Surprise! We've been running on hardware provided by BuyVM for a few months and wanted to show them a little appreciation.
Running a paste site comes with unique challenges, ones that aren't always obvious and hard to control. As such, BuyVM offered us a home where we could worry less about the hosting side of things and focus on maintaining a clean and useful service! Go check them out and show them some love!
Submitted on March 25, 2018 at 03:59 PM

Srtviper 11
Airylnovatech 10
blvckgovt 10
dr_owl7 10
DuranDeLand 10
FarqinA1997 10
FullSharkAlligator 10
Golgothasarisen 10
JZobel 10
keeptheorchidsalive 10
matthewsalinsky2 10
Muslimovic_22 10
omstar12 10
ParanoidAndroid93 10
Philliam_Swift 10
PossumAloysuis 10
ShrekIsNotDrek 10
sjstgstvmppstchzfpw 10
spencermoreland 10
Sufjy 10
tad_phillip 10
TastedLikeCake 10
The_GreatDepression 10
William_Wallas 10
Hangmans_daughter 9.8
VinylBreadPuddin 9.8
Cardiacshoe 9.5
mandog0 9.5
turbozeus 9.5
botheration7 9.4
Waddle_Derp 9.1
airbagtown 9
alexmcleod23 9
arachnid407 9
ClockTower91 9
HMS888 9
londonsorcery 9
ObsidianKing 9
Piwii999 9
robeacero1 9
snoel-snailjoel 9
tedboothinnit 9
ThePrimeAnomaly 9
Will9925452 9
yeezyyeezywhatsgood_ 9
TheRealSlimFatty 8.9
aleatoric 8.8
stansymash 8.8
Bowlero 8.5
Crankeedoo 8.5
Dannyos98 8.5
dyosshs 8.5
johnmahnob 8.5
TheMoveslikeCatullus 8.5
dvdov 8.3
albertfr0nch 8
Arctic_Spacey 8
ClocktowerMaria 8
DolphLundgrensArms 8
doqtor 8
genericChampion 8
gingerninja113 8
GoddamnBigCar 8
idontappearmissing 8
kinglet22 8
pallum 8
radiomonger 8
spanishrain 8
Spreader_of_Love 8
Thelionnl 8
themilkeyedmender 8
Thomasofzo 8
tin77 8
Ubermencher 8
hudaltheturtle 7.8
LazyDayLullaby 7.8
NFLfreak98 7.8
ElDuderinoSE 7.5
Ervin_Pepper 7.5
greencaptain 7.5
seaofblasphemy 7.5
daswef 7
ericneedsanap 7
gluestick300 7
subliun 7
TheCollob 7
tribefan2510 7
Verdantshade 7
WoweeZoweePavyWavy 7
DominationCheng 6.5
thenshecamelikeaaah 6.5
A_Largo_Edwardo 6
aerocom 6
AfroJoe93 6
ghoulboy-q 6
InSearchOfGoodPun 6
shabazz123 6
TabootTaboot 6
buffalobison4 5.5
nijinokanata 5
SkilledB 5
benschrier00 4
ixix 2
collinwithtwoLs 0
Noth00 0