 MY 🍬 😽😎 BUTT ☺😨 🍑😥 BE 🐝🐝 BANGIN' WITH 👏👏 🎉🤤 GAYS I 🌈🤢 🚫 SLURP 💦 THE ⚰👉 🏽 SPERM 💦 💦💦 SO 🆘🙇 WHAT'S ⁉ 😦 MY 😇 MOTHERFUCKIN' NAME? 📛😒 ⬅😜 (COCK) (WHAT THEY 🖕 👈 GONNA 🍆 GET 😕 THOUGH?) 🤔 DEFECATION, URINATION, IF ❓🍆 YOU 😒👈 👈☝ WANNA ❤❌ 🏿😏 MAKE 💰♀ 👨🖕 ‘EM 🔥😤 SMELL 🙊 👃 THE 🅱 🏿🆕 GASSES PASS 🛂💯 IN 👆👏 🎁🔥 GLASS NOW 📆 WE 👴👪 MASTURBATIN' WHEN 👏💦 I 🙅🌈 👶👁 HAVE TO 💦 🔭 PUT 😏😏 DICKS IN 👏 ♂ ASSES 🔝🔝 🍑🍑 PEE 💦💦 ON 🔛📱 YA 😫 👦💦 LIKE 😄 🎖👍 WET 💦💦 DREAMS WHEN I'M ⌨ CUMMIN' 💦 💦 YOU'RE 👈😧 💦 GONNA 😩😩 SCREAM, 😱 😱 "PAPA" 👏😎 👏😎 SO CHOMP MY ⌨🎂 NUTS 🥜 AND ☝👅 TWERK 🙅🙅 THOSE 🐥👉 🍑🐐 BUTTS 🍑🍑 (THEN 🔙 👱 WHAT?) 😦👶 CUMMIN' 💦 ON 🙇🏿 🔛🏽 YA' 😩😫 😩 LIKE ♂ JABBA THE 👏🐕 HUTT (AWOOGA, AWOOGA, AWOOGA)