Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on August 24, 2015 at 08:56 AM

Section 1 (YAML)

# Should we send the broadcast messages to the console?
send-to-console: false
# The name of the ChatHelper GUI!
  name: '&8&lChat Helper GUI!'
# The material's used to represent the clear & mute chat option in the GUI!
  clear-chat-item: COMPASS
# A full list of materials can be found here: #
  mute-chat-item: BARRIER
# The material used to represent the temp mute button in the GUI!
  temp-mute-item: BUCKET
# The name of the clear chat item in the GUI!
  inv-name: '&4&lClick me to clear chat!'
# The broadcast sent when the chat has been cleared!
  broadcast: '&4&lChat has been cleared by %player%!'
# The name of the mute chat item in the GUI! 
# Note - This is the name when chat is unmuted!
  inv-unmuted-name: '&4&lClick me to mute chat!'
# The name of the mute chat item in the GUI! 
# Note - This is the name when chat is muted!
  inv-muted-name: '&4&lClick me to unmute chat!'
# The broadcast sent when the chat has been muted!
  mute-broadcast: '&4&lChat has been muted by %player%!'
# The broadcast sent when the chat has been unmuted!
  unmute-broadcast: '&4&lChat has been unmuted by %player%!'
# The message sent to the player if they try to talk when chat is muted!
  chat-denied: '&4&lYou cannot type in chat until the chat is unmuted!'
# The broadcast message sent when a temp-mute has been started!
  broadcast: '&4&l%player% has temporarily muted the chat for %time% seconds!'
# The name of the item in the GUI!
  inv-name: '&4&lClick me to temporarily mute chat!'
# The broadcast message sent when a temp-mute has finished!
  broadcast-finish: '&b&lYou can now chat freely once again!'
# The message displayed when asked to enter how many seconds should chat be muted for?
  specify-seconds: '&4&lHow many seconds would you like to temporarily mute chat for?'
# The message sent when the chat is already muted!
  chat-already-muted: '&4&lChat has already been muted!'
# The message sent when a player does not have permission to do something!
no-permission: '&4&lYou do not have permission to do this!'
# The message sent when the ChatHelper config has been reloaded!
reload-message: '&b&lChatHelper has been successfully reloaded!'